
base class — bpy_struct

class bpy.types.CyclesMaterialSettings(bpy_struct)

Method to use for the displacement

  • BUMP Bump Only, Bump mapping to simulate the appearance of displacement.
  • DISPLACEMENT Displacement Only, Use true displacement of surface only, requires fine subdivision.
  • BOTH Displacement and Bump, Combination of true displacement and bump mapping for finer detail.
Type:enum in [‘BUMP’, ‘DISPLACEMENT’, ‘BOTH’], default ‘DISPLACEMENT’

When using volume rendering, assume volume has the same density everywhere (not using any textures), for faster rendering

Type:boolean, default False

Use multiple importance sampling for this material, disabling may reduce overall noise for large objects that emit little light compared to other light sources

Type:boolean, default True

Use transparent shadows for this material if it contains a Transparent BSDF, disabling will render faster but not give accurate shadows

Type:boolean, default True

Interpolation method to use for smoke/fire volumes

  • LINEAR Linear, Good smoothness and speed.
  • CUBIC Cubic, Smoothed high quality interpolation, but slower.
Type:enum in [‘LINEAR’, ‘CUBIC’], default ‘LINEAR’

Sampling method to use for volumes

  • DISTANCE Distance, Use distance sampling, best for dense volumes with lights far away.
  • EQUIANGULAR Equiangular, Use equiangular sampling, best for volumes with low density with light inside or near the volume.
  • MULTIPLE_IMPORTANCE Multiple Importance, Combine distance and equi-angular sampling for volumes where neither method is ideal.
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The RNA type or default when not found.
Return type:bpy.types.Struct subclass
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The class or default when not found.
Return type:type

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions