Module Lamp
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Module Lamp

The Blender.Lamp submodule.

New: scriptLink methods: Lamp.getScriptLinks, ...

Lamp Data

This module provides control over Lamp Data objects in Blender.

 from Blender import Lamp
 l = Lamp.New('Spot')            # create new 'Spot' lamp data
 l.setMode('square', 'shadow')   # set these two lamp mode flags
 ob = Object.New('Lamp')         # create new lamp object                      # link lamp obj with lamp data

Lamp This object gives access to Lamp-specific data in Blender.

Function Summary
Blender Lamp or a list of Blender Lamps Get(name)
Get the Lamp Data object(s) from Blender.
Blender Lamp New(type, name)
Create a new Lamp Data object.

Function Details


Get the Lamp Data object(s) from Blender.
name - The name of the Lamp Data.
It depends on the name parameter:
  • (name): The Lamp Data object with the given name;
  • (): A list with all Lamp Data objects in the current scene.

           (type=Blender Lamp or a list of Blender Lamps)

New(type='Lamp', name='LampData')

Create a new Lamp Data object.
type - The Lamp type: 'Lamp', 'Sun', 'Spot', 'Hemi', 'Area', or 'Photon'.
name - The Lamp Data name.
The created Lamp Data object.
           (type=Blender Lamp)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Tue Jan 4 13:43:06 2005