base class — bpy_struct
Rendering settings for a Scene datablock
Representation of alpha information in the RGBA pixels
Type : | enum in [‘SKY’, ‘PREMUL’, ‘STRAIGHT’], default ‘SKY’ |
Amount of anti-aliasing samples per pixel
Type : | enum in [‘5’, ‘8’, ‘11’, ‘16’], default ‘5’ |
Type : | enum in [‘5’, ‘8’, ‘11’, ‘16’], default ‘5’ |
Bias towards faces further away from the object (in blender units)
Type : | float in [0, 1000], default 0.0 |
Maximum distance from active object to other object (in blender units
Type : | float in [0, 1000], default 0.0 |
Amount of pixels to extend the baked result with, as post process filter
Type : | int in [0, 32], default 0 |
Choose normal space for baking
Type : | enum in [‘CAMERA’, ‘WORLD’, ‘OBJECT’, ‘TANGENT’], default ‘CAMERA’ |
Choose the method used to split a quad into 2 triangles for baking
Type : | enum in [‘AUTO’, ‘FIXED’, ‘FIXED_ALT’], default ‘AUTO’ |
Choose shading information to bake into the image
Type : | enum in [‘FULL’, ‘AO’, ‘SHADOW’, ‘NORMALS’, ‘TEXTURE’, ‘DISPLACEMENT’], default ‘FULL’ |
Sets maximum X value for the render border
Type : | float in [0, 1], default 0.0 |
Sets maximum Y value for the render border
Type : | float in [0, 1], default 0.0 |
Sets minimum X value to for the render border
Type : | float in [0, 1], default 0.0 |
Sets minimum Y value for the render border
Type : | float in [0, 1], default 0.0 |
Log conversion reference blackpoint
Type : | int in [0, 1024], default 0 |
Log conversion gamma
Type : | float in [0, 10], default 0.0 |
Log conversion reference whitepoint
Type : | int in [0, 1024], default 0 |
Choose BW for saving greyscale images, RGB for saving red, green and blue channels, AND RGBA for saving red, green, blue + alpha channels
Type : | enum in [‘BW’, ‘RGB’, ‘RGBA’], default ‘BW’ |
Select where rendered images will be displayed
Type : | enum in [‘SCREEN’, ‘AREA’, ‘WINDOW’, ‘NONE’], default ‘SCREEN’ |
Amount of dithering noise added to the rendered image to break up banding
Type : | float in [0, 2], default 0.0 |
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Threshold for drawing outlines on geometry edges
Type : | int in [0, 255], default 0 |
Engine to use for rendering
Type : | enum in [‘BLENDER_RENDER’], default ‘BLENDER_RENDER’ |
Codec settings for OpenEXR
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘PXR24’, ‘ZIP’, ‘PIZ’, ‘RLE’], default ‘NONE’ |
When rendering animations, save JPG preview images in same directory
Type : | boolean, default False |
Save the z-depth per pixel (32 bit unsigned int z-buffer)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Audio bitrate(kb/s)
Type : | int in [32, 384], default 0 |
FFMpeg audio codec to use
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘MP2’, ‘MP3’, ‘AC3’, ‘AAC’, ‘VORBIS’, ‘FLAC’, ‘PCM’], default ‘NONE’ |
Audio samplerate(samples/s)
Type : | int in [8000, 192000], default 0 |
Audio volume
Type : | float in [0, 1], default 0.0 |
Autosplit output at 2GB boundary
Type : | boolean, default False |
Rate control: buffer size (kb)
Type : | int in [0, 2000], default 0 |
FFMpeg codec to use
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘MPEG1’, ‘MPEG2’, ‘MPEG4’, ‘HUFFYUV’, ‘DV’, ‘H264’, ‘XVID’, ‘THEORA’, ‘FLASH’, ‘FFV1’], default ‘NONE’ |
Output file format
Type : | enum in [‘MPEG1’, ‘MPEG2’, ‘MPEG4’, ‘AVI’, ‘QUICKTIME’, ‘DV’, ‘H264’, ‘XVID’, ‘OGG’, ‘MKV’, ‘FLASH’, ‘WAV’, ‘MP3’], default ‘MPEG1’ |
Distance between key frames
Type : | int in [0, 100], default 0 |
Rate control: max rate(kb/s)
Type : | int in [1, 14000], default 0 |
Rate control: min rate(kb/s)
Type : | int in [0, 9000], default 0 |
Mux rate (bits/s(!))
Type : | int in [0, inf], default 0 |
Mux packet size (byte)
Type : | int in [0, 16384], default 0 |
Video bitrate(kb/s)
Type : | int in [1, 14000], default 0 |
Order of video fields. Select which lines get rendered first, to create smooth motion for TV output
Type : | enum in [‘EVEN_FIRST’, ‘ODD_FIRST’], default ‘EVEN_FIRST’ |
The file extension used for saving renders
Type : | string, default “”, (readonly) |
File format to save the rendered images as
Type : | enum in [‘BMP’, ‘IRIS’, ‘PNG’, ‘JPEG’, ‘JPEG2000’, ‘TARGA’, ‘TARGA_RAW’, ‘CINEON’, ‘DPX’, ‘MULTILAYER’, ‘OPEN_EXR’, ‘HDR’, ‘TIFF’, ‘AVI_JPEG’, ‘AVI_RAW’, ‘FRAMESERVER’, ‘H264’, ‘FFMPEG’, ‘THEORA’, ‘XVID’], default ‘TARGA’ |
Quality of JPEG images, AVI Jpeg and SGI movies, Compression for PNG’s
Type : | int in [0, 100], default 0 |
Directory/name to save animations, # characters defines the position and length of frame numbers
Type : | string, default “” |
Pixel width over which the reconstruction filter combines samples
Type : | float in [0.5, 1.5], default 0.0 |
Framerate, expressed in frames per second
Type : | int in [1, 120], default 0 |
Framerate base
Type : | float in [0.1, 120], default 0.0 |
Specify how many frames the Map Old will last
Type : | int in [1, 900], default 0 |
Specify old mapping value in frames
Type : | int in [1, 900], default 0 |
More than one rendering engine is available
Type : | boolean, default False, (readonly) |
When true the format is a movie
Type : | boolean, default False, (readonly) |
Bit depth per channel
Type : | enum in [‘8’, ‘12’, ‘16’], default ‘8’ |
Use a DCI Standard preset for saving jpeg2000
Type : | enum in [‘NO_PRESET’, ‘CINE_24FPS’, ‘CINE_48FPS’, ‘CINE_24FPS_4K’, ‘CINE_SCOPE_24FPS’, ‘CINE_SCOPE_48FPS’, ‘CINE_FLAT_24FPS’, ‘CINE_FLAT_48FPS’], default ‘NO_PRESET’ |
Save luminance-chrominance-chrominance channels instead of RGB colors
Type : | boolean, default False |
Type : | RenderLayers bpy_prop_collection of SceneRenderLayer, (readonly) |
Number of scene samples to take with motion blur
Type : | int in [1, 32], default 0 |
Time taken in frames between shutter open and close
Type : | float in [0.01, 10], default 0.0 |
Resolution of raytrace accelerator. Use higher resolutions for larger scenes
Type : | enum in [‘64’, ‘128’, ‘256’, ‘512’], default ‘64’ |
Number of horizontal tiles to use while rendering
Type : | int in [1, 512], default 0 |
Number of vertical tiles to use while rendering
Type : | int in [1, 512], default 0 |
Horizontal aspect ratio - for anamorphic or non-square pixel output
Type : | float in [1, 200], default 0.0 |
Vertical aspect ratio - for anamorphic or non-square pixel output
Type : | float in [1, 200], default 0.0 |
Reconstruction filter used for combining anti-aliasing samples
Type : | enum in [‘BOX’, ‘TENT’, ‘QUADRATIC’, ‘CUBIC’, ‘CATMULLROM’, ‘GAUSSIAN’, ‘MITCHELL’], default ‘BOX’ |
Type of raytrace accelerator structure
Type : | enum in [‘AUTO’, ‘OCTREE’, ‘BLIBVH’, ‘VBVH’, ‘SIMD_SVBVH’, ‘SIMD_QBVH’], default ‘AUTO’ |
Percentage scale for render resolution
Type : | int in [1, 32767], default 0 |
Number of horizontal pixels in the rendered image
Type : | int in [4, 10000], default 0 |
Number of vertical pixels in the rendered image
Type : | int in [4, 10000], default 0 |
Method to draw in the sequencer view
Type : | enum in [‘BOUNDBOX’, ‘WIREFRAME’, ‘SOLID’, ‘TEXTURED’], default ‘BOUNDBOX’ |
Method to draw in the sequencer view
Type : | enum in [‘BOUNDBOX’, ‘WIREFRAME’, ‘SOLID’, ‘TEXTURED’], default ‘BOUNDBOX’ |
Global approximate AA and SSS quality factor
Type : | float in [0, 1], default 0.0 |
Global child particles percentage
Type : | float in [0, 1], default 0.0 |
Global maximum shadow samples
Type : | int in [0, 32767], default 0 |
Global maximum subdivision level
Type : | int in [0, 32767], default 0 |
Color to use behind stamp text
Type : | float array of 4 items in [0, 1], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Size of the font used when rendering stamp text
Type : | int in [8, 64], default 0 |
Color to use for stamp text
Type : | float array of 4 items in [0, 1], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Custom text to appear in the stamp note
Type : | string, default “” |
Number of CPU threads to use simultaneously while rendering (for multi-core/CPU systems)
Type : | int in [1, 64], default 0 |
Determine the amount of render threads used
Type : | enum in [‘AUTO’, ‘FIXED’], default ‘AUTO’ |
Render and combine multiple samples per pixel to prevent jagged edges
Type : | boolean, default False |
Enables Anti-aliasing
Type : | boolean, default False |
Clear Images before baking
Type : | boolean, default False |
With displacement normalize to the distance, with ambient occlusion normalize without using material settings
Type : | boolean, default False |
Bake shading on the surface of selected objects to the active object
Type : | boolean, default False |
Render a user-defined border region, within the frame size. Note, this disables save_buffers and full_sample
Type : | boolean, default False |
Convert to logarithmic color space
Type : | boolean, default False |
Use linear workflow - gamma corrected imaging pipeline
Type : | boolean, default False |
Process the render result through the compositing pipeline, if compositing nodes are enabled
Type : | boolean, default False |
Crop the rendered frame to the defined border size
Type : | boolean, default False |
Create a toon outline around the edges of geometry
Type : | boolean, default False |
Calculate environment maps while rendering
Type : | boolean, default False |
Use 16 bit floats instead of 32 bit floats per channel
Type : | boolean, default False |
Render image to two fields per frame, for interlaced TV output
Type : | boolean, default False |
Disable the time difference between fields
Type : | boolean, default False |
Add the file format extensions to the rendered file name (eg: filename + .jpg)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Free all image texture from memory after render, to save memory before compositing
Type : | boolean, default False |
Free Nodes that are not used while compositing, to save memory
Type : | boolean, default False |
Save for every anti-aliasing sample the entire RenderLayer results. This solves anti-aliasing issues with compositing
Type : | boolean, default False |
Current rendering engine is a game engine
Type : | boolean, default False, (readonly) |
Instance support leads to effective memory reduction when using duplicates
Type : | boolean, default False |
Vertex coordinates are stored localy on each primitive. Increases memory usage, but may have impact on speed
Type : | boolean, default False |
Use multi-sampled 3D scene motion blur
Type : | boolean, default False |
Overwrite existing files while rendering
Type : | boolean, default False |
Create empty placeholder files while rendering frames (similar to Unix ‘touch’)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Calculate radiosity in a pre-process before rendering
Type : | boolean, default False |
Pre-calculate the raytrace accelerator and render raytracing effects
Type : | boolean, default False |
Save tiles for all RenderLayers and SceneNodes to files in the temp directory (saves memory, required for Full Sample)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Process the render (and composited) result through the video sequence editor pipeline, if sequencer strips exist
Type : | boolean, default False |
Type : | boolean, default False |
Type : | boolean, default False |
Calculate shadows while rendering
Type : | boolean, default False |
Enable simplification of scene for quicker preview renders
Type : | boolean, default False |
Disables non-planer quads being triangulated
Type : | boolean, default False |
Only render the active layer
Type : | boolean, default False |
Calculate sub-surface scattering in materials rendering
Type : | boolean, default False |
Render the stamp info text in the rendered image
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the name of the active camera in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the current date in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the filename of the .blend file in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the frame number in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the name of the active cameras lens in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the name of the last marker in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include a custom note in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the render time in the stamp image
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the name of the active scene in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the name of the foreground sequence strip in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Include the render frame as HH:MM:SS.FF in image metadata
Type : | boolean, default False |
Use textures to affect material properties
Type : | boolean, default False |
Save TIFF with 16 bits per channel
Type : | boolean, default False |
Return the absolute path to the filename to be written for a given frame.
Parameters: | frame (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Frame number to use, if unset the current frame will be used. |
Returns: | File Path, the resulting filepath from the scenes render settings. |
Return type: | string |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions