base class — bpy_struct
Proxy parameters for a movie clip
Build proxy resolution 100% of the original footage dimension
Type : | boolean, default False |
Build proxy resolution 25% of the original footage dimension
Type : | boolean, default False |
Build proxy resolution 50% of the original footage dimension
Type : | boolean, default False |
Build proxy resolution 75% of the original footage dimension
Type : | boolean, default False |
Build free run time code index
Type : | boolean, default False |
Build free run time code index using Record Date/Time
Type : | boolean, default False |
Build record run time code index
Type : | boolean, default False |
Also build undistorted proxies for selected sizes
Type : | boolean, default False |
Location to store the proxy files
Type : | string, default “” |
JPEG quality of proxy images
Type : | int in [0, 32767], default 0 |
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘RECORD_RUN’, ‘FREE_RUN’, ‘FREE_RUN_REC_DATE’, ‘FREE_RUN_NO_GAPS’], default ‘NONE’ |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions