Wm Operators¶
(module="")¶ Disable an add-on
Parameters: module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the add-on to disable File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1863
(module="")¶ Enable an add-on
Parameters: module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the add-on to enable File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1819
(module="")¶ Display information and preferences for this add-on
Parameters: module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the add-on to expand File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:2183
(overwrite=True, target='DEFAULT', filepath="", filter_folder=True, filter_python=True, filter_glob="*.py;*.zip")¶ Install an add-on
Parameters: - overwrite (boolean, (optional)) – Overwrite, Remove existing add-ons with the same ID
- target (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'PREFS'], (optional)) – Target Path
- filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python
- filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – filter_glob
()¶ Scan add-on directories for new modules
File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1949
(module="")¶ Delete the add-on from the file system
Parameters: module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the add-on to remove File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:2138
(module="")¶ Show add-on user preferences
Parameters: module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the add-on to expand File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:2207
(filepath="", check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=True, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', start=-2147483648, end=-2147483648, xsamples=1, gsamples=1, sh_open=0.0, sh_close=1.0, selected=False, renderable_only=True, visible_layers_only=False, flatten=False, uvs=True, packuv=True, normals=True, vcolors=False, face_sets=False, subdiv_schema=False, apply_subdiv=False, compression_type='OGAWA', global_scale=1.0, triangulate=False, quad_method='SHORTEST_DIAGONAL', ngon_method='BEAUTY', export_hair=True, export_particles=True, as_background_job=True, init_scene_frame_range=False)¶ Export current scene in an Alembic archive
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- start (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Start Frame, Start frame of the export, use the default value to take the start frame of the current scene
- end (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – End Frame, End frame of the export, use the default value to take the end frame of the current scene
- xsamples (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Transform Samples, Number of times per frame transformations are sampled
- gsamples (int in [1, 128], (optional)) – Geometry Samples, Number of times per frame object data are sampled
- sh_open (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Shutter Open, Time at which the shutter is open
- sh_close (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Shutter Close, Time at which the shutter is closed
- selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects Only, Export only selected objects
- renderable_only (boolean, (optional)) – Renderable Objects Only, Export only objects marked renderable in the outliner
- visible_layers_only (boolean, (optional)) – Visible Layers Only, Export only objects in visible layers
- flatten (boolean, (optional)) – Flatten Hierarchy, Do not preserve objects’ parent/children relationship
- uvs (boolean, (optional)) – UVs, Export UVs
- packuv (boolean, (optional)) – Pack UV Islands, Export UVs with packed island
- normals (boolean, (optional)) – Normals, Export normals
- vcolors (boolean, (optional)) – Vertex Colors, Export vertex colors
- face_sets (boolean, (optional)) – Face Sets, Export per face shading group assignments
- subdiv_schema (boolean, (optional)) – Use Subdivision Schema, Export meshes using Alembic’s subdivision schema
- apply_subdiv (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Subsurf, Export subdivision surfaces as meshes
- compression_type (enum in ['OGAWA', 'HDF5'], (optional)) – Compression
- global_scale (float in [0.0001, 1000], (optional)) – Scale, Value by which to enlarge or shrink the objects with respect to the world’s origin
- triangulate (boolean, (optional)) – Triangulate, Export Polygons (Quads & NGons) as Triangles
- quad_method (enum in ['BEAUTY', 'FIXED', 'FIXED_ALTERNATE', 'SHORTEST_DIAGONAL'], (optional)) –
Quad Method, Method for splitting the quads into triangles
Beauty , Split the quads in nice triangles, slower method.FIXED
Fixed, Split the quads on the first and third vertices.FIXED_ALTERNATE
Fixed Alternate, Split the quads on the 2nd and 4th vertices.SHORTEST_DIAGONAL
Shortest Diagonal, Split the quads based on the distance between the vertices.
- ngon_method (enum in ['BEAUTY', 'FIXED', 'FIXED_ALTERNATE', 'SHORTEST_DIAGONAL'], (optional)) –
Polygon Method, Method for splitting the polygons into triangles
Beauty , Split the quads in nice triangles, slower method.FIXED
Fixed, Split the quads on the first and third vertices.FIXED_ALTERNATE
Fixed Alternate, Split the quads on the 2nd and 4th vertices.SHORTEST_DIAGONAL
Shortest Diagonal, Split the quads based on the distance between the vertices.
- export_hair (boolean, (optional)) – Export Hair, Exports hair particle systems as animated curves
- export_particles (boolean, (optional)) – Export Particles, Exports non-hair particle systems
- as_background_job (boolean, (optional)) – Run as Background Job, Enable this to run the import in the background, disable to block Blender while importing
(filepath="", check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=True, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', scale=1.0, set_frame_range=True, validate_meshes=False, is_sequence=False, as_background_job=True)¶ Load an Alembic archive
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- scale (float in [0.0001, 1000], (optional)) – Scale, Value by which to enlarge or shrink the objects with respect to the world’s origin
- set_frame_range (boolean, (optional)) – Set Frame Range, If checked, update scene’s start and end frame to match those of the Alembic archive
- validate_meshes (boolean, (optional)) – Validate Meshes, Check imported mesh objects for invalid data (slow)
- is_sequence (boolean, (optional)) – Is Sequence, Set to true if the cache is split into separate files
- as_background_job (boolean, (optional)) – Run as Background Job, Enable this to run the export in the background, disable to block Blender while exporting
(overwrite=True, filepath="", filter_folder=True, filter_glob="*.zip")¶ Install an application-template
Parameters: - overwrite (boolean, (optional)) – Overwrite, Remove existing template with the same ID
- filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – filter_glob
(filepath="")¶ Undocumented
Parameters: filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1412
()¶ Undocumented
File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1388
(filepath="", directory="", filename="", files=None, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=True, filemode=1, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', link=False, autoselect=True, active_layer=True, instance_groups=False, set_fake=False, use_recursive=True)¶ Append from a Library .blend file
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file
- filename (string, (optional, never None)) – File Name, Name of the file
- files (
, (optional)) – Files - filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- link (boolean, (optional)) – Link, Link the objects or data-blocks rather than appending
- autoselect (boolean, (optional)) – Select, Select new objects
- active_layer (boolean, (optional)) – Active Layer, Put new objects on the active layer
- instance_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Instance Groups, Create Dupli-Group instances for each group
- set_fake (boolean, (optional)) – Fake User, Set Fake User for appended items (except Objects and Groups)
- use_recursive (boolean, (optional)) – Localize All, Localize all appended data, including those indirectly linked from other libraries
()¶ Launch the blender-player with the current blend-file
File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1494
Call (draw) a pre-defined menu
Parameters: name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the menu
Call (draw) a pre-defined pie menu
Parameters: name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the pie menu
(filepath="", check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=True, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', apply_modifiers=False, export_mesh_type=0, export_mesh_type_selection='view', selected=False, include_children=False, include_armatures=False, include_shapekeys=True, deform_bones_only=False, active_uv_only=False, use_texture_copies=True, triangulate=True, use_object_instantiation=True, use_blender_profile=True, sort_by_name=False, export_transformation_type=0, export_transformation_type_selection='matrix', export_texture_type=0, export_texture_type_selection='mat', open_sim=False, limit_precision=False, keep_bind_info=False)¶ Save a Collada file
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- apply_modifiers (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Modifiers, Apply modifiers to exported mesh (non destructive))
- export_mesh_type (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Resolution, Modifier resolution for export
- export_mesh_type_selection (enum in ['view', 'render'], (optional)) –
Resolution, Modifier resolution for export
View, Apply modifier’s view settings.render
Render, Apply modifier’s render settings.
- selected (boolean, (optional)) – Selection Only, Export only selected elements
- include_children (boolean, (optional)) – Include Children, Export all children of selected objects (even if not selected)
- include_armatures (boolean, (optional)) – Include Armatures, Export related armatures (even if not selected)
- include_shapekeys (boolean, (optional)) – Include Shape Keys, Export all Shape Keys from Mesh Objects
- deform_bones_only (boolean, (optional)) – Deform Bones only, Only export deforming bones with armatures
- active_uv_only (boolean, (optional)) – Only Selected UV Map, Export only the selected UV Map
- use_texture_copies (boolean, (optional)) – Copy, Copy textures to same folder where the .dae file is exported
- triangulate (boolean, (optional)) – Triangulate, Export Polygons (Quads & NGons) as Triangles
- use_object_instantiation (boolean, (optional)) – Use Object Instances, Instantiate multiple Objects from same Data
- use_blender_profile (boolean, (optional)) – Use Blender Profile, Export additional Blender specific information (for material, shaders, bones, etc.)
- sort_by_name (boolean, (optional)) – Sort by Object name, Sort exported data by Object name
- export_transformation_type (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Transform, Transformation type for translation, scale and rotation
- export_transformation_type_selection (enum in ['matrix', 'transrotloc'], (optional)) –
Transform, Transformation type for translation, scale and rotation
Matrix, Use <matrix> to specify transformations.transrotloc
TransRotLoc, Use <translate>, <rotate>, <scale> to specify transformations.
- export_texture_type (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Texture Type, Type for exported Textures (UV or MAT)
- export_texture_type_selection (enum in ['mat', 'uv'], (optional)) –
Texture Type, Type for exported Textures (UV or MAT)
Materials, Export Materials.uv
UV Textures, Export UV Textures (Face textures) as materials.
- open_sim (boolean, (optional)) – Export to SL/OpenSim, Compatibility mode for SL, OpenSim and other compatible online worlds
- limit_precision (boolean, (optional)) – Limit Precision, Reduce the precision of the exported data to 6 digits
- keep_bind_info (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Bind Info, Store Bindpose information in custom bone properties for later use during Collada export
(filepath="", filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=True, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', import_units=False, fix_orientation=False, find_chains=False, auto_connect=False, min_chain_length=0, keep_bind_info=False)¶ Load a Collada file
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- import_units (boolean, (optional)) – Import Units, If disabled match import to Blender’s current Unit settings, otherwise use the settings from the Imported scene
- fix_orientation (boolean, (optional)) – Fix Leaf Bones, Fix Orientation of Leaf Bones (Collada does only support Joints)
- find_chains (boolean, (optional)) – Find Bone Chains, Find best matching Bone Chains and ensure bones in chain are connected
- auto_connect (boolean, (optional)) – Auto Connect, Set use_connect for parent bones which have exactly one child bone
- min_chain_length (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Minimum Chain Length, When searching Bone Chains disregard chains of length below this value
- keep_bind_info (boolean, (optional)) – Keep Bind Info, Store Bindpose information in custom bone properties for later use during Collada export
(data_path_iter="", data_path_item="", type='TOGGLE')¶ Set boolean values for a collection of items
Parameters: - data_path_iter (string, (optional, never None)) – data_path_iter, The data path relative to the context, must point to an iterable
- data_path_item (string, (optional, never None)) – data_path_item, The data path from each iterable to the value (int or float)
- type (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'ENABLE', 'DISABLE'], (optional)) – Type
(data_path="", reverse=False)¶ Set a context array value (useful for cycling the active mesh edit mode)
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- reverse (boolean, (optional)) – Reverse, Cycle backwards
(data_path="", reverse=False, wrap=False)¶ Toggle a context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- reverse (boolean, (optional)) – Reverse, Cycle backwards
- wrap (boolean, (optional)) – Wrap, Wrap back to the first/last values
(data_path="", reverse=False, wrap=False)¶ Set a context value (useful for cycling active material, vertex keys, groups, etc.)
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- reverse (boolean, (optional)) – Reverse, Cycle backwards
- wrap (boolean, (optional)) – Wrap, Wrap back to the first/last values
Parameters: data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:540
(data_path_iter="", data_path_item="", header_text="", input_scale=0.01, invert=False, initial_x=0)¶ Adjust arbitrary values with mouse input
Parameters: - data_path_iter (string, (optional, never None)) – data_path_iter, The data path relative to the context, must point to an iterable
- data_path_item (string, (optional, never None)) – data_path_item, The data path from each iterable to the value (int or float)
- header_text (string, (optional, never None)) – Header Text, Text to display in header during scale
- input_scale (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – input_scale, Scale the mouse movement by this value before applying the delta
- invert (boolean, (optional)) – invert, Invert the mouse input
- initial_x (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – initial_x
(data_path="")¶ Undocumented
Parameters: data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:566
(data_path="", value=1.0)¶ Scale a float context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Value, Assign value
(data_path="", value=1.0, always_step=True)¶ Scale an int context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Value, Assign value
- always_step (boolean, (optional)) – Always Step, Always adjust the value by a minimum of 1 when ‘value’ is not 1.0
(data_path="", value=True)¶ Set a context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (boolean, (optional)) – Value, Assignment value
(data_path="", value="")¶ Set a context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Assignment value (as a string)
(data_path="", value=0.0, relative=False)¶ Set a context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Value, Assignment value
- relative (boolean, (optional)) – Relative, Apply relative to the current value (delta)
(data_path="", value="")¶ Set a context value to an ID data-block
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Assign value
(data_path="", value=0, relative=False)¶ Set a context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Value, Assign value
- relative (boolean, (optional)) – Relative, Apply relative to the current value (delta)
(data_path="", value="")¶ Set a context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Assign value
(data_path="", value="")¶ Set a context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Assignment value (as a string)
(data_path="")¶ Toggle a context value
Parameters: data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:364
(data_path="", value_1="", value_2="")¶ Toggle a context value
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, RNA context string
- value_1 (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Toggle enum
- value_2 (string, (optional, never None)) – Value, Toggle enum
()¶ Copy settings from previous version
File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1460
Open a popup to set the debug level
Parameters: debug_value (int in [-32768, 32767], (optional)) – Debug Value
()¶ Print dependency graph relations to the console
(doc_id="")¶ Load online reference docs
Parameters: doc_id (string, (optional, never None)) – Doc ID File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1041
(doc_id="")¶ Load online manual
Parameters: doc_id (string, (optional, never None)) – Doc ID File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1009
()¶ View a context based online manual in a web browser
(name="", remove_active=False)¶ Add or remove an Application Interaction Preset
Parameters: - name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name
- remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active
(name="", remove_active=False)¶ Add or remove a theme preset
Parameters: - name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name
- remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active
(filepath="")¶ Undocumented
Parameters: filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1377
(filepath="keymap.py", filter_folder=True, filter_text=True, filter_python=True)¶ Export key configuration to a python script
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python
(filepath="keymap.py", filter_folder=True, filter_text=True, filter_python=True, keep_original=True)¶ Import key configuration from a python script
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python
- keep_original (boolean, (optional)) – Keep original, Keep original file after copying to configuration folder
(name="", remove_active=False)¶ Add or remove a Key-config Preset
Parameters: - name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name
- remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active
()¶ Remove key config
File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1773
()¶ Test key-config for conflicts
File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1542
()¶ Add key map item
File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1724
(item_id=0)¶ Remove key map item
Parameters: item_id (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Item Identifier, Identifier of the item to remove File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1755
(item_id=0)¶ Restore key map item
Parameters: item_id (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Item Identifier, Identifier of the item to remove File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1709
(all=False)¶ Restore key map(s)
Parameters: all (boolean, (optional)) – All Keymaps, Restore all keymaps to default File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1681
(library="", filepath="", directory="", filename="", filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA')¶ Reload the given library
Parameters: - library (string, (optional, never None)) – Library, Library to reload
- filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file
- filename (string, (optional, never None)) – File Name, Name of the file
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
(library="", filepath="", directory="", filename="", files=None, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA')¶ Relocate the given library to one or several others
Parameters: - library (string, (optional, never None)) – Library, Library to relocate
- filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file
- filename (string, (optional, never None)) – File Name, Name of the file
- files (
, (optional)) – Files - filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
(filepath="", directory="", filename="", files=None, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=True, filemode=1, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', link=True, autoselect=True, active_layer=True, instance_groups=True)¶ Link from a Library .blend file
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- directory (string, (optional, never None)) – Directory, Directory of the file
- filename (string, (optional, never None)) – File Name, Name of the file
- files (
, (optional)) – Files - filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- link (boolean, (optional)) – Link, Link the objects or data-blocks rather than appending
- autoselect (boolean, (optional)) – Select, Select new objects
- active_layer (boolean, (optional)) – Active Layer, Put new objects on the active layer
- instance_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Instance Groups, Create Dupli-Group instances for each group
()¶ Print memory statistics to the console
(filepath="", filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', load_ui=True, use_scripts=True)¶ Open a Blender file
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- load_ui (boolean, (optional)) – Load UI, Load user interface setup in the .blend file
- use_scripts (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Source, Allow .blend file to execute scripts automatically, default available from system preferences
()¶ List all the Operators in a text-block, useful for scripting
File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1785
()¶ Set the active operator to its default values
(data_path="", prop_string="")¶ Undocumented
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Operator, Operator name (in python as string)
- prop_string (string, (optional, never None)) – Property, Property name (as a string)
(name="", remove_active=False, operator="")¶ Add or remove an Operator Preset
Parameters: - name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name
- remove_active (boolean, (optional)) – remove_active
- operator (string, (optional, never None)) – Operator
(filepath="")¶ Open a path in a file browser
Parameters: filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:875
(files=None, directory="", filter_blender=True, filter_folder=True, use_scenes=True, use_groups=True, use_objects=True, use_intern_data=True, use_trusted=False, use_backups=True)¶ Clear selected .blend file’s previews
Parameters: - files (
, (optional)) – files - directory (string, (optional, never None)) – directory
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – filter_blender
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – filter_folder
- use_scenes (boolean, (optional)) – Scenes, Clear scenes’ previews
- use_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Groups, Clear groups’ previews
- use_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Objects, Clear objects’ previews
- use_intern_data (boolean, (optional)) – Mat/Tex/…, Clear ‘internal’ previews (materials, textures, images, etc.)
- use_trusted (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Blend Files, Enable python evaluation for selected files
- use_backups (boolean, (optional)) – Save Backups, Keep a backup (.blend1) version of the files when saving with cleared previews
File: - files (
(files=None, directory="", filter_blender=True, filter_folder=True, use_scenes=True, use_groups=True, use_objects=True, use_intern_data=True, use_trusted=False, use_backups=True)¶ Generate selected .blend file’s previews
Parameters: - files (
, (optional)) – files - directory (string, (optional, never None)) – directory
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – filter_blender
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – filter_folder
- use_scenes (boolean, (optional)) – Scenes, Generate scenes’ previews
- use_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Groups, Generate groups’ previews
- use_objects (boolean, (optional)) – Objects, Generate objects’ previews
- use_intern_data (boolean, (optional)) – Mat/Tex/…, Generate ‘internal’ previews (materials, textures, images, etc.)
- use_trusted (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Blend Files, Enable python evaluation for selected files
- use_backups (boolean, (optional)) – Save Backups, Keep a backup (.blend1) version of the files when saving with generated previews
File: - files (
(id_type={'GROUP', 'IMAGE', 'LAMP', 'MATERIAL', 'OBJECT', 'SCENE', 'TEXTURE', 'WORLD'})¶ Clear data-block previews (only for some types like objects, materials, textures, etc.)
Parameters: id_type (enum set in {'SCENE', 'GROUP', 'OBJECT', 'MATERIAL', 'LAMP', 'WORLD', 'TEXTURE', 'IMAGE'}, (optional)) – Data-Block Type, Which data-block previews to clear
()¶ Ensure data-block previews are available and up-to-date (to be saved in .blend file, only for some types like materials, textures, etc.)
(data_path="")¶ Undocumented
Parameters: data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Edit, Property data_path edit File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1294
(context="")¶ Jump to a different tab inside the properties editor
Parameters: context (string, (optional, never None)) – Context File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1340
(data_path="", property="", value="", min=-10000, max=10000.0, use_soft_limits=False, soft_min=-10000, soft_max=10000.0, description="")¶ Undocumented
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Edit, Property data_path edit
- property (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Name, Property name edit
- value (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Value, Property value edit
- min (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Min
- max (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Max
- use_soft_limits (boolean, (optional)) – Use Soft Limits
- soft_min (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Min
- soft_max (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Max
- description (string, (optional, never None)) – Tooltip
(data_path="", property="")¶ Internal use (edit a property data_path)
Parameters: - data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Edit, Property data_path edit
- property (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Name, Property name edit
()¶ Quit Blender
(data_path_primary="", data_path_secondary="", use_secondary="", rotation_path="", color_path="", fill_color_path="", fill_color_override_path="", fill_color_override_test_path="", zoom_path="", image_id="", secondary_tex=False)¶ Set some size property (like e.g. brush size) with mouse wheel
Parameters: - data_path_primary (string, (optional, never None)) – Primary Data Path, Primary path of property to be set by the radial control
- data_path_secondary (string, (optional, never None)) – Secondary Data Path, Secondary path of property to be set by the radial control
- use_secondary (string, (optional, never None)) – Use Secondary, Path of property to select between the primary and secondary data paths
- rotation_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Rotation Path, Path of property used to rotate the texture display
- color_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Color Path, Path of property used to set the color of the control
- fill_color_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Fill Color Path, Path of property used to set the fill color of the control
- fill_color_override_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Fill Color Override Path
- fill_color_override_test_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Fill Color Override Test
- zoom_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Zoom Path, Path of property used to set the zoom level for the control
- image_id (string, (optional, never None)) – Image ID, Path of ID that is used to generate an image for the control
- secondary_tex (boolean, (optional)) – Secondary Texture, Tweak brush secondary/mask texture
(app_template="Template", use_empty=False)¶ Load default file and user preferences
Parameters: use_empty (boolean, (optional)) – Empty
()¶ Reloads history and bookmarks
(filepath="", load_ui=True, use_empty=False, use_splash=False, app_template="Template")¶ Open the default file (doesn’t save the current file)
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to an alternative start-up file
- load_ui (boolean, (optional)) – Load UI, Load user interface setup from the .blend file
- use_empty (boolean, (optional)) – Empty
- use_splash (boolean, (optional)) – Splash
(filepath="", filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=False, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='LIST_LONG', sort_method='FILE_SORT_TIME')¶ Open an automatically saved file to recover it
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
()¶ Open the last closed file (“quit.blend”)
(type='DRAW', iterations=10, time_limit=0.0)¶ Simple redraw timer to test the speed of updating the interface
Parameters: - type (enum in ['DRAW', 'DRAW_SWAP', 'DRAW_WIN', 'DRAW_WIN_SWAP', 'ANIM_STEP', 'ANIM_PLAY', 'UNDO'], (optional)) –
Draw Region, Draw Region.DRAW_SWAP
Draw Region + Swap, Draw Region and Swap.DRAW_WIN
Draw Window, Draw Window.DRAW_WIN_SWAP
Draw Window + Swap, Draw Window and Swap.ANIM_STEP
Anim Step, Animation Steps.ANIM_PLAY
Anim Play, Animation Playback.UNDO
Undo/Redo, Undo/Redo.
- iterations (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Iterations, Number of times to redraw
- time_limit (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Time Limit, Seconds to run the test for (override iterations)
- type (enum in ['DRAW', 'DRAW_SWAP', 'DRAW_WIN', 'DRAW_WIN_SWAP', 'ANIM_STEP', 'ANIM_PLAY', 'UNDO'], (optional)) –
(use_scripts=True)¶ Reload the saved file
Parameters: use_scripts (boolean, (optional)) – Trusted Source, Allow .blend file to execute scripts automatically, default available from system preferences
(filepath="", check_existing=True, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', compress=False, relative_remap=True, copy=False, use_mesh_compat=False)¶ Save the current file in the desired location
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- compress (boolean, (optional)) – Compress, Write compressed .blend file
- relative_remap (boolean, (optional)) – Remap Relative, Remap relative paths when saving in a different directory
- copy (boolean, (optional)) – Save Copy, Save a copy of the actual working state but does not make saved file active
- use_mesh_compat (boolean, (optional)) – Legacy Mesh Format, Save using legacy mesh format (no ngons) - WARNING: only saves tris and quads, other ngons will be lost (no implicit triangulation)
()¶ Make the current file the default .blend file, includes preferences
(filepath="", check_existing=True, filter_blender=True, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=8, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='FILE_SORT_ALPHA', compress=False, relative_remap=False)¶ Save the current Blender file
Parameters: - filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file
- check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files
- filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files
- filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files
- filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter python files
- filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files
- filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files
- filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files
- filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files
- filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files
- filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs
- filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file
- display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_SHORT', 'LIST_LONG', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –
Display Type
Default, Automatically determine display type for files.LIST_SHORT
Short List, Display files as short list.LIST_LONG
Long List, Display files as a detailed list.THUMBNAIL
Thumbnails, Display files as thumbnails.
- sort_method (enum in ['FILE_SORT_ALPHA', 'FILE_SORT_EXTENSION', 'FILE_SORT_TIME', 'FILE_SORT_SIZE'], (optional)) –
File sorting mode
Sort alphabetically, Sort the file list alphabetically.FILE_SORT_EXTENSION
Sort by extension, Sort the file list by extension/type.FILE_SORT_TIME
Sort by time, Sort files by modification time.FILE_SORT_SIZE
Sort by size, Sort files by size.
- compress (boolean, (optional)) – Compress, Write compressed .blend file
- relative_remap (boolean, (optional)) – Remap Relative, Remap relative paths when saving in a different directory
()¶ Save user preferences separately, overrides startup file preferences
Pop-up a search menu over all available operators in current context
(display_mode='ANAGLYPH', anaglyph_type='RED_CYAN', interlace_type='ROW_INTERLEAVED', use_interlace_swap=False, use_sidebyside_crosseyed=False)¶ Toggle 3D stereo support for current window (or change the display mode)
Parameters: - display_mode (enum in ['ANAGLYPH', 'INTERLACE', 'TIMESEQUENTIAL', 'SIDEBYSIDE', 'TOPBOTTOM'], (optional)) –
Display Mode
Anaglyph, Render views for left and right eyes as two differently filtered colors in a single image (anaglyph glasses are required).INTERLACE
Interlace, Render views for left and right eyes interlaced in a single image (3D-ready monitor is required).TIMESEQUENTIAL
Time Sequential, Render alternate eyes (also known as page flip, quad buffer support in the graphic card is required).SIDEBYSIDE
Side-by-Side, Render views for left and right eyes side-by-side.TOPBOTTOM
Top-Bottom, Render views for left and right eyes one above another.
- anaglyph_type (enum in ['RED_CYAN', 'GREEN_MAGENTA', 'YELLOW_BLUE'], (optional)) – Anaglyph Type
- interlace_type (enum in ['ROW_INTERLEAVED', 'COLUMN_INTERLEAVED', 'CHECKERBOARD_INTERLEAVED'], (optional)) – Interlace Type
- use_interlace_swap (boolean, (optional)) – Swap Left/Right, Swap left and right stereo channels
- use_sidebyside_crosseyed (boolean, (optional)) – Cross-Eyed, Right eye should see left image and vice-versa
- display_mode (enum in ['ANAGLYPH', 'INTERLACE', 'TIMESEQUENTIAL', 'SIDEBYSIDE', 'TOPBOTTOM'], (optional)) –
()¶ Open the splash screen with release info
(filepath="")¶ Generate system information, saved into a text file
Parameters: filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1438
(overwrite=True, filepath="", filter_folder=True, filter_glob="*.xml")¶ Load and apply a Blender XML theme file
Parameters: - overwrite (boolean, (optional)) – Overwrite, Remove existing theme file if exists
- filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath
- filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders
- filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – filter_glob
(url="")¶ Open a website in the web-browser
Parameters: url (string, (optional, never None)) – URL, URL to open File: startup/bl_operators/wm.py:858
()¶ Add path to exclude from autoexecution
(index=0)¶ Remove path to exclude from autoexecution
Parameters: index (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Index
()¶ Close the current Blender window
()¶ Duplicate the current Blender window
()¶ Toggle the current window fullscreen