
base class — bpy_struct

class bpy.types.Header(bpy_struct)

Editor header containing UI elements


If this is set, the header gets a custom ID, otherwise it takes the name of the class used to define the panel; for example, if the class name is “OBJECT_HT_hello”, and bl_idname is not set by the script, then bl_idname = “OBJECT_HT_hello”

Type:string, default “”, (never None)

The space where the header is going to be used in

  • EMPTY Empty.
  • VIEW_3D 3D View, 3D viewport.
  • TIMELINE Timeline, Timeline and playback controls.
  • GRAPH_EDITOR Graph Editor, Edit drivers and keyframe interpolation.
  • DOPESHEET_EDITOR Dope Sheet, Adjust timing of keyframes.
  • NLA_EDITOR NLA Editor, Combine and layer Actions.
  • IMAGE_EDITOR UV/Image Editor, View and edit images and UV Maps.
  • CLIP_EDITOR Movie Clip Editor, Motion tracking tools.
  • SEQUENCE_EDITOR Video Sequence Editor, Video editing tools.
  • NODE_EDITOR Node Editor, Editor for node-based shading and compositing tools.
  • TEXT_EDITOR Text Editor, Edit scripts and in-file documentation.
  • LOGIC_EDITOR Logic Editor, Game logic editing.
  • PROPERTIES Properties, Edit properties of active object and related data-blocks.
  • OUTLINER Outliner, Overview of scene graph and all available data-blocks.
  • USER_PREFERENCES User Preferences, Edit persistent configuration settings.
  • INFO Info, Main menu bar and list of error messages (drag down to expand and display).
  • FILE_BROWSER File Browser, Browse for files and assets.
  • CONSOLE Python Console, Interactive programmatic console for advanced editing and script development.

Structure of the header in the UI

Type:UILayout, (readonly)

Draw UI elements into the header UI layout

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions