Blender 2.81 Python API
Quickstart: new to Blender or scripting and want to get your feet wet?
API Overview: a more complete explanation of Python integration
API Reference Usage: examples of how to use the API reference docs
Best Practice: Conventions to follow for writing good scripts
Tips and Tricks: Hints to help you while writing scripts for Blender
Gotcha's: some of the problems you may come up against when writing scripts
List of changes since last Blender release
Application Modules
Context Access (bpy.context)
Data Access (
Operators (bpy.ops)
Types (bpy.types)
Utilities (bpy.utils)
bpy.utils submodule (bpy.utils.previews)
Path Utilities (bpy.path)
Application Data (
Property Definitions (bpy.props)
Standalone Modules
Math Types & Utilities (mathutils)
Freestyle Module (freestyle)
OpenGL Wrapper (bgl)
Font Drawing (blf)
GPU Shader Module (gpu)
GPU Utilities (gpu_extras)
Audio System (aud)
Extra Utilities (bpy_extras)
ID Property Access (idprop.types)
BMesh Module (bmesh)
Blender 2.81 Python API
Index – Y
y (bpy.types.CompositorNodeBoxMask attribute)
(bpy.types.CompositorNodeEllipseMask attribute)
(bpy.types.LineStyleGeometryModifier_2DOffset attribute)
(bpy.types.TextBox attribute)
(mathutils.Euler attribute)
(mathutils.Quaternion attribute)
(mathutils.Vector attribute)
y_axis (bpy.types.MirrorGpencilModifier attribute)
y_scale_mode (bpy.types.SplineIKConstraint attribute)
yield_ratio (bpy.types.SPHFluidSettings attribute)
yw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yww (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywww (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywwx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywwy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywwz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywxw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywxx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywxy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywxz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywyw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywyx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywyy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywyz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywzw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywzx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywzy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
ywzz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxww (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxwx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxwy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxwz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxxw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxxx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxxy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxxz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxyw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxyx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxyy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxyz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxzw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxzx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxzy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yxzz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyww (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yywx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yywy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yywz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyxw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyxx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyxy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyxz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyyw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyyx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyyy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyyz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyzw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyzx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyzy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yyzz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzww (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzwx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzwy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzwz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzxw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzxx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzxy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzxz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzyw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzyx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzyy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzyz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzz (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzzw (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzzx (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzzy (mathutils.Vector attribute)
yzzz (mathutils.Vector attribute)