base classes — bpy_struct, ID
Object datablock defining an object in a scene
Index of active material slot
Type : | int in [0, inf], default 0 |
Current shape key index
Type : | int in [-32768, 32767], default 0 |
Objects bound box in object-space coordinates, all values are -1.0 when not available.
Type : | float array of 24 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (readonly) |
Settings for using the objects as a collider in physics simulation
Type : | CollisionSettings, (readonly) |
Object color and alpha, used when faces have the ObColor mode enabled
Type : | float array of 4 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Constraints affecting the transformation of the object
Type : | ObjectConstraints collection of Constraint, (readonly) |
Extra translation added to the location of the object
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Extra rotation added to the rotation of the object (when using Euler rotations)
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Extra rotation added to the rotation of the object (when using Quaternion rotations)
Type : | float array of 4 items in [-inf, inf], default (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Extra scaling added to the scale of the object
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Absolute bounding box dimensions of the object
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Object boundary display type
Type : | enum in [‘BOX’, ‘SPHERE’, ‘CYLINDER’, ‘CONE’, ‘POLYHEDRON’, ‘CAPSULE’], default ‘BOX’ |
Maximum draw type to display object with in viewport
Type : | enum in [‘BOUNDS’, ‘WIRE’, ‘SOLID’, ‘TEXTURED’], default ‘BOUNDS’ |
Scale the DupliFace objects
Type : | float in [0.001, 10000], default 0.0 |
End frame for DupliFrames
Type : | int in [-300000, 300000], default 0 |
Recurring frames to exclude from the Dupliframes
Type : | int in [0, 300000], default 0 |
Number of frames to use between DupOff frames
Type : | int in [0, 300000], default 0 |
Start frame for DupliFrames
Type : | int in [-300000, 300000], default 0 |
Object duplis
Type : | Collection of DupliObject, (readonly) |
If not None, object duplication method to use
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘FRAMES’, ‘VERTS’, ‘FACES’, ‘GROUP’], default ‘NONE’ |
Size of display for empties in the viewport
Type : | float in [0.0001, 1000], default 0.0 |
Viewport display style for empties
Type : | enum in [‘PLAIN_AXES’, ‘ARROWS’, ‘SINGLE_ARROW’, ‘CIRCLE’, ‘CUBE’, ‘SPHERE’, ‘CONE’], default ‘PLAIN_AXES’ |
Settings for using the objects as a field in physics simulation
Type : | FieldSettings, (readonly) |
Game engine related settings for the object
Type : | GameObjectSettings, (readonly, never None) |
Grease Pencil datablock
Type : | GreasePencil |
Restrict visibility in the viewport
Type : | boolean, default False |
Restrict renderability
Type : | boolean, default False |
Restrict selection in the viewport
Type : | boolean, default False |
Type : | boolean, default False, (readonly) |
Layers the object is on
Type : | boolean array of 20 items, default (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) |
Location of the object
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Lock editing of location in the interface
Type : | boolean array of 3 items, default (False, False, False) |
Lock editing of rotation in the interface
Type : | boolean array of 3 items, default (False, False, False) |
Lock editing of ‘angle’ component of four-component rotations in the interface
Type : | boolean, default False |
Lock editing of four component rotations by components (instead of as Eulers)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Lock editing of scale in the interface
Type : | boolean array of 3 items, default (False, False, False) |
Material slots in the object
Type : | Collection of MaterialSlot, (readonly) |
Matrix access to location, rotation and scale (including deltas), before constraints and parenting are applied.
Type : | float array of 16 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Parent relative transformation matrix
Type : | float array of 16 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Worldspace transformation matrix
Type : | float array of 16 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Object interaction mode
Type : | enum in [‘OBJECT’, ‘EDIT’, ‘SCULPT’, ‘VERTEX_PAINT’, ‘WEIGHT_PAINT’, ‘TEXTURE_PAINT’, ‘PARTICLE_EDIT’, ‘POSE’], default ‘OBJECT’, (readonly) |
Modifiers affecting the geometric data of the object
Type : | ObjectModifiers collection of Modifier, (readonly) |
Motion Path for this element
Type : | MotionPath, (readonly) |
Name of parent bone in case of a bone parenting relation
Type : | string, default “” |
Type of parent relation
Type : | enum in [‘OBJECT’, ‘CURVE’, ‘KEY’, ‘ARMATURE’, ‘LATTICE’, ‘VERTEX’, ‘VERTEX_3’, ‘BONE’], default ‘OBJECT’ |
Indices of vertices in cases of a vertex parenting relation
Type : | int array of 3 items in [0, inf], default (0, 0, 0), (readonly) |
Particle systems emitted from the object
Type : | ParticleSystems collection of ParticleSystem, (readonly) |
Index # for the IndexOB render pass
Type : | int in [0, 32767], default 0 |
Angle of Rotation for Axis-Angle rotation representation
Type : | float array of 4 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) |
Rotation in Eulers
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Type : | enum in [‘QUATERNION’, ‘XYZ’, ‘XZY’, ‘YXZ’, ‘YZX’, ‘ZXY’, ‘ZYX’, ‘AXIS_ANGLE’], default ‘QUATERNION’ |
Rotation in Quaternions
Type : | float array of 4 items in [-inf, inf], default (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Scaling of the object
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) |
Object selection state
Type : | boolean, default False |
Displays the object’s origin and axis
Type : | boolean, default False |
Displays the object’s bounds
Type : | boolean, default False |
Displays the object’s name
Type : | boolean, default False |
Always show the current Shape for this Object
Type : | boolean, default False |
Displays the object’s texture space
Type : | boolean, default False |
Displays material transparency in the object
Type : | boolean, default False |
Adds the object’s wireframe over solid drawing
Type : | boolean, default False |
Makes the object draw in front of others
Type : | boolean, default False |
Settings for soft body simulation
Type : | SoftBodySettings, (readonly) |
Animation offset in frames for F-Curve and dupligroup instances
Type : | float in [-300000, 300000], default 0.0 |
Axis that points in ‘forward’ direction
Type : | enum in [‘POS_X’, ‘POS_Y’, ‘POS_Z’, ‘NEG_X’, ‘NEG_Y’, ‘NEG_Z’], default ‘POS_X’ |
Type of Object
Type : | enum in [‘MESH’, ‘CURVE’, ‘SURFACE’, ‘META’, ‘FONT’, ‘ARMATURE’, ‘LATTICE’, ‘EMPTY’, ‘CAMERA’, ‘LAMP’], default ‘EMPTY’, (readonly) |
Axis that points in the upward direction
Type : | enum in [‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’], default ‘X’ |
Scale dupli based on face size
Type : | boolean, default False |
Set dupliframes to use the frame
Type : | boolean, default False |
Rotate dupli according to vertex normal
Type : | boolean, default False |
Apply shape keys in edit mode (for Meshes only)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Create a delay in the parent relationship
Type : | boolean, default False |
Add the parents time offset value
Type : | boolean, default False |
Use time offset when inserting keys and display time offset for F-Curve and action views
Type : | boolean, default False |
Apply the time offset to this objects parent relationship
Type : | boolean, default False |
Let the time offset work on the particle effect
Type : | boolean, default False |
Vertex groups of the object
Type : | VertexGroups collection of VertexGroup, (readonly) |
All the children of this object (readonly)
The groups this object is in (readonly)
The scenes this object is in (readonly)
Create a Mesh datablock with modifiers applied.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Mesh created from object, remove it if it is only used for export. |
Return type: |
Create a list of dupli objects for this object, needs to be freed manually with free_dupli_list to restore the objects real matrix and layers.
Parameters: | scene (Scene, (never None)) – Scene within which to evaluate duplis. |
Free the list of dupli objects.
Find armature influencing this object as a parent or via a modifier.
Returns: | Armature object influencing this object or NULL. |
Return type: | Object |
Add shape key to an object.
Parameters: |
Returns: | New shape keyblock. |
Return type: |
Cast a ray onto in object space.
Return (location, normal, index): | |
location, The hit location of this ray cast, float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] normal, The face normal at the ray cast hit location, float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf] index, The face index, -1 when no intersection is found., int in [-inf, inf] |
Determine if object is visible in a given scene.
Returns: | Object visibility. |
Return type: | boolean |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions