Place new marker at specified location
Parameters: | location (float array of 2 items in [-1.17549e-38, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location of marker on frame |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: |
Add a Tracking Camera Intrinsics Preset
Parameters: | name (string, (optional)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name |
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Interactively change the current frame number
Parameters: | frame (int in [-300000, 300000], (optional)) – Frame |
Clean tracks with high error values or few frames
Parameters: |
Clear all calculated data
Clear tracks after/before current position or clear the whole track
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘UPTO’, ‘REMAINED’, ‘ALL’], (optional)) – Action, Clear action to execute
Create F-Curves for object which will copy object’s movement caused by this constraint
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Delete marker for current frame from selected tracks
Delete movie clip proxy files from the hard drive
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Delete selected tracks
Automatically detect features and place markers to track
Parameters: |
Disable/enable selected markers
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘DISABLE’, ‘ENABLE’, ‘TOGGLE’], (optional)) – Action, Disable action to execute
Jump to special frame
Parameters: | position (enum in [‘PATHSTART’, ‘PATHEND’, ‘FAILEDPREV’, ‘FAILNEXT’], (optional)) – Position, Position to jumo to
Delete selected curves
Delete curve knots
Select graph curves
Parameters: |
Hide selected tracks
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected tracks |
Clear hide selected tracks
Join selected tracks
Lock/unlock selected tracks
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘LOCK’, ‘UNLOCK’, ‘TOGGLE’], (optional)) – Action, Lock action to execute
Set the clip interaction mode
Parameters: |
Open clip
Parameters: |
Toggle clip properties panel
Rebuild all selected proxies and timecode indeces in the background
Reload clip
Select tracking markers
Parameters: |
Change selection of all tracking markers
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) – Action, Selection action to execute
Select markers using border selection
Parameters: |
Select markers using circle selection
Parameters: |
Joint Selected Tracks
Parameters: | group (enum in [‘KEYFRAMED’, ‘ESTIMATED’, ‘TRACKED’, ‘LOCKED’, ‘DISABLED’, ‘COLOR’, ‘FAILED’], (optional)) – Action, Clear action to execute
Set direction of scene axis rotating camera (or it’s parent if present) and assuming selected track lies on real axis joining it with the origin
Parameters: | axis (enum in [‘X’, ‘Y’], (optional)) – Axis, Axis to use to align bundle along
Set optical center to center of footage
Set floor based on 3 selected bundles by moving camera (or it’s parent if present) in 3D space
Set active marker as origin by moving camera (or it’s parent if present) in 3D space
Set scale of scene by scaling camera (or it’s parent if present)
Parameters: | distance (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Distance, Distance between selected tracks |
Set current movie clip as a camera background in 3D viewport (works only when a 3D viewport is visible)
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Slide marker areas
Parameters: | offset (float array of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Offset, Offset in floating point units, 1.0 is the width and height of the image |
Solve camera motion from tracks
Add selected tracks to 2D stabilization tool
Remove selected track from stabilization
Select track which are used for stabilization
Use active track to compensate rotation when doing 2D stabilization
Toggle clip tools panel
Add a Clip Track Color Preset
Parameters: | name (string, (optional)) – Name, Name of the preset, used to make the path name |
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Copy color to all selected tracks
Track selected markers
Parameters: |
Create an Empty object which will be copying movement of active track
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Create vertex cloud using coordinates of tracks
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Undocumented (contribute)
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | offset (float array of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Offset, Offset in floating point units, 1.0 is the width and height of the image |
Undocumented (contribute)
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | factor (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Factor, Zoom factor, values higher than 1.0 zoom in, lower values zoom out |
Undocumented (contribute)
Undocumented (contribute)
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | ratio (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Ratio, Zoom ratio, 1.0 is 1:1, higher is zoomed in, lower is zoomed out |