
subclasses — ActionFCurves, ActionGroup, ActionGroups, ActionPoseMarkers, Actuator, Addon, AddonPreferences, Addons, AnimData, AnimDataDrivers, AnimViz, AnimVizMotionPaths, AnimVizOnionSkinning, AnyType, Area, AreaSpaces, ArmatureBones, ArmatureEditBones, BackgroundImage, BackgroundImages, BakePixel, BakeSettings, BezierSplinePoint, BlendData, BlendDataActions, BlendDataArmatures, BlendDataBrushes, BlendDataCameras, BlendDataCurves, BlendDataFonts, BlendDataGreasePencils, BlendDataGroups, BlendDataImages, BlendDataLamps, BlendDataLattices, BlendDataLibraries, BlendDataLineStyles, BlendDataMasks, BlendDataMaterials, BlendDataMeshes, BlendDataMetaBalls, BlendDataMovieClips, BlendDataNodeTrees, BlendDataObjects, BlendDataPalettes, BlendDataParticles, BlendDataScenes, BlendDataScreens, BlendDataSounds, BlendDataSpeakers, BlendDataTexts, BlendDataTextures, BlendDataWindowManagers, BlendDataWorlds, BlenderRNA, BoidRule, BoidSettings, BoidState, Bone, BoneGroup, BoneGroups, BrushCapabilities, CameraStereoData, ChannelDriverVariables, ChildParticle, ClothCollisionSettings, ClothSettings, ClothSolverResult, CollisionSettings, ColorManagedDisplaySettings, ColorManagedInputColorspaceSettings, ColorManagedSequencerColorspaceSettings, ColorManagedViewSettings, ColorMapping, ColorRamp, ColorRampElement, ColorRampElements, CompositorNodeOutputFileFileSlots, CompositorNodeOutputFileLayerSlots, ConsoleLine, Constraint, ConstraintTarget, Context, Controller, CurveMap, CurveMapPoint, CurveMapPoints, CurveMapping, CurveSplines, Depsgraph, DisplaySafeAreas, DopeSheet, Driver, DriverTarget, DriverVariable, DupliObject, DynamicPaintBrushSettings, DynamicPaintCanvasSettings, DynamicPaintSurface, DynamicPaintSurfaces, EditBone, EffectorWeights, EnumPropertyItem, EnvironmentMap, Event, FCurve, FCurveKeyframePoints, FCurveModifiers, FCurveSample, FFmpegSettings, FModifier, FModifierEnvelopeControlPoint, FModifierEnvelopeControlPoints, FieldSettings, FileBrowserFSMenuEntry, FileSelectParams, FluidMeshVertex, FluidSettings, FreestyleLineSet, FreestyleModuleSettings, FreestyleModules, FreestyleSettings, Function, GPUDOFSettings, GPUFXSettings, GPUSSAOSettings, GPencilFrame, GPencilFrames, GPencilLayer, GPencilSculptBrush, GPencilSculptSettings, GPencilStroke, GPencilStrokePoint, GPencilStrokePoints, GPencilStrokes, GameObjectSettings, GameProperty, GameSoftBodySettings, GreasePencilLayers, GroupObjects, Header, Histogram, ID, IDMaterials, IKParam, ImageFormatSettings, ImagePackedFile, ImagePreview, ImageUser, ImapaintToolCapabilities, KeyConfig, KeyConfigurations, KeyMap, KeyMapItem, KeyMapItems, KeyMaps, Keyframe, KeyingSet, KeyingSetInfo, KeyingSetPath, KeyingSetPaths, KeyingSets, KeyingSetsAll, LampSkySettings, LampTextureSlots, LatticePoint, LineStyleAlphaModifiers, LineStyleColorModifiers, LineStyleGeometryModifiers, LineStyleModifier, LineStyleTextureSlots, LineStyleThicknessModifiers, Linesets, LodLevel, LoopColors, Macro, MaskLayer, MaskLayers, MaskParent, MaskSpline, MaskSplinePoint, MaskSplinePointUW, MaskSplinePoints, MaskSplines, MaterialGameSettings, MaterialHalo, MaterialPhysics, MaterialRaytraceMirror, MaterialRaytraceTransparency, MaterialSlot, MaterialStrand, MaterialSubsurfaceScattering, MaterialTextureSlots, MaterialVolume, Menu, MeshColor, MeshColorLayer, MeshEdge, MeshEdges, MeshLoop, MeshLoopColor, MeshLoopColorLayer, MeshLoops, MeshPaintMaskLayer, MeshPaintMaskProperty, MeshPolygon, MeshPolygonFloatProperty, MeshPolygonFloatPropertyLayer, MeshPolygonIntProperty, MeshPolygonIntPropertyLayer, MeshPolygonStringProperty, MeshPolygonStringPropertyLayer, MeshPolygons, MeshSkinVertex, MeshSkinVertexLayer, MeshStatVis, MeshTessFace, MeshTessFaces, MeshTextureFace, MeshTextureFaceLayer, MeshTexturePoly, MeshTexturePolyLayer, MeshUVLoop, MeshUVLoopLayer, MeshVertex, MeshVertexFloatProperty, MeshVertexFloatPropertyLayer, MeshVertexIntProperty, MeshVertexIntPropertyLayer, MeshVertexStringProperty, MeshVertexStringPropertyLayer, MeshVertices, MetaBallElements, MetaElement, Modifier, MotionPath, MotionPathVert, MovieClipProxy, MovieClipScopes, MovieClipUser, MovieReconstructedCamera, MovieTracking, MovieTrackingCamera, MovieTrackingDopesheet, MovieTrackingMarker, MovieTrackingMarkers, MovieTrackingObject, MovieTrackingObjectPlaneTracks, MovieTrackingObjectTracks, MovieTrackingObjects, MovieTrackingPlaneMarker, MovieTrackingPlaneMarkers, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack, MovieTrackingPlaneTracks, MovieTrackingReconstructedCameras, MovieTrackingReconstruction, MovieTrackingSettings, MovieTrackingStabilization, MovieTrackingTrack, MovieTrackingTracks, NlaStrip, NlaStripFCurves, NlaStrips, NlaTrack, NlaTracks, Node, NodeInputs, NodeInstanceHash, NodeInternalSocketTemplate, NodeLink, NodeLinks, NodeOutputFileSlotFile, NodeOutputFileSlotLayer, NodeOutputs, NodeSocket, NodeSocketInterface, NodeTreeInputs, NodeTreeOutputs, NodeTreePath, Nodes, ObjectBase, ObjectConstraints, ObjectModifiers, OceanTexData, Operator, OperatorMacro, OperatorOptions, OperatorProperties, PackedFile, Paint, PaletteColor, PaletteColors, Panel, Particle, ParticleBrush, ParticleDupliWeight, ParticleEdit, ParticleHairKey, ParticleKey, ParticleSettingsTextureSlots, ParticleSystem, ParticleSystems, ParticleTarget, PathCompare, PathCompareCollection, PointCache, PointCaches, PointDensity, PolygonFloatProperties, PolygonIntProperties, PolygonStringProperties, Pose, PoseBone, PoseBoneConstraints, Property, PropertyGroup, PropertyGroupItem, Region, RegionView3D, RenderEngine, RenderLayer, RenderLayers, RenderPass, RenderPasses, RenderResult, RenderSettings, RenderSlot, RenderSlots, RenderView, RenderViews, RigidBodyConstraint, RigidBodyObject, RigidBodyWorld, SPHFluidSettings, SceneBases, SceneGameData, SceneGameRecastData, SceneObjects, SceneRenderLayer, SceneRenderView, Scopes, SculptToolCapabilities, Sensor, Sequence, SequenceColorBalanceData, SequenceCrop, SequenceEditor, SequenceElement, SequenceElements, SequenceModifier, SequenceModifiers, SequenceProxy, SequenceTransform, Sequences, ShapeKey, ShapeKeyBezierPoint, ShapeKeyCurvePoint, ShapeKeyPoint, SmokeCollSettings, SmokeDomainSettings, SmokeFlowSettings, SoftBodySettings, Space, SpaceNodeEditorPath, SpaceUVEditor, Spline, SplineBezierPoints, SplinePoint, SplinePoints, Stereo3dDisplay, Stereo3dFormat, Struct, TessfaceUVTextures, TexMapping, TexPaintSlot, TextBox, TextCharacterFormat, TextLine, TextureSlot, Theme, ThemeBoneColorSet, ThemeClipEditor, ThemeConsole, ThemeDopeSheet, ThemeFileBrowser, ThemeFontStyle, ThemeGradientColors, ThemeGraphEditor, ThemeImageEditor, ThemeInfo, ThemeLogicEditor, ThemeNLAEditor, ThemeNodeEditor, ThemeOutliner, ThemePanelColors, ThemeProperties, ThemeSequenceEditor, ThemeSpaceGeneric, ThemeSpaceGradient, ThemeSpaceListGeneric, ThemeStyle, ThemeTextEditor, ThemeTimeline, ThemeUserInterface, ThemeUserPreferences, ThemeView3D, ThemeWidgetColors, ThemeWidgetStateColors, TimelineMarker, TimelineMarkers, Timer, ToolSettings, TransformOrientation, UILayout, UIList, UIPieMenu, UIPopupMenu, UVLoopLayers, UVProjector, UVTextures, UnifiedPaintSettings, UnitSettings, UnknownType, UserPreferences, UserPreferencesEdit, UserPreferencesFilePaths, UserPreferencesInput, UserPreferencesSystem, UserPreferencesView, UserSolidLight, VertexColors, VertexFloatProperties, VertexGroup, VertexGroupElement, VertexGroups, VertexIntProperties, VertexStringProperties, View2D, VoxelData, WalkNavigation, Window, WorldLighting, WorldMistSettings, WorldTextureSlots

class bpy.types.bpy_struct

built-in base class for all classes in bpy.types.


Note that bpy.types.bpy_struct is not actually available from within blender, it only exists for the purpose of documentation.


Returns the memory address which holds a pointer to blenders internal data

Returns:int (memory address).
Return type:int


This is intended only for advanced script writers who need to pass blender data to their own C/Python modules.

driver_add(path, index=-1)

Adds driver(s) to the given property

  • path (string) – path to the property to drive, analogous to the fcurve’s data path.
  • index (int) – array index of the property drive. Defaults to -1 for all indices or a single channel if the property is not an array.

The driver(s) added.

Return type:

bpy.types.FCurve or list if index is -1 with an array property.

driver_remove(path, index=-1)

Remove driver(s) from the given property

  • path (string) – path to the property to drive, analogous to the fcurve’s data path.
  • index (int) – array index of the property drive. Defaults to -1 for all indices or a single channel if the property is not an array.

Success of driver removal.

Return type:


get(key, default=None)

Returns the value of the custom property assigned to key or default when not found (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).

  • key (string) – The key associated with the custom property.
  • default (Undefined) – Optional argument for the value to return if key is not found.


Only bpy.types.ID, bpy.types.Bone and bpy.types.PoseBone classes support custom properties.


Check if a property is hidden.

Returns:True when the property is hidden.
Return type:boolean

Check if a property is readonly.

Returns:True when the property is readonly (not writable).
Return type:boolean

Check if a property is set, use for testing operator properties.

Returns:True when the property has been set.
Return type:boolean

Returns the items of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).

Returns:custom property key, value pairs.
Return type:list of key, value tuples


Only bpy.types.ID, bpy.types.Bone and bpy.types.PoseBone classes support custom properties.

keyframe_delete(data_path, index=-1, frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_current, group="")

Remove a keyframe from this properties fcurve.

  • data_path (string) – path to the property to remove a key, analogous to the fcurve’s data path.
  • index (int) – array index of the property to remove a key. Defaults to -1 removing all indices or a single channel if the property is not an array.
  • frame (float) – The frame on which the keyframe is deleted, defaulting to the current frame.
  • group (str) – The name of the group the F-Curve should be added to if it doesn’t exist yet.

Success of keyframe deleation.

Return type:


keyframe_insert(data_path, index=-1, frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_current, group="")

Insert a keyframe on the property given, adding fcurves and animation data when necessary.

  • data_path (string) – path to the property to key, analogous to the fcurve’s data path.
  • index (int) – array index of the property to key. Defaults to -1 which will key all indices or a single channel if the property is not an array.
  • frame (float) – The frame on which the keyframe is inserted, defaulting to the current frame.
  • group (str) – The name of the group the F-Curve should be added to if it doesn’t exist yet.
  • options – Some optional flags: ‘NEEDED’: Only insert keyframes where they’re needed in the relevant F-Curves. ‘VISUAL’: Insert keyframes based on ‘visual transforms’. ‘XYZ_TO_RGB’: Color for newly added transformation F-Curves (Location, Rotation, Scale) and also Color is based on the transform axis.

Success of keyframe insertion.

Return type:


This is the most simple example of inserting a keyframe from python.

import bpy

obj = bpy.context.object

# set the keyframe at frame 1
obj.location = 3.0, 4.0, 10.0
obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=1)

Note that when keying data paths which contain nested properties this must be done from the ID subclass, in this case the Armature rather than the bone.

import bpy
from bpy.props import PointerProperty

# define a nested property
class MyPropGroup(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
    nested = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Nested", default=0.0)

# register it so its available for all bones
bpy.types.Bone.my_prop = PointerProperty(type=MyPropGroup,

# get a bone
obj = bpy.data.objects["Armature"]
arm = obj.data

# set the keyframe at frame 1
arm.bones["Bone"].my_prop_group.nested = 10
                    group="Nested Group")

Returns the keys of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).

Returns:custom property keys.
Return type:list of strings


Only bpy.types.ID, bpy.types.Bone and bpy.types.PoseBone classes support custom properties.


Returns the data path from the ID to this object (string).

Parameters:property (string) – Optional property name which can be used if the path is to a property of this object.
Returns:The path from bpy.types.bpy_struct.id_data to this struct and property (when given).
Return type:str
path_resolve(path, coerce=True)

Returns the property from the path, raise an exception when not found.

  • path (string) – path which this property resolves.
  • coerce (boolean) – optional argument, when True, the property will be converted into its python representation.

Unset a property, will use default value afterward.


Return a new instance, this is needed because types such as textures can be changed at runtime.

Returns:a new instance of this object with the type initialized again.
Return type:subclass of bpy.types.bpy_struct

Returns the values of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).

Returns:custom property values.
Return type:list


Only bpy.types.ID, bpy.types.Bone and bpy.types.PoseBone classes support custom properties.


The bpy.types.ID object this datablock is from or None, (not available for all data types)