Module KX_SceneActuator

Source Code for Module KX_SceneActuator

 1  # $Id: 3082 2004-09-19 01:33:08Z kester $ 
 2  # Documentation for KX_SceneActuator 
 3  from SCA_IActuator import * 
5 -class KX_SceneActuator(SCA_IActuator):
6 """ 7 Scene Actuator logic brick. 8 9 @warning: Scene actuators that use a scene name will be ignored if at game start, the 10 named scene doesn't exist or is empty 11 12 This will generate a warning in the console: 13 14 C{ERROR: GameObject I{OBName} has a SceneActuator I{ActuatorName} (SetScene) without scene} 15 """
16 - def setUseRestart(flag):
17 """ 18 Set flag to True to restart the scene. 19 20 @type flag: boolean 21 """
22 - def setScene(scene):
23 """ 24 Sets the name of the scene to change to/overlay/underlay/remove/suspend/resume. 25 26 @type scene: string 27 """
28 - def setCamera(camera):
29 """ 30 Sets the camera to change to. 31 32 Camera can be either a L{KX_Camera} or the name of the camera. 33 34 @type camera: L{KX_Camera} or string 35 """
36 - def getUseRestart():
37 """ 38 Returns True if the scene will be restarted. 39 40 @rtype: boolean 41 """
42 - def getScene():
43 """ 44 Returns the name of the scene to change to/overlay/underlay/remove/suspend/resume. 45 46 Returns an empty string ("") if no scene has been set. 47 48 @rtype: string 49 """
50 - def getCamera():
51 """ 52 Returns the name of the camera to change to. 53 54 @rtype: string 55 """