Module KX_GameObject

Source Code for Module KX_GameObject

  1  # $Id: 14713 2008-05-06 20:55:55Z ben2610 $ 
  2  # Documentation for game objects 
4 -class KX_GameObject:
5 """ 6 All game objects are derived from this class. 7 8 Properties assigned to game objects are accessible as attributes of this class. 9 10 @ivar name: The object's name. 11 @type name: string. 12 @ivar mass: The object's mass (provided the object has a physics controller). Read only. 13 @type mass: float 14 @ivar parent: The object's parent object. (Read only) 15 @type parent: L{KX_GameObject} 16 @ivar visible: visibility flag. 17 @type visible: boolean 18 @ivar position: The object's position. 19 @type position: list [x, y, z] 20 @ivar orientation: The object's orientation. 3x3 Matrix. 21 You can also write a Quaternion or Euler vector. 22 @type orientation: 3x3 Matrix [[float]] 23 @ivar scaling: The object's scaling factor. list [sx, sy, sz] 24 @type scaling: list [sx, sy, sz] 25 """ 26
27 - def setVisible(visible):
28 """ 29 Sets the game object's visible flag. 30 31 @type visible: boolean 32 """
33 - def setPosition(pos):
34 """ 35 Sets the game object's position. 36 37 @type pos: [x, y, z] 38 @param pos: the new position, in world coordinates. 39 """
40 - def getPosition():
41 """ 42 Gets the game object's position. 43 44 @rtype: list [x, y, z] 45 @return: the object's position in world coordinates. 46 """
47 - def setOrientation(orn):
48 """ 49 Sets the game object's orientation. 50 51 @type orn: 3x3 rotation matrix, or Quaternion. 52 @param orn: a rotation matrix specifying the new rotation. 53 """
54 - def getOrientation():
55 """ 56 Gets the game object's orientation. 57 58 @rtype: 3x3 rotation matrix 59 @return: The game object's rotation matrix 60 """
61 - def getLinearVelocity(local):
62 """ 63 Gets the game object's linear velocity. 64 65 This method returns the game object's velocity through it's centre of mass, 66 ie no angular velocity component. 67 68 @type local: boolean 69 @param local: - False: you get the "global" velocity ie: relative to world orientation. 70 - True: you get the "local" velocity ie: relative to object orientation. 71 @rtype: list [vx, vy, vz] 72 @return: the object's linear velocity. 73 """
74 - def getVelocity(point):
75 """ 76 Gets the game object's velocity at the specified point. 77 78 Gets the game object's velocity at the specified point, including angular 79 components. 80 81 @type point: list [x, y, z] 82 @param point: the point to return the velocity for, in local coordinates. (optional: default = [0, 0, 0]) 83 @rtype: list [vx, vy, vz] 84 @return: the velocity at the specified point. 85 """
86 - def getMass():
87 """ 88 Gets the game object's mass. 89 90 @rtype: float 91 @return: the object's mass. 92 """
93 - def getReactionForce():
94 """ 95 Gets the game object's reaction force. 96 97 The reaction force is the force applied to this object over the last simulation timestep. 98 This also includes impulses, eg from collisions. 99 100 @rtype: list [fx, fy, fz] 101 @return: the reaction force of this object. 102 """
103 - def applyImpulse(point, impulse):
104 """ 105 Applies an impulse to the game object. 106 107 This will apply the specified impulse to the game object at the specified point. 108 If point != getPosition(), applyImpulse will also change the object's angular momentum. 109 Otherwise, only linear momentum will change. 110 111 @type point: list [x, y, z] 112 @param point: the point to apply the impulse to (in world coordinates) 113 """
114 - def suspendDynamics():
115 """ 116 Suspends physics for this object. 117 """
118 - def restoreDynamics():
119 """ 120 Resumes physics for this object. 121 """
122 - def enableRigidBody():
123 """ 124 Enables rigid body physics for this object. 125 126 Rigid body physics allows the object to roll on collisions. 127 """
128 - def disableRigidBody():
129 """ 130 Disables rigid body physics for this object. 131 """
132 - def getParent():
133 """ 134 Gets this object's parent. 135 136 @rtype: L{KX_GameObject} 137 @return: this object's parent object, or None if this object has no parent. 138 """
139 - def setParent(parent):
140 """ 141 Sets this object's parent. 142 143 @type parent: L{KX_GameObject} 144 @param parent: new parent object. 145 """
146 - def removeParent():
147 """ 148 Removes this objects parent. 149 """
150 - def getMesh(mesh):
151 """ 152 Gets the mesh object for this object. 153 154 @type mesh: integer 155 @param mesh: the mesh object to return (optional: default mesh = 0) 156 @rtype: L{KX_MeshProxy} 157 @return: the first mesh object associated with this game object, or None if this object has no meshs. 158 """
159 - def getPhysicsId():
160 """ 161 Returns the user data object associated with this game object's physics controller. 162 """
163 - def getDistanceTo(other):
164 """ 165 Returns the distance to another object or point. 166 167 @param other: a point or another L{KX_GameObject} to measure the distance to. 168 @type other: L{KX_GameObject} or list [x, y, z] 169 @rtype: float 170 """
171 - def rayCastTo(other,dist,prop):
172 """ 173 Look towards another point/object and find first object hit within dist that matches prop. 174 175 The ray is always casted from the center of the object, ignoring the object itself. 176 The ray is casted towards the center of another object or an explicit [x,y,z] point. 177 178 @param other: [x,y,z] or object towards which the ray is casted 179 @type other: L{KX_GameObject} or string 180 @param dist: max distance to look (can be negative => look behind); 0 or omitted => detect up to other 181 @type dist: float 182 @param prop: property name that object must have; can be omitted => detect any object 183 @type prop: string 184 @rtype: L{KX_GameObject} 185 @return: the first object hit or None if no object or object does not match prop 186 """