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Class: ModeFlags ./

Readonly dictionary

...containing Material mode bitvectors:

|------------------------------------------| | Name | Description | |==========================================| | TRACEABLE | visible for shadow lamps | |------------------------------------------| | SHADOW | cast shadow | |------------------------------------------| | SHADELESS | do not shade | |------------------------------------------| | WIRE | draw in wireframe | |------------------------------------------| | VCOL_LIGHT | use vertex colors | | | with lighting | |------------------------------------------| | VCOL_PAINT | vertex colours | |------------------------------------------| | HALO | Halo material | |------------------------------------------| | ZTRANSP | Z transparency | |------------------------------------------| | ZINVERT | invert Z | |------------------------------------------| | ONLYSHADOW | only shadow, but | | | don't render | |------------------------------------------| | STAR | ? | |------------------------------------------| | TEXFACE | textured faces | |------------------------------------------| | NOMIST | disable mist | |------------------------------------------|

These mode flags directly represent the buttons in the Material parameters window (EditButtons)


  # be 'm' a material
  from Blender.Material.Modes import *
  m.mode |= (TRACEABLE + WIRE)    # Set 'wire' and 'traceable' flagsd
  m.mode &= ~SHADELESS            # clear 'shadeless' flag

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This document was automatically generated on Mon Feb 25 13:52:14 2002 by HappyDoc version r1_5