Blender 2.93.18 Python API
Quickstart: New to Blender or scripting and want to get your feet wet?
API Overview: A more complete explanation of Python integration
API Reference Usage: examples of how to use the API reference docs
Best Practice: Conventions to follow for writing good scripts
Tips and Tricks: Hints to help you while writing scripts for Blender
Gotcha's: Some of the problems you may encounter when writing scripts
Change Log: List of changes since last Blender release
Application Modules
Context Access (bpy.context)
Data Access (
Message Bus (bpy.msgbus)
Operators (bpy.ops)
Types (bpy.types)
Utilities (bpy.utils)
Path Utilities (bpy.path)
Application Data (
Property Definitions (bpy.props)
Standalone Modules
Audio System (aud)
OpenGL Wrapper (bgl)
Additional Math Functions (bl_math)
Font Drawing (blf)
BMesh Module (bmesh)
Extra Utilities (bpy_extras)
Freestyle Module (freestyle)
GPU Shader Module (gpu)
GPU Utilities (gpu_extras)
ID Property Access (idprop.types)
Image Buffer (imbuf)
Math Types & Utilities (mathutils)
Blender 2.93.18 Python API
GPU Utilities (gpu_extras)
GPU Utilities (gpu_extras)
gpu_extras submodule (gpu_extras.batch)
gpu_extras submodule (gpu_extras.presets)