This script is a simple menu, menus differ from panels in that they must reference from a header, panel or another menu.
Notice the ‘CATEGORY_MT_name’ Menu.bl_idname, this is a naming convention for menus.
Menu subclasses must be registered before referencing them from blender.
Menu’s have their Layout.operator_context initialized as ‘EXEC_REGION_WIN’ rather then ‘INVOKE_DEFAULT’, so if the operator context needs to initialize inputs from the Operator.invoke function then this needs to be explicitly set.
import bpy
class BasicMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = "OBJECT_MT_select_test"
bl_label = "Select"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator("object.select_all", text="Select/Deselect All")
layout.operator("object.select_inverse", text="Inverse")
layout.operator("object.select_random", text="Random")
# test call to display immediately.
This menu demonstrates some different functions.
import bpy
class SubMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = "OBJECT_MT_select_submenu"
bl_label = "Select"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator("object.select_all", text="Select/Deselect All")
layout.operator("object.select_inverse", text="Inverse")
layout.operator("object.select_random", text="Random")
# access this operator as a submenu
layout.operator_menu_enum("object.select_by_type", "type", text="Select All by Type...")
# expand each operator option into this menu
layout.operator_enum("object.lamp_add", "type")
# use existing memu"VIEW3D_MT_transform")
# test call to display immediately.
When creating menus for addons you can’t reference menus in blenders default scripts.
Instead the addon can add menu items to existing menus.
The function menu_draw acts like Menu.draw
import bpy
def menu_draw(self, context):
base class — bpy_struct
Editor menu containing buttons
If this is set, the menu gets a custom ID, otherwise it takes the name of the class used to define the menu (for example, if the class name is “OBJECT_MT_hello”, and bl_idname is not set by the script, then bl_idname = “OBJECT_MT_hello”)
Type : | string, default “” |
The menu label
Type : | string, default “” |
If this method returns a non-null output, then the menu can be drawn
Return type: | boolean |
Draw UI elements into the menu UI layout
Append a draw function to this menu, takes the same arguments as the menus draw function.
Prepend a draw function to this menu, takes the same arguments as the menus draw function.
Remove a draw function that has been added to this menu
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions
Enter search terms or a module, class or function name.