Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | point (enum in [‘BLACK_POINT’, ‘WHITE_POINT’], (optional)) – Point, Set black point or white point for curves. |
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Parameters: | reverse (boolean, (optional)) – Cycle in Reverse |
Edit image in an external application
Parameters: | filepath (string, (optional)) – File Path, Path to an image file |
File : | startup/bl_operators/image.py:57 |
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Pack an image as embedded data into the .blend file
Parameters: | as_png (boolean, (optional)) – Pack As PNG, Pack image as lossless PNG. |
Project edited image back onto the object
File : | startup/bl_operators/image.py:177 |
Edit a snapshot if the viewport in an external image editor
File : | startup/bl_operators/image.py:114 |
Toggle display properties panel
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Save all modified textures
File : | startup/bl_operators/image.py:91 |
Undocumented (contribute)
Toggle display scopes panel
Undocumented (contribute)
Save an image packed in the .blend file to disk
Parameters: |
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Parameters: | offset (float array of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Offset, Offset in floating point units, 1.0 is the width and height of the image. |
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Parameters: | factor (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Factor, Zoom factor, values higher than 1.0 zoom in, lower values zoom out. |
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Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | ratio (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Ratio, Zoom ratio, 1.0 is 1:1, higher is zoomed in, lower is zoomed out. |