subclasses — ActionFCurves, ActionGroup, ActionGroups, ActionPoseMarkers, Actuator, Addon, Addons, AnimData, AnimViz, AnimVizMotionPaths, AnimVizOnionSkinning, AnyType, Area, ArmatureBones, ArmatureEditBones, BackgroundImage, BezierSplinePoint, BlendData, BlenderRNA, BoidRule, BoidSettings, BoidState, Bone, BoneGroup, BoneGroups, ChannelDriverVariables, ChildParticle, ClothCollisionSettings, ClothSettings, CollisionSettings, ColorRamp, ColorRampElement, ColorRampElements, ConsoleLine, Constraint, ConstraintTarget, Context, Controller, CurveMap, CurveMapPoint, CurveMapping, CurveSplines, DopeSheet, Driver, DriverTarget, DriverVariable, DupliObject, EditBone, EffectorWeights, EnumPropertyItem, EnvironmentMap, Event, FCurve, FCurveKeyframePoints, FCurveModifiers, FCurveSample, FModifier, FModifierEnvelopeControlPoint, FieldSettings, FileSelectParams, FluidSettings, Function, GPencilFrame, GPencilLayer, GPencilStroke, GPencilStrokePoint, GameObjectSettings, GameProperty, GameSoftBodySettings, GroupObjects, Header, Histogram, ID, IDMaterials, IDProperty, IDPropertyGroup, IKParam, ImageUser, KeyConfig, KeyConfigurations, KeyMap, KeyMapItem, KeyMapItems, KeyMaps, Keyframe, KeyingSet, KeyingSetInfo, KeyingSetPath, KeyingSetPaths, KeyingSets, KeyingSetsAll, LampSkySettings, LampTextureSlots, LatticePoint, Macro, MainActions, MainArmatures, MainBrushes, MainCameras, MainCurves, MainFonts, MainGroups, MainImages, MainLamps, MainLattices, MainMaterials, MainMeshes, MainMetaBalls, MainNodeTrees, MainObjects, MainParticles, MainScenes, MainTexts, MainTextures, MainWorlds, MaterialHalo, MaterialPhysics, MaterialRaytraceMirror, MaterialRaytraceTransparency, MaterialSlot, MaterialStrand, MaterialSubsurfaceScattering, MaterialTextureSlots, MaterialVolume, Menu, MeshColor, MeshColorLayer, MeshEdge, MeshEdges, MeshFace, MeshFaces, MeshFloatProperty, MeshFloatPropertyLayer, MeshIntProperty, MeshIntPropertyLayer, MeshSticky, MeshStringProperty, MeshStringPropertyLayer, MeshTextureFace, MeshTextureFaceLayer, MeshVertex, MeshVertices, MetaBallElements, MetaElement, Modifier, MotionPath, MotionPathVert, NlaStrip, NlaTrack, Node, NodeSocket, ObjectBase, ObjectConstraints, ObjectModifiers, Operator, OperatorProperties, OperatorTypeMacro, PackedFile, Paint, Panel, Particle, ParticleBrush, ParticleDupliWeight, ParticleEdit, ParticleHairKey, ParticleKey, ParticleSystem, ParticleSystems, ParticleTarget, PointCache, PointCaches, PointDensity, Pose, PoseBone, PoseBoneConstraints, Property, RGBANodeSocket, Region, RegionView3D, RenderEngine, RenderLayer, RenderLayers, RenderPass, RenderResult, RenderSettings, SPHFluidSettings, SceneBases, SceneGameData, SceneObjects, SceneRenderLayer, Scopes, Sensor, Sequence, SequenceColorBalance, SequenceCrop, SequenceEditor, SequenceElement, SequenceProxy, SequenceTransform, ShapeKey, ShapeKeyBezierPoint, ShapeKeyCurvePoint, ShapeKeyPoint, SmokeCollSettings, SmokeDomainSettings, SmokeFlowSettings, SoftBodySettings, Space, SpaceUVEditor, Spline, SplineBezierPoints, SplinePoint, SplinePoints, Struct, TexMapping, TextBox, TextCharacterFormat, TextLine, TextMarker, TextureSlot, Theme, ThemeAudioWindow, ThemeBoneColorSet, ThemeConsole, ThemeDopeSheet, ThemeFileBrowser, ThemeFontStyle, ThemeGraphEditor, ThemeImageEditor, ThemeInfo, ThemeLogicEditor, ThemeNLAEditor, ThemeNodeEditor, ThemeOutliner, ThemeProperties, ThemeSequenceEditor, ThemeStyle, ThemeTextEditor, ThemeTimeline, ThemeUserInterface, ThemeUserPreferences, ThemeView3D, ThemeWidgetColors, ThemeWidgetStateColors, TimelineMarker, TimelineMarkers, ToolSettings, TransformOrientation, UILayout, UVProjector, UVTextures, UnitSettings, UnknownType, UserPreferences, UserPreferencesEdit, UserPreferencesFilePaths, UserPreferencesInput, UserPreferencesSystem, UserPreferencesView, UserSolidLight, ValueNodeSocket, VectorNodeSocket, VertexColors, VertexGroup, VertexGroupElement, VertexGroups, VoxelData, Window, WorldLighting, WorldMistSettings, WorldStarsSettings, WorldTextureSlots
built-in base class for all classes in bpy.types.
Note that bpy.types.bpy_struct is not actually available from within blender, it only exists for the purpose of documentation.
Returns the memory address which holds a pointer to blenders internal data
Returns: | int (memory address). |
Return type: | int |
This is intended only for advanced script writers who need to pass blender data to their own C/Python modules.
Undocumented (contribute)
Undocumented (contribute)
Adds driver(s) to the given property
Parameters: |
Returns: | The driver(s) added. |
Return type: | FCurve or list if index is -1 with an array property. |
Remove driver(s) from the given property
Parameters: |
Returns: | Success of driver removal. |
Return type: | boolean |
Returns the value of the custom property assigned to key or default when not found (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).
Parameters: |
Check if a property is hidden.
Returns: | True when the property is hidden. |
Return type: | boolean |
Check if a property is set, use for testing operator properties.
Returns: | True when the property has been set. |
Return type: | boolean |
Returns the items of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).
Returns: | custom property key, value pairs. |
Return type: | list of key, value tuples |
Remove a keyframe from this properties fcurve.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Success of keyframe deleation. |
Return type: | boolean |
Insert a keyframe on the property given, adding fcurves and animation data when necessary.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Success of keyframe insertion. |
Return type: | boolean |
Returns the keys of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).
Returns: | custom property keys. |
Return type: | list of strings |
Returns the data path from the ID to this object (string).
Parameters: |
Returns: | The path from bpy_struct.id_data to this struct and property (when given). |
Return type: | str |
Returns the property from the path, raise an exception when not found.
Parameters: |
Return a new instance, this is needed because types such as textures can be changed at runtime.
Returns: | a new instance of this object with the type initialized again. |
Return type: | subclass of bpy_struct |
Returns the values of this objects custom properties (matches pythons dictionary function of the same name).
Returns: | custom property values. |
Return type: | list |