subclasses —
, ActionGroup
, ActionGroups
, ActionPoseMarkers
, Actuator
, Addon
, AddonPreferences
, Addons
, AnimData
, AnimDataDrivers
, AnimViz
, AnimVizMotionPaths
, AnimVizOnionSkinning
, AnyType
, Area
, AreaSpaces
, ArmatureBones
, ArmatureEditBones
, BackgroundImage
, BackgroundImages
, BakePixel
, BakeSettings
, BezierSplinePoint
, BlendData
, BlendDataActions
, BlendDataArmatures
, BlendDataBrushes
, BlendDataCameras
, BlendDataCurves
, BlendDataFonts
, BlendDataGreasePencils
, BlendDataGroups
, BlendDataImages
, BlendDataLamps
, BlendDataLattices
, BlendDataLibraries
, BlendDataLineStyles
, BlendDataMasks
, BlendDataMaterials
, BlendDataMeshes
, BlendDataMetaBalls
, BlendDataMovieClips
, BlendDataNodeTrees
, BlendDataObjects
, BlendDataPalettes
, BlendDataParticles
, BlendDataScenes
, BlendDataScreens
, BlendDataSounds
, BlendDataSpeakers
, BlendDataTexts
, BlendDataTextures
, BlendDataWindowManagers
, BlendDataWorlds
, BlenderRNA
, BoidRule
, BoidSettings
, BoidState
, Bone
, BoneGroup
, BoneGroups
, BrushCapabilities
, CameraStereoData
, ChannelDriverVariables
, ChildParticle
, ClothCollisionSettings
, ClothSettings
, ClothSolverResult
, CollisionSettings
, ColorManagedDisplaySettings
, ColorManagedInputColorspaceSettings
, ColorManagedSequencerColorspaceSettings
, ColorManagedViewSettings
, ColorMapping
, ColorRamp
, ColorRampElement
, ColorRampElements
, CompositorNodeOutputFileFileSlots
, CompositorNodeOutputFileLayerSlots
, ConsoleLine
, Constraint
, ConstraintTarget
, Context
, Controller
, CurveMap
, CurveMapPoint
, CurveMapPoints
, CurveMapping
, CurveSplines
, Depsgraph
, DisplaySafeAreas
, DopeSheet
, Driver
, DriverTarget
, DriverVariable
, DupliObject
, DynamicPaintBrushSettings
, DynamicPaintCanvasSettings
, DynamicPaintSurface
, DynamicPaintSurfaces
, EditBone
, EffectorWeights
, EnumPropertyItem
, EnvironmentMap
, Event
, FCurve
, FCurveKeyframePoints
, FCurveModifiers
, FCurveSample
, FFmpegSettings
, FModifier
, FModifierEnvelopeControlPoint
, FModifierEnvelopeControlPoints
, FieldSettings
, FileBrowserFSMenuEntry
, FileSelectParams
, FluidMeshVertex
, FluidSettings
, FreestyleLineSet
, FreestyleModuleSettings
, FreestyleModules
, FreestyleSettings
, Function
, GPUDOFSettings
, GPUFXSettings
, GPUSSAOSettings
, GPencilFrame
, GPencilFrames
, GPencilLayer
, GPencilStroke
, GPencilStrokePoint
, GPencilStrokePoints
, GPencilStrokes
, GameObjectSettings
, GameProperty
, GameSoftBodySettings
, GreasePencilLayers
, GroupObjects
, Header
, Histogram
, ID
, IDMaterials
, IKParam
, ImageFormatSettings
, ImagePackedFile
, ImagePreview
, ImageUser
, ImapaintToolCapabilities
, KeyConfig
, KeyConfigurations
, KeyMap
, KeyMapItem
, KeyMapItems
, KeyMaps
, Keyframe
, KeyingSet
, KeyingSetInfo
, KeyingSetPath
, KeyingSetPaths
, KeyingSets
, KeyingSetsAll
, LampSkySettings
, LampTextureSlots
, LatticePoint
, LineStyleAlphaModifiers
, LineStyleColorModifiers
, LineStyleGeometryModifiers
, LineStyleModifier
, LineStyleTextureSlots
, LineStyleThicknessModifiers
, Linesets
, LodLevel
, LoopColors
, Macro
, MaskLayer
, MaskLayers
, MaskParent
, MaskSpline
, MaskSplinePoint
, MaskSplinePointUW
, MaskSplinePoints
, MaskSplines
, MaterialGameSettings
, MaterialHalo
, MaterialPhysics
, MaterialRaytraceMirror
, MaterialRaytraceTransparency
, MaterialSlot
, MaterialStrand
, MaterialSubsurfaceScattering
, MaterialTextureSlots
, MaterialVolume
, Menu
, MeshColor
, MeshColorLayer
, MeshEdge
, MeshEdges
, MeshLoop
, MeshLoopColor
, MeshLoopColorLayer
, MeshLoops
, MeshPaintMaskLayer
, MeshPaintMaskProperty
, MeshPolygon
, MeshPolygonFloatProperty
, MeshPolygonFloatPropertyLayer
, MeshPolygonIntProperty
, MeshPolygonIntPropertyLayer
, MeshPolygonStringProperty
, MeshPolygonStringPropertyLayer
, MeshPolygons
, MeshSkinVertex
, MeshSkinVertexLayer
, MeshStatVis
, MeshTessFace
, MeshTessFaces
, MeshTextureFace
, MeshTextureFaceLayer
, MeshTexturePoly
, MeshTexturePolyLayer
, MeshUVLoop
, MeshUVLoopLayer
, MeshVertex
, MeshVertexFloatProperty
, MeshVertexFloatPropertyLayer
, MeshVertexIntProperty
, MeshVertexIntPropertyLayer
, MeshVertexStringProperty
, MeshVertexStringPropertyLayer
, MeshVertices
, MetaBallElements
, MetaElement
, Modifier
, MotionPath
, MotionPathVert
, MovieClipProxy
, MovieClipScopes
, MovieClipUser
, MovieReconstructedCamera
, MovieTracking
, MovieTrackingCamera
, MovieTrackingDopesheet
, MovieTrackingMarker
, MovieTrackingMarkers
, MovieTrackingObject
, MovieTrackingObjectPlaneTracks
, MovieTrackingObjectTracks
, MovieTrackingObjects
, MovieTrackingPlaneMarker
, MovieTrackingPlaneMarkers
, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack
, MovieTrackingPlaneTracks
, MovieTrackingReconstructedCameras
, MovieTrackingReconstruction
, MovieTrackingSettings
, MovieTrackingStabilization
, MovieTrackingTrack
, MovieTrackingTracks
, NlaStrip
, NlaStrips
, NlaTrack
, NlaTracks
, Node
, NodeInputs
, NodeInstanceHash
, NodeInternalSocketTemplate
, NodeLink
, NodeLinks
, NodeOutputFileSlotFile
, NodeOutputFileSlotLayer
, NodeOutputs
, NodeSocket
, NodeSocketInterface
, NodeTreeInputs
, NodeTreeOutputs
, NodeTreePath
, Nodes
, ObjectBase
, ObjectConstraints
, ObjectModifiers
, OceanTexData
, Operator
, OperatorMacro
, OperatorOptions
, OperatorProperties
, PackedFile
, Paint
, PaletteColor
, PaletteColors
, Panel
, Particle
, ParticleBrush
, ParticleDupliWeight
, ParticleEdit
, ParticleHairKey
, ParticleKey
, ParticleSettingsTextureSlots
, ParticleSystem
, ParticleSystems
, ParticleTarget
, PathCompare
, PathCompareCollection
, PointCache
, PointCaches
, PointDensity
, PolygonFloatProperties
, PolygonIntProperties
, PolygonStringProperties
, Pose
, PoseBone
, PoseBoneConstraints
, Property
, PropertyGroup
, PropertyGroupItem
, Region
, RegionView3D
, RenderEngine
, RenderLayer
, RenderLayers
, RenderPass
, RenderPasses
, RenderResult
, RenderSettings
, RenderSlot
, RenderSlots
, RenderView
, RenderViews
, RigidBodyConstraint
, RigidBodyObject
, RigidBodyWorld
, SPHFluidSettings
, SceneBases
, SceneGameData
, SceneGameRecastData
, SceneObjects
, SceneRenderLayer
, SceneRenderView
, Scopes
, SculptToolCapabilities
, Sensor
, Sequence
, SequenceColorBalanceData
, SequenceCrop
, SequenceEditor
, SequenceElement
, SequenceElements
, SequenceModifier
, SequenceModifiers
, SequenceProxy
, SequenceTransform
, Sequences
, ShapeKey
, ShapeKeyBezierPoint
, ShapeKeyCurvePoint
, ShapeKeyPoint
, SmokeCollSettings
, SmokeDomainSettings
, SmokeFlowSettings
, SoftBodySettings
, Space
, SpaceNodeEditorPath
, SpaceUVEditor
, Spline
, SplineBezierPoints
, SplinePoint
, SplinePoints
, Stereo3dDisplay
, Stereo3dFormat
, Struct
, TessfaceUVTextures
, TexMapping
, TexPaintSlot
, TextBox
, TextCharacterFormat
, TextLine
, TextureSlot
, Theme
, ThemeBoneColorSet
, ThemeClipEditor
, ThemeConsole
, ThemeDopeSheet
, ThemeFileBrowser
, ThemeFontStyle
, ThemeGradientColors
, ThemeGraphEditor
, ThemeImageEditor
, ThemeInfo
, ThemeLogicEditor
, ThemeNLAEditor
, ThemeNodeEditor
, ThemeOutliner
, ThemePanelColors
, ThemeProperties
, ThemeSequenceEditor
, ThemeSpaceGeneric
, ThemeSpaceGradient
, ThemeSpaceListGeneric
, ThemeStyle
, ThemeTextEditor
, ThemeTimeline
, ThemeUserInterface
, ThemeUserPreferences
, ThemeView3D
, ThemeWidgetColors
, ThemeWidgetStateColors
, TimelineMarker
, TimelineMarkers
, Timer
, ToolSettings
, TransformOrientation
, UILayout
, UIList
, UIPieMenu
, UIPopupMenu
, UVLoopLayers
, UVProjector
, UVTextures
, UnifiedPaintSettings
, UnitSettings
, UnknownType
, UserPreferences
, UserPreferencesEdit
, UserPreferencesFilePaths
, UserPreferencesInput
, UserPreferencesSystem
, UserPreferencesView
, UserSolidLight
, VertexColors
, VertexFloatProperties
, VertexGroup
, VertexGroupElement
, VertexGroups
, VertexIntProperties
, VertexStringProperties
, View2D
, VoxelData
, WalkNavigation
, Window
, WorldLighting
, WorldMistSettings
, WorldTextureSlots
¶ built-in base class for all classes in bpy.types.
Note that bpy.types.bpy_struct is not actually available from within blender, it only exists for the purpose of documentation.
()¶ Returns the memory address which holds a pointer to blenders internal data
Returns: int (memory address). Return type: int Note
This is intended only for advanced script writers who need to pass blender data to their own C/Python modules.
(path, index=-1)¶ Adds driver(s) to the given property
Parameters: Returns: The driver(s) added.
Return type: bpy.types.FCurve
or list if index is -1 with an array property.
(path, index=-1)¶ Remove driver(s) from the given property
Parameters: Returns: Success of driver removal.
Return type: boolean
(key, default=None)¶ Returns the value of the custom property assigned to key or default when not found (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).
Parameters: - key (string) – The key associated with the custom property.
- default (Undefined) – Optional argument for the value to return if key is not found.
classes support custom properties.
Check if a property is hidden.
Returns: True when the property is hidden. Return type: boolean
(property)¶ Check if a property is readonly.
Returns: True when the property is readonly (not writable). Return type: boolean
(property)¶ Check if a property is set, use for testing operator properties.
Returns: True when the property has been set. Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the items of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).
Returns: custom property key, value pairs. Return type: list of key, value tuples Note
classes support custom properties.
(data_path, index=-1, frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_current, group="")¶ Remove a keyframe from this properties fcurve.
Parameters: - data_path (string) – path to the property to remove a key, analogous to the fcurve’s data path.
- index (int) – array index of the property to remove a key. Defaults to -1 removing all indices or a single channel if the property is not an array.
- frame (float) – The frame on which the keyframe is deleted, defaulting to the current frame.
- group (str) – The name of the group the F-Curve should be added to if it doesn’t exist yet.
Returns: Success of keyframe deleation.
Return type: boolean
(data_path, index=-1, frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_current, group="")¶ Insert a keyframe on the property given, adding fcurves and animation data when necessary.
Parameters: - data_path (string) – path to the property to key, analogous to the fcurve’s data path.
- index (int) – array index of the property to key. Defaults to -1 which will key all indices or a single channel if the property is not an array.
- frame (float) – The frame on which the keyframe is inserted, defaulting to the current frame.
- group (str) – The name of the group the F-Curve should be added to if it doesn’t exist yet.
- options – Some optional flags: ‘NEEDED’: Only insert keyframes where they’re needed in the relevant F-Curves. ‘VISUAL’: Insert keyframes based on ‘visual transforms’. ‘XYZ_TO_RGB’: Color for newly added transformation F-Curves (Location, Rotation, Scale) and also Color is based on the transform axis.
Returns: Success of keyframe insertion.
Return type: boolean
This is the most simple example of inserting a keyframe from python.
import bpy obj = bpy.context.object # set the keyframe at frame 1 obj.location = 3.0, 4.0, 10.0 obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=1)
Note that when keying data paths which contain nested properties this must be done from the
subclass, in this case theArmature
rather then the bone.import bpy from bpy.props import PointerProperty # define a nested property class MyPropGroup(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): nested = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Nested", default=0.0) # register it so its available for all bones bpy.utils.register_class(MyPropGroup) bpy.types.Bone.my_prop = PointerProperty(type=MyPropGroup, name="MyProp") # get a bone obj = bpy.data.objects["Armature"] arm = obj.data # set the keyframe at frame 1 arm.bones["Bone"].my_prop_group.nested = 10 arm.keyframe_insert(data_path='bones["Bone"].my_prop.nested', frame=1, group="Nested Group")
()¶ Returns the keys of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).
Returns: custom property keys. Return type: list of strings Note
classes support custom properties.
(property="")¶ Returns the data path from the ID to this object (string).
Parameters: property (string) – Optional property name which can be used if the path is to a property of this object. Returns: The path from bpy.types.bpy_struct.id_data
to this struct and property (when given).Return type: str
(path, coerce=True)¶ Returns the property from the path, raise an exception when not found.
Parameters: - path (string) – path which this property resolves.
- coerce (boolean) – optional argument, when True, the property will be converted into its python representation.
(property)¶ Unset a property, will use default value afterward.
()¶ Return a new instance, this is needed because types such as textures can be changed at runtime.
Returns: a new instance of this object with the type initialized again. Return type: subclass of bpy.types.bpy_struct
()¶ Returns the values of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).
Returns: custom property values. Return type: list Note
classes support custom properties.
¶ The
object this datablock is from or None, (not available for all data types)