
base classes — bpy_struct, GpencilModifier

class bpy.types.BuildGpencilModifier(GpencilModifier)

Animate strokes appearing and disappearing


When should strokes start to appear/disappear

  • START Align Start, All strokes start at same time (i.e. short strokes finish earlier).
  • END Align End, All strokes end at same time (i.e. short strokes start later).
Type:enum in [‘START’, ‘END’], default ‘START’

End Frame (when Restrict Frame Range is enabled)

Type:float in [-1.04857e+06, 1.04857e+06], default 0.0

Start Frame (when Restrict Frame Range is enabled)

Type:float in [-1.04857e+06, 1.04857e+06], default 0.0

Inverse filter

Type:boolean, default False

Inverse filter

Type:boolean, default False

Layer name

Type:string, default “”, (never None)

Layer pass index

Type:int in [0, 100], default 0

Maximum number of frames that the build effect can run for (unless another GP keyframe occurs before this time has elapsed)

Type:float in [1, 1.04857e+06], default 0.0

How many strokes are being animated at a time

  • SEQUENTIAL Sequential, Strokes appear/disappear one after the other, but only a single one changes at a time.
  • CONCURRENT Concurrent, Multiple strokes appear/disappear at once.
Type:enum in [‘SEQUENTIAL’, ‘CONCURRENT’], default ‘SEQUENTIAL’

Number of frames after each GP keyframe before the modifier has any effect

Type:float in [0, 1.04857e+06], default 0.0

How are strokes animated (i.e. are they appearing or disappearing)

  • GROW Grow, Show points in the order they occur in each stroke (e.g. for animating lines being drawn).
  • SHRINK Shrink, Hide points from the end of each stroke to the start (e.g. for animating lines being erased).
  • FADE Fade, Hide points in the order they occur in each stroke (e.g. for animating ink fading or vanishing after getting drawn).
Type:enum in [‘GROW’, ‘SHRINK’, ‘FADE’], default ‘GROW’

Only modify strokes during the specified frame range

Type:boolean, default False
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The RNA type or default when not found.
Return type:bpy.types.Struct subclass
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The class or default when not found.
Return type:type

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions