Disable an addon
Parameters: |
File : | ui/space_userpref.py:1106 |
Enable an addon
Parameters: |
File : | ui/space_userpref.py:1069 |
Display more information on this add-on
Parameters: |
File : | ui/space_userpref.py:1198 |
Install an addon
Parameters: |
File : | ui/space_userpref.py:1142 |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: |
Toggle a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:286 |
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:252 |
Adjust arbitrary values with mouse input
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:441 |
Scale an int context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:114 |
Set a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:64 |
Set a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:64 |
Set a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:64 |
Toggle a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:339 |
Set a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:64 |
Set a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:64 |
Set a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:190 |
Toggle a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:205 |
Toggle a context value.
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:229 |
Open a popup to set the debug level
Parameters: |
Load online reference docs
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:563 |
Load online reference docs
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:518 |
Quit Blender
Add an Application Interaction Preset
Parameters: |
File : |
Export key configuration to a python script
Parameters: |
File : |
Import key configuration from a python script
Parameters: |
File : |
Remove key config
File : | ui/space_userpref_keymap.py:773 |
Test keyconfig for conflicts
File : | ui/space_userpref_keymap.py:488 |
Add key map item
File : | ui/space_userpref_keymap.py:729 |
Remove key map item
Parameters: |
File : |
Restore key map item
Parameters: |
File : |
Edit stored key map
File : | ui/space_userpref_keymap.py:680 |
Restore key map(s)
Parameters: |
File : |
Link or Append from a Library .blend file
Parameters: |
Print memory statistics to the console
Open a Blender file
Parameters: |
Open a path in a file browser
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:476 |
Internal use (edit a property data_path)
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:710 |
Internal use (edit a property data_path)
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:643 |
Internal use (edit a property data_path)
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:737 |
Open the default file (doesn’t save the current file)
Parameters: |
Open an automatically saved file to recover it
Parameters: |
Open the last closed file (“quit.blend”)
Simple redraw timer to test the speed of updating the interface
Parameters: |
Save the current file in the desired location
Parameters: |
Make the current file the default .blend file
Save the current Blender file
Parameters: |
Undocumented (contribute)
Opens a blocking popup region with release info
Open a website in the Webbrowser
Parameters: |
File : | op/wm.py:463 |
Duplicate the current Blender window
Toggle the current window fullscreen