base class — bpy_struct
Smoke domain settings
How much density effects smoke motion, higher value results in faster rising smoke
Type : | float in [-5, 5], default 0.0 |
Enhance the resolution of smoke by this factor using noise
Type : | int in [1, 10], default 0 |
How much heat effects smoke motion, higher value results in faster rising smoke
Type : | float in [-5, 5], default 0.0 |
Selects which domain border will be treated as collision object
Dissolve Speed
Type : | int in [1, 10000], default 0 |
Type : | EffectorWeights, (readonly) |
Noise method which is used for creating the high resolution
Type : | enum in [‘NOISEWAVE’, ‘NOISEFFT’], default ‘NOISEWAVE’ |
Type : | PointCache, (readonly, never None) |
Compression method to be used
Type : | enum in [‘CACHELIGHT’, ‘CACHEHEAVY’], default ‘CACHELIGHT’ |
Maximal resolution used in the fluid domain
Type : | int in [24, 512], default 0 |
Show high resolution (using amplification)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Smoothen emitted smoke to avoid blockiness
Type : | boolean, default False |
Strength of noise
Type : | float in [0, 10], default 0.0 |
Adjust simulation speed
Type : | float in [0.2, 1.5], default 0.0 |
Enable smoke to disappear over time
Type : | boolean, default False |
Using 1/x
Type : | boolean, default False |
Enable high resolution (using amplification)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Amount of turbulence/rotation in fluid
Type : | float in [0.01, 4], default 0.0 |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions