
base classes — bpy_struct, FluidSettings

class bpy.types.ObstacleFluidSettings(FluidSettings)

Fluid simulation settings for obstacles in the simulation


This is an unphysical value for moving objects - it controls the impact an obstacle has on the fluid, =0 behaves a bit like outflow (deleting fluid), =1 is default, while >1 results in high forces (can be used to tweak total mass)

Type :float in [-2, 10], default 0.0

Amount of mixing between no- and free-slip, 0 is no slip and 1 is free slip

Type :float in [0, 1], default 0.0
  • NOSLIP No Slip, Obstacle causes zero normal and tangential velocity (=sticky), default for all (only option for moving objects).
  • PARTIALSLIP Partial Slip, Mix between no-slip and free-slip (non moving objects only!).
  • FREESLIP Free Slip, Obstacle only causes zero normal velocity (=not sticky, non moving objects only!).
Type :enum in [‘NOSLIP’, ‘PARTIALSLIP’, ‘FREESLIP’], default ‘NOSLIP’

Object contributes to the fluid simulation

Type :boolean, default False

Export this mesh as an animated one (slower, only use if really necessary [e.g. armatures or parented objects], animated pos/rot/scale F-Curves do not require it)

Type :boolean, default False

Volume initialization type

  • VOLUME Volume, Use only the inner volume of the mesh.
  • SHELL Shell, Use only the outer shell of the mesh.
  • BOTH Both, Use both the inner volume and the outer shell of the mesh.
Type :enum in [‘VOLUME’, ‘SHELL’, ‘BOTH’], default ‘VOLUME’

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions

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