Audio System (aud)
Audaspace (pronounced “outer space”) is a high level audio library.
Basic Sound Playback
This script shows how to use the classes: Device
, Sound
import aud
device = aud.Device()
# load sound file (it can be a video file with audio)
sound = aud.Sound('music.ogg')
# play the audio, this return a handle to control play/pause
handle =
# if the audio is not too big and will be used often you can buffer it
sound_buffered = aud.Sound.cache(sound)
handle_buffered =
# stop the sounds (otherwise they play until their ends)
Constant value 3
Constant value 4
Constant value 1
- aud.AP_PITCH
Constant value 2
Constant value 0
Constant value 0
Constant value 1
Constant value 2
Constant value 3
Constant value 4
Constant value 5
Constant value 6
Constant value 7
Constant value 8
Constant value 1
- aud.CODEC_AC3
Constant value 2
Constant value 3
Constant value 0
- aud.CODEC_MP2
Constant value 4
- aud.CODEC_MP3
Constant value 5
Constant value 8
Constant value 6
Constant value 7
Constant value 1
Constant value 2
Constant value 0
Constant value 3
Constant value 4
Constant value 5
Constant value 6
Constant value 7
Constant value 5
Constant value 6
Constant value 0
Constant value 1
Constant value 2
Constant value 3
Constant value 4
Constant value 36
Constant value 40
Constant value 0
- aud.FORMAT_S16
Constant value 18
- aud.FORMAT_S24
Constant value 19
- aud.FORMAT_S32
Constant value 20
- aud.FORMAT_U8
Constant value 1
- aud.RATE_11025
Constant value 11025
- aud.RATE_16000
Constant value 16000
- aud.RATE_192000
Constant value 192000
- aud.RATE_22050
Constant value 22050
- aud.RATE_32000
Constant value 32000
- aud.RATE_44100
Constant value 44100
- aud.RATE_48000
Constant value 48000
- aud.RATE_8000
Constant value 8000
- aud.RATE_88200
Constant value 88200
- aud.RATE_96000
Constant value 96000
Constant value 0
Constant value 0
Constant value 2
Constant value 1
Constant value 3
- class aud.Device
Device objects represent an audio output backend like OpenAL or SDL, but might also represent a file output or RAM buffer output.
- lock()
Locks the device so that it’s guaranteed, that no samples are read from the streams until
is called. This is useful if you want to do start/stop/pause/resume some sounds at the same time.Note
The device has to be unlocked as often as locked to be able to continue playback.
Make sure the time between locking and unlocking is as short as possible to avoid clicks.
- play(sound, keep=False)
Plays a sound.
- Parameters:
sound (
) – The sound to play.keep (bool) – See
- Returns:
The playback handle with which playback can be controlled with.
- Return type:
- stopAll()
Stops all playing and paused sounds.
- channels
The channel count of the device.
- distance_model
The distance model of the device.
See also
- doppler_factor
The doppler factor of the device. This factor is a scaling factor for the velocity vectors in doppler calculation. So a value bigger than 1 will exaggerate the effect as it raises the velocity.
- format
The native sample format of the device.
- listener_location
The listeners’s location in 3D space, a 3D tuple of floats.
- listener_orientation
The listener’s orientation in 3D space as quaternion, a 4 float tuple.
- listener_velocity
The listener’s velocity in 3D space, a 3D tuple of floats.
- rate
The sampling rate of the device in Hz.
- speed_of_sound
The speed of sound of the device. The speed of sound in air is typically 343.3 m/s.
- volume
The overall volume of the device.
- class aud.DynamicMusic
The DynamicMusic object allows to play music depending on a current scene, scene changes are managed by the class, with the possibility of custom transitions. The default transition is a crossfade effect, and the default scene is silent and has id 0
- addScene(scene)
Adds a new scene.
- Parameters:
scene (
) – The scene sound.- Returns:
The new scene id.
- Return type:
- addTransition(ini, end, transition)
Adds a new scene.
- Parameters:
ini (int) – the initial scene foor the transition.
end (int) – The final scene for the transition.
transition (
) – The transition sound.
- Returns:
false if the ini or end scenes don’t exist, true othrwise.
- Return type:
- pause()
Pauses playback of the scene.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- resume()
Resumes playback of the scene.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- stop()
Stops playback of the scene.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- fadeTime
The length in seconds of the crossfade transition
- position
The playback position of the scene in seconds.
- scene
The current scene
- status
Whether the scene is playing, paused or stopped (=invalid).
- volume
The volume of the scene.
- class aud.HRTF
An HRTF object represents a set of head related transfer functions as impulse responses. It’s used for binaural sound
- loadLeftHrtfSet(extension, directory)
Loads all HRTFs from a directory.
- loadLeftHrtfSet(extension, directory)
Loads all HRTFs from a directory.
- addImpulseResponseFromSound(sound, azimuth, elevation)
Adds a new hrtf to the HRTF object
- Parameters:
sound (
) – The sound that contains the hrtf.azimuth (float) – The azimuth angle of the hrtf.
elevation (float) – The elevation angle of the hrtf.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- class aud.Handle
Handle objects are playback handles that can be used to control playback of a sound. If a sound is played back multiple times then there are as many handles.
- pause()
Pauses playback.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- resume()
Resumes playback.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- stop()
Stops playback.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
This makes the handle invalid.
- attenuation
This factor is used for distance based attenuation of the source.
See also
- cone_angle_inner
The opening angle of the inner cone of the source. If the cone values of a source are set there are two (audible) cones with the apex at the
of the source and with infinite height, heading in the direction of the source’sorientation
. In the inner cone the volume is normal. Outside the outer cone the volume will becone_volume_outer
and in the area between the volume will be interpolated linearly.
- cone_angle_outer
The opening angle of the outer cone of the source.
See also
- cone_volume_outer
The volume outside the outer cone of the source.
See also
- distance_maximum
The maximum distance of the source. If the listener is further away the source volume will be 0.
See also
- distance_reference
The reference distance of the source. At this distance the volume will be exactly
.See also
- keep
Whether the sound should be kept paused in the device when its end is reached. This can be used to seek the sound to some position and start playback again.
If this is set to true and you forget stopping this equals a memory leak as the handle exists until the device is destroyed.
- location
The source’s location in 3D space, a 3D tuple of floats.
- loop_count
The (remaining) loop count of the sound. A negative value indicates infinity.
- orientation
The source’s orientation in 3D space as quaternion, a 4 float tuple.
- pitch
The pitch of the sound.
- position
The playback position of the sound in seconds.
- relative
Whether the source’s location, velocity and orientation is relative or absolute to the listener.
- status
Whether the sound is playing, paused or stopped (=invalid).
- velocity
The source’s velocity in 3D space, a 3D tuple of floats.
- volume
The volume of the sound.
- volume_maximum
The maximum volume of the source.
See also
- volume_minimum
The minimum volume of the source.
See also
- class aud.ImpulseResponse
An ImpulseResponse object represents a filter with which to convolve a sound.
- class aud.PlaybackManager
A PlabackManager object allows to easily control groups os sounds organized in categories.
- addCategory(volume)
Adds a category with a custom volume.
- Parameters:
volume (float) – The volume for ther new category.
- Returns:
The key of the new category.
- Return type:
- clean()
Cleans all the invalid and finished sound from the playback manager.
- getVolume(catKey)
Retrieves the volume of a category.
- Parameters:
catKey (int) – the key of the category.
- Returns:
The volume of the cateogry.
- Return type:
- pause(catKey)
Pauses playback of the category.
- Parameters:
catKey (int) – the key of the category.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- play(sound, catKey)
Plays a sound through the playback manager and assigns it to a category.
- resume(catKey)
Resumes playback of the catgory.
- Parameters:
catKey (int) – the key of the category.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- setVolume(volume, catKey)
Changes the volume of a category.
- Parameters:
volume (float) – the new volume value.
catKey (int) – the key of the category.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- stop(catKey)
Stops playback of the category.
- Parameters:
catKey (int) – the key of the category.
- Returns:
Whether the action succeeded.
- Return type:
- class aud.Sequence
This sound represents sequenced entries to play a sound sequence.
- add()
Adds a new entry to the sequence.
- Parameters:
sound (
) – The sound this entry should play.begin (double) – The start time.
end (double) – The end time or a negative value if determined by the sound.
skip (double) – How much seconds should be skipped at the beginning.
- Returns:
The entry added.
- Return type:
- remove()
Removes an entry from the sequence.
- Parameters:
entry (
) – The entry to remove.
- setAnimationData()
Writes animation data to a sequence.
- Parameters:
type (int) – The type of animation data.
frame (int) – The frame this data is for.
data (sequence of float) – The data to write.
animated (bool) – Whether the attribute is animated.
- channels
The channel count of the sequence.
- distance_model
The distance model of the sequence.
See also
- doppler_factor
The doppler factor of the sequence. This factor is a scaling factor for the velocity vectors in doppler calculation. So a value bigger than 1 will exaggerate the effect as it raises the velocity.
- fps
The listeners’s location in 3D space, a 3D tuple of floats.
- muted
Whether the whole sequence is muted.
- rate
The sampling rate of the sequence in Hz.
- speed_of_sound
The speed of sound of the sequence. The speed of sound in air is typically 343.3 m/s.
- class aud.SequenceEntry
SequenceEntry objects represent an entry of a sequenced sound.
- move()
Moves the entry.
- Parameters:
begin (double) – The new start time.
end (double) – The new end time or a negative value if unknown.
skip (double) – How many seconds to skip at the beginning.
- setAnimationData()
Writes animation data to a sequenced entry.
- Parameters:
type (int) – The type of animation data.
frame (int) – The frame this data is for.
data (sequence of float) – The data to write.
animated (bool) – Whether the attribute is animated.
- attenuation
This factor is used for distance based attenuation of the source.
See also
- cone_angle_inner
The opening angle of the inner cone of the source. If the cone values of a source are set there are two (audible) cones with the apex at the
of the source and with infinite height, heading in the direction of the source’sorientation
. In the inner cone the volume is normal. Outside the outer cone the volume will becone_volume_outer
and in the area between the volume will be interpolated linearly.
- cone_angle_outer
The opening angle of the outer cone of the source.
See also
- cone_volume_outer
The volume outside the outer cone of the source.
See also
- distance_maximum
The maximum distance of the source. If the listener is further away the source volume will be 0.
See also
- distance_reference
The reference distance of the source. At this distance the volume will be exactly
.See also
- muted
Whether the entry is muted.
- relative
Whether the source’s location, velocity and orientation is relative or absolute to the listener.
- sound
The sound the entry is representing and will be played in the sequence.
- volume_maximum
The maximum volume of the source.
See also
- volume_minimum
The minimum volume of the source.
See also
- class aud.Sound
Sound objects are immutable and represent a sound that can be played simultaneously multiple times. They are called factories because they create reader objects internally that are used for playback.
- classmethod buffer(data, rate)
Creates a sound from a data buffer.
- classmethod file(filename)
Creates a sound object of a sound file.
- Parameters:
filename (string) – Path of the file.
- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
If the file doesn’t exist or can’t be read you will not get an exception immediately, but when you try to start playback of that sound.
- classmethod list()
Creates an empty sound list that can contain several sounds.
- classmethod sawtooth(frequency, rate=48000)
Creates a sawtooth sound which plays a sawtooth wave.
- classmethod silence(rate=48000)
Creates a silence sound which plays simple silence.
- classmethod sine(frequency, rate=48000)
Creates a sine sound which plays a sine wave.
- classmethod square(frequency, rate=48000)
Creates a square sound which plays a square wave.
- classmethod triangle(frequency, rate=48000)
Creates a triangle sound which plays a triangle wave.
- ADSR(attack, decay, sustain, release)
Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release envelopes the volume of a sound. Note: there is currently no way to trigger the release with this API.
- accumulate(additive=False)
Accumulates a sound by summing over positive input differences thus generating a monotonic sigal. If additivity is set to true negative input differences get added too, but positive ones with a factor of two.
Note that with additivity the signal is not monotonic anymore.
- addSound(sound)
Adds a new sound to a sound list.
- Parameters:
sound (
) – The sound that will be added to the list.
You can only add a sound to a sound list.
- binaural()
Creates a binaural sound using another sound as source. The original sound must be mono
- Parameters:
hrtfs – An HRTF set.
source (
) – An object representing the source position of the sound.threadPool (
) – A thread pool used to parallelize convolution.
- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
- cache()
Caches a sound into RAM.
This saves CPU usage needed for decoding and file access if the underlying sound reads from a file on the harddisk, but it consumes a lot of memory.
Only known-length factories can be buffered.
Raw PCM data needs a lot of space, only buffer short factories.
- convolver()
Creates a sound that will apply convolution to another sound.
- Parameters:
impulseResponse (
) – The filter with which convolve the sound.threadPool (
) – A thread pool used to parallelize convolution.
- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
- data()
Retrieves the data of the sound as numpy array.
- Returns:
A two dimensional numpy float array.
- Return type:
Best efficiency with cached sounds.
- delay(time)
Delays by playing adding silence in front of the other sound’s data.
- envelope(attack, release, threshold, arthreshold)
Delays by playing adding silence in front of the other sound’s data.
- fadein(start, length)
Fades a sound in by raising the volume linearly in the given time interval.
- Parameters:
start (float) – Time in seconds when the fading should start.
length (float) – Time in seconds how long the fading should last.
- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
Before the fade starts it plays silence.
- fadeout(start, length)
Fades a sound in by lowering the volume linearly in the given time interval.
- Parameters:
start (float) – Time in seconds when the fading should start.
length (float) – Time in seconds how long the fading should last.
- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
After the fade this sound plays silence, so that the length of the sound is not altered.
- filter(b, a=1)
Filters a sound with the supplied IIR filter coefficients. Without the second parameter you’ll get a FIR filter.
If the first value of the a sequence is 0, it will be set to 1 automatically. If the first value of the a sequence is neither 0 nor 1, all filter coefficients will be scaled by this value so that it is 1 in the end, you don’t have to scale yourself.
- highpass(frequency, Q=0.5)
Creates a second order highpass filter based on the transfer function
- join(sound)
Plays two factories in sequence.
- Parameters:
sound (
) – The sound to play second.- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
The two factories have to have the same specifications (channels and samplerate).
- limit(start, end)
Limits a sound within a specific start and end time.
- loop(count)
Loops a sound.
- Parameters:
count (integer) – How often the sound should be looped. Negative values mean endlessly.
- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
This is a filter function, you might consider using
- lowpass(frequency, Q=0.5)
Creates a second order lowpass filter based on the transfer function
- mix(sound)
Mixes two factories.
- Parameters:
sound (
) – The sound to mix over the other.- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
The two factories have to have the same specifications (channels and samplerate).
- modulate(sound)
Modulates two factories.
- Parameters:
sound (
) – The sound to modulate over the other.- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
The two factories have to have the same specifications (channels and samplerate).
- mutable()
Creates a sound that will be restarted when sought backwards. If the original sound is a sound list, the playing sound can change.
- pingpong()
Plays a sound forward and then backward. This is like joining a sound with its reverse.
- pitch(factor)
Changes the pitch of a sound with a specific factor.
- Parameters:
factor (float) – The factor to change the pitch with.
- Returns:
The created
object.- Return type:
This is done by changing the sample rate of the underlying sound, which has to be an integer, so the factor value rounded and the factor may not be 100 % accurate.
This is a filter function, you might consider using
- rechannel(channels)
Rechannels the sound.
- resample(rate, high_quality)
Resamples the sound.
- reverse()
Plays a sound reversed.
The sound has to have a finite length and has to be seekable. It’s recommended to use this only with factories with fast and accurate seeking, which is not true for encoded audio files, such ones should be buffered using
before being played reversed.Warning
If seeking is not accurate in the underlying sound you’ll likely hear skips/jumps/cracks.
- threshold(threshold=0)
Makes a threshold wave out of an audio wave by setting all samples with a amplitude >= threshold to 1, all <= -threshold to -1 and all between to 0.
- volume(volume)
Changes the volume of a sound.
Should be in the range [0, 1] to avoid clipping.
This is a filter function, you might consider using
- write(filename, rate, channels, format, container, codec, bitrate, buffersize)
Writes the sound to a file.
- Parameters:
filename (string) – The path to write to.
rate (int) – The sample rate to write with.
channels (int) – The number of channels to write with.
format (int) – The sample format to write with.
container (int) – The container format for the file.
codec (int) – The codec to use in the file.
bitrate (int) – The bitrate to write with.
buffersize (int) – The size of the writing buffer.
- length
The sample specification of the sound as a tuple with rate and channel count.
- specs
The sample specification of the sound as a tuple with rate and channel count.
- class aud.Source
The source object represents the source position of a binaural sound.
- azimuth
The azimuth angle.
- distance
The distance value. 0 is min, 1 is max.
- elevation
The elevation angle.
- class aud.ThreadPool
A ThreadPool is used to parallelize convolution efficiently.
- class aud.error