
base class — bpy_struct

subclasses — ActionConstraint, ArmatureConstraint, CameraSolverConstraint, ChildOfConstraint, ClampToConstraint, CopyLocationConstraint, CopyRotationConstraint, CopyScaleConstraint, CopyTransformsConstraint, DampedTrackConstraint, FloorConstraint, FollowPathConstraint, FollowTrackConstraint, KinematicConstraint, LimitDistanceConstraint, LimitLocationConstraint, LimitRotationConstraint, LimitScaleConstraint, LockedTrackConstraint, MaintainVolumeConstraint, ObjectSolverConstraint, PivotConstraint, PythonConstraint, ShrinkwrapConstraint, SplineIKConstraint, StretchToConstraint, TrackToConstraint, TransformCacheConstraint, TransformConstraint

class bpy.types.Constraint(bpy_struct)

Constraint modifying the transformation of objects and bones


Constraint is the one being edited


boolean, default False


Amount of residual error in Blender space unit for constraints that work on position


float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0, (readonly)


Amount of residual error in radians for constraints that work on orientation


float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0, (readonly)


Amount of influence constraint will have on the final solution


float in [0, 1], default 0.0


Constraint was added in this proxy instance (i.e. did not belong to source Armature)


boolean, default False, (readonly)


Constraint has valid settings and can be evaluated


boolean, default False, (readonly)


Enable/Disable Constraint


boolean, default False


Constraint name


string, default “”, (never None)


Space that owner is evaluated in

  • WORLD World Space, The constraint is applied relative to the world coordinate system.

  • CUSTOM Custom Space, The constraint is applied in local space of a custom object/bone/vertex group.

  • POSE Pose Space, The constraint is applied in Pose Space, the object transformation is ignored.

  • LOCAL_WITH_PARENT Local With Parent, The constraint is applied relative to the rest pose local coordinate system of the bone, thus including the parent-induced transformation.

  • LOCAL Local Space, The constraint is applied relative to the local coordinate system of the object.


enum in [‘WORLD’, ‘CUSTOM’, ‘POSE’, ‘LOCAL_WITH_PARENT’, ‘LOCAL’], default ‘WORLD’


Constraint’s panel is expanded in UI


boolean, default False


Object for Custom Space




Armature bone, mesh or lattice vertex group, …


string, default “”, (never None)


Space that target is evaluated in

  • WORLD World Space, The transformation of the target is evaluated relative to the world coordinate system.

  • CUSTOM Custom Space, The transformation of the target is evaluated relative to a custom object/bone/vertex group.

  • POSE Pose Space, The transformation of the target is only evaluated in the Pose Space, the target armature object transformation is ignored.

  • LOCAL_WITH_PARENT Local With Parent, The transformation of the target bone is evaluated relative to its rest pose local coordinate system, thus including the parent-induced transformation.

  • LOCAL Local Space, The transformation of the target is evaluated relative to its local coordinate system.


enum in [‘WORLD’, ‘CUSTOM’, ‘POSE’, ‘LOCAL_WITH_PARENT’, ‘LOCAL’], default ‘WORLD’

  • CAMERA_SOLVER Camera Solver.

  • FOLLOW_TRACK Follow Track.

  • OBJECT_SOLVER Object Solver.

  • COPY_LOCATION Copy Location, Copy the location of a target (with an optional offset), so that they move together.

  • COPY_ROTATION Copy Rotation, Copy the rotation of a target (with an optional offset), so that they rotate together.

  • COPY_SCALE Copy Scale, Copy the scale factors of a target (with an optional offset), so that they are scaled by the same amount.

  • COPY_TRANSFORMS Copy Transforms, Copy all the transformations of a target, so that they move together.

  • LIMIT_DISTANCE Limit Distance, Restrict movements to within a certain distance of a target (at the time of constraint evaluation only).

  • LIMIT_LOCATION Limit Location, Restrict movement along each axis within given ranges.

  • LIMIT_ROTATION Limit Rotation, Restrict rotation along each axis within given ranges.

  • LIMIT_SCALE Limit Scale, Restrict scaling along each axis with given ranges.

  • MAINTAIN_VOLUME Maintain Volume, Compensate for scaling one axis by applying suitable scaling to the other two axes.

  • TRANSFORM Transformation, Use one transform property from target to control another (or same) property on owner.

  • TRANSFORM_CACHE Transform Cache, Look up the transformation matrix from an external file.

  • CLAMP_TO Clamp To, Restrict movements to lie along a curve by remapping location along curve’s longest axis.

  • DAMPED_TRACK Damped Track, Point towards a target by performing the smallest rotation necessary.

  • IK Inverse Kinematics, Control a chain of bones by specifying the endpoint target (Bones only).

  • LOCKED_TRACK Locked Track, Rotate around the specified (‘locked’) axis to point towards a target.

  • SPLINE_IK Spline IK, Align chain of bones along a curve (Bones only).

  • STRETCH_TO Stretch To, Stretch along Y-Axis to point towards a target.

  • TRACK_TO Track To, Legacy tracking constraint prone to twisting artifacts.

  • ACTION Action, Use transform property of target to look up pose for owner from an Action.

  • ARMATURE Armature, Apply weight-blended transformation from multiple bones like the Armature modifier.

  • CHILD_OF Child Of, Make target the ‘detachable’ parent of owner.

  • FLOOR Floor, Use position (and optionally rotation) of target to define a ‘wall’ or ‘floor’ that the owner can not cross.

  • FOLLOW_PATH Follow Path, Use to animate an object/bone following a path.

  • PIVOT Pivot, Change pivot point for transforms (buggy).

  • SHRINKWRAP Shrinkwrap, Restrict movements to surface of target mesh.



classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)

id (string) – The RNA type identifier.


The RNA type or default when not found.

Return type

bpy.types.Struct subclass

classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)

id (string) – The RNA type identifier.


The class or default when not found.

Return type


Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions
