base class — SCA_IActuator
The mouse actuator gives control over the visibility of the mouse cursor and rotates the parent object according to mouse movement.
Undoes the rotation caused by the mouse actuator.
The visibility of the mouse cursor.
Type: | boolean |
Mouse movement along the x axis effects object rotation.
Type: | boolean |
Mouse movement along the y axis effects object rotation.
Type: | boolean |
Amount of movement from the mouse required before rotation is triggered.
Type: | list (vector of 2 floats) |
The values in the list should be between 0.0 and 0.5.
Mouse is locked to the center of the screen on the x axis.
Type: | boolean |
Mouse is locked to the center of the screen on the y axis.
Type: | boolean |
The object’s 3D axis to rotate with the mouse movement. ([x, y])
Type: | list (vector of 2 integers from 0 to 2) |
Rotation caused by mouse movement along the x axis is local.
Type: | boolean |
Rotation caused by mouse movement along the y axis is local.
Type: | boolean |
The amount of rotation caused by mouse movement along the x and y axis.
Type: | list (vector of 2 floats) |
Negative values invert the rotation.
The minimum and maximum angle of rotation caused by mouse movement along the x axis in degrees. limit_x[0] is minimum, limit_x[1] is maximum.
Type: | list (vector of 2 floats) |
The minimum and maximum angle of rotation caused by mouse movement along the y axis in degrees. limit_y[0] is minimum, limit_y[1] is maximum.
Type: | list (vector of 2 floats) |
The current rotational offset caused by the mouse actuator in degrees.
Type: | list (vector of 2 floats) |