
base class — bpy_struct

class bpy.types.Menu(bpy_struct)

Editor menu containing buttons


If this is set, the menu gets a custom ID, otherwise it takes the name of the class used to define the panel. For example, if the class name is “OBJECT_MT_hello”, and bl_idname is not set by the script, then bl_idname = “OBJECT_MT_hello”

Type :string, default “”

The menu label

Type :string, default “”

Defines the structure of the menu in the UI.

Type :UILayout, (readonly)
classmethod poll(context)

If this method returns a non-null output, then the menu can be drawn.

Return type:boolean

Draw UI elements into the menu UI layout.

classmethod append(draw_func)

Prepend an draw function to this menu, takes the same arguments as the menus draw function.


Define these on the subclass - preset_operator - preset_subdir

path_menu(searchpaths, operator, props_default={})
classmethod prepend(draw_func)

Prepend a draw function to this menu, takes the same arguments as the menus draw function.

classmethod remove(draw_func)

Remove a draw function that has been added to this menu

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions

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