
base class — bpy_struct

class bpy.types.PreferencesEdit(bpy_struct)

Settings for interacting with Blender data


Mode of automatic keyframe insertion for Objects and Bones (default setting used for new Scenes)


Auto Handle Smoothing mode used for newly added F-Curves

  • NONE None, Automatic handles only take immediately adjacent keys into account.
  • CONT_ACCEL Continuous Acceleration, Automatic handles are adjusted to avoid jumps in acceleration, resulting in smoother curves. However, key changes may affect interpolation over a larger stretch of the curve.
Type:enum in [‘NONE’, ‘CONT_ACCEL’], default ‘CONT_ACCEL’

Amount that unselected F-Curves stand out from the background (Graph Editor)

Type:float in [0.001, 1], default 0.25

Color of new annotation layers

Type:float array of 4 items in [0, inf], default (0.38, 0.61, 0.78, 0.9)

Radius of eraser ‘brush’

Type:int in [1, 500], default 25

Distance moved by mouse when drawing stroke to include

Type:int in [0, 100], default 2

Pixels moved by mouse per axis when drawing stroke

Type:int in [0, 100], default 1

Handle type for handles of new keyframes

  • FREE Free, Completely independent manually set handle.
  • ALIGNED Aligned, Manually set handle with rotation locked together with its pair.
  • VECTOR Vector, Automatic handles that create straight lines.
  • AUTO Automatic, Automatic handles that create smooth curves.
  • AUTO_CLAMPED Auto Clamped, Automatic handles that create smooth curves which only change direction at keyframes.
Type:enum in [‘FREE’, ‘ALIGNED’, ‘VECTOR’, ‘AUTO’, ‘AUTO_CLAMPED’], default ‘AUTO_CLAMPED’

Interpolation mode used for first keyframe on newly added F-Curves (subsequent keyframes take interpolation from preceding keyframe)

  • CONSTANT Constant, No interpolation, value of A gets held until B is encountered.
  • LINEAR Linear, Straight-line interpolation between A and B (i.e. no ease in/out).
  • BEZIER Bezier, Smooth interpolation between A and B, with some control over curve shape.
  • SINE Sinusoidal, Sinusoidal easing (weakest, almost linear but with a slight curvature).
  • QUAD Quadratic, Quadratic easing.
  • CUBIC Cubic, Cubic easing.
  • QUART Quartic, Quartic easing.
  • QUINT Quintic, Quintic easing.
  • EXPO Exponential, Exponential easing (dramatic).
  • CIRC Circular, Circular easing (strongest and most dynamic).
  • BACK Back, Cubic easing with overshoot and settle.
  • BOUNCE Bounce, Exponentially decaying parabolic bounce, like when objects collide.
  • ELASTIC Elastic, Exponentially decaying sine wave, like an elastic band.
Type:enum in [‘CONSTANT’, ‘LINEAR’, ‘BEZIER’, ‘SINE’, ‘QUAD’, ‘CUBIC’, ‘QUART’, ‘QUINT’, ‘EXPO’, ‘CIRC’, ‘BACK’, ‘BOUNCE’, ‘ELASTIC’], default ‘BEZIER’

Toggle whether the material is linked to object data or the object block

  • OBDATA Object Data, Toggle whether the material is linked to object data or the object block.
  • OBJECT Object, Toggle whether the material is linked to object data or the object block.
Type:enum in [‘OBDATA’, ‘OBJECT’], default ‘OBDATA’

Minimum distance between nodes for Auto-offsetting nodes

Type:int in [0, 255], default 80

When adding objects from a 3D View menu, either align them with that view or with the world

  • WORLD World, Align newly added objects to the world coordinate system.
  • VIEW View, Align newly added objects to the active 3D View direction.
  • CURSOR 3D Cursor, Align newly added objects to the 3D Cursor’s rotation.
Type:enum in [‘WORLD’, ‘VIEW’, ‘CURSOR’], default ‘WORLD’

Color of texture overlay

Type:float array of 3 items in [0, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Maximum memory usage in megabytes (0 means unlimited)

Type:int in [0, inf], default 0

Number of undo steps available (smaller values conserve memory)

Type:int in [0, 256], default 32

Automatic keyframe insertion for Objects and Bones (default setting used for new Scenes)

Type:boolean, default False

Show warning indicators when transforming objects and bones if auto keying is enabled

Type:boolean, default False

Place the cursor without ‘jumping’ to the new location (when lock-to-cursor is used)

Type:boolean, default True

Causes actions to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes armature data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes curve data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes grease pencil data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes light data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes light probe data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes material data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default False

Causes mesh data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes metaball data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes particle systems to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default False

Causes surface data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Causes text data to be duplicated with the object

Type:boolean, default True

Enter Edit Mode automatically after adding a new object

Type:boolean, default False

Global undo works by keeping a full copy of the file itself in memory, so takes extra memory

Type:boolean, default True

Color for newly added transformation F-Curves (Location, Rotation, Scale) and also Color is based on the transform axis

Type:boolean, default True

Automatic keyframe insertion in available F-Curves

Type:boolean, default False

Keyframe insertion only when keyframe needed

Type:boolean, default False

Use the surface depth for cursor placement

Type:boolean, default True

Current frame number can be manually set to a negative value

Type:boolean, default True

Use Visual keying automatically for constrained objects

Type:boolean, default False
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The RNA type or default when not found.
Return type:bpy.types.Struct subclass
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The class or default when not found.
Return type:type

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions
