Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | swap (enum in [‘A_B’, ‘B_C’, ‘A_C’], (optional)) – Swap, The effect inputs to swap |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘CROSS’, ‘ADD’, ‘SUBTRACT’, ‘ALPHA_OVER’, ‘ALPHA_UNDER’, ‘GAMMA_CROSS’, ‘MULTIPLY’, ‘OVER_DROP’, ‘PLUGIN’, ‘WIPE’, ‘GLOW’, ‘TRANSFORM’, ‘COLOR’, ‘SPEED’, ‘MULTICAM’, ‘ADJUSTMENT’], (optional)) – Type, Sequencer effect type
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: |
Undocumented (contribute)
Do crossfading volume animation of two selected sound strips
File : | startup/bl_operators/sequencer.py:41 |
Cut the selected strips
Parameters: |
Cut multicam strip and select camera
Parameters: | camera (int in [1, 32], (optional)) – Camera |
File : | startup/bl_operators/sequencer.py:99 |
Deinterlace all selected movie sources
File : | startup/bl_operators/sequencer.py:134 |
Erase selected strips from the sequencer
Duplicate the selected strips
Add an effect to the sequencer, most are applied on top of existing strips
Parameters: |
Add an image or image sequence to the sequencer
Parameters: |
On image sequence strips, it returns a strip for each image
Parameters: | length (int in [1, 1000], (optional)) – Length, Length of each frame |
Lock the active strip so that it can’t be transformed
Group selected strips into a metastrip
Put the contents of a metastrip back in the sequencer
Toggle a metastrip (to edit enclosed strips)
Add a movie strip to the sequencer
Parameters: |
Mute selected strips
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Mute unselected rather than selected strips |
Move frame to next edit point
Clear strip offsets from the start and end frames
Undocumented (contribute)
Move frame to previous edit point
Open sequencer properties panel
Reassign the inputs for the effect strip
Rebuild all selected proxies and timecode indeces using the job system
Refresh the sequencer editor
Reload strips in the sequencer
Set render size and aspect from active sequence
Add a strip to the sequencer using a blender scene as a source
Parameters: |
Select a strip (last selected becomes the “active strip”)
Parameters: |
Select strips on the nominated side of the active strip
Parameters: | side (enum in [‘LEFT’, ‘RIGHT’, ‘BOTH’], (optional)) – Side, The side of the handle that is selected |
Select or deselect all strips
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) – Action, Selection action to execute
Enable border select mode
Parameters: |
Select all strips grouped by various properties
Parameters: |
Select manipulator handles on the sides of the selected strip
Parameters: | side (enum in [‘LEFT’, ‘RIGHT’, ‘BOTH’], (optional)) – Side, The side of the handle that is selected |
Shrink the current selection of adjacent selected strips
Select all strips adjacent to the current selection
Select a chain of linked strips nearest to the mouse pointer
Parameters: | extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, extend the selection |
Select more strips adjacent to the current selection
Frame where selected strips will be snapped
Parameters: | frame (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Frame, Frame where selected strips will be snapped |
Add a sound strip to the sequencer
Parameters: |
Swap active strip with strip to the right or left
Parameters: | side (enum in [‘LEFT’, ‘RIGHT’], (optional)) – Side, Side of the strip to swap |
Swap 2 sequencer strips
Swap the first two inputs for the effect strip
Unlock the active strip so that it can’t be transformed
Un-Mute unselected rather than selected strips
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, UnMute unselected rather than selected strips |
View all the strips in the sequencer
Zoom preview to fit in the area
Enable border select mode
Parameters: |
Zoom the sequencer on the selected strips
Toggle between sequencer views (sequence, preview, both)
Change zoom ratio of sequencer preview
Parameters: | ratio (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Ratio, Zoom ratio, 1.0 is 1:1, higher is zoomed in, lower is zoomed out |