Add vertex to feather
Parameters: | location (float array of 2 items in [-1.17549e-38, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location of vertex in normalized space |
Add new vertex to feather and slide it
Parameters: |
Add vertex to active spline
Parameters: | location (float array of 2 items in [-1.17549e-38, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location of vertex in normalized space |
Add new vertex and slide it
Parameters: |
Toggle cyclic for selected splines
Delete selected control points or splines
Reset the feather weight to zero
Set type of handles for selected control points
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘AUTO’, ‘VECTOR’, ‘ALIGNED’], (optional)) – Type, Spline type |
Reveal the layer by setting the hide flag
Hide the layer by setting the hide flag
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected layers |
Move the active layer up/down in the list
Parameters: | direction (enum in [‘UP’, ‘DOWN’], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to move the active layer |
Add new mask layer for masking
Parameters: | name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of new mask layer |
Remove mask layer
Create new mask
Parameters: | name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of new mask |
Re-calculate the direction of selected handles
Clear the mask’s parenting
Set the mask’s parenting
Select spline points
Parameters: |
Change selection of all curve points
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) – Action, Selection action to execute
Select markers using border selection
Parameters: |
Select markers using circle selection
Parameters: |
Select markers using lasso selection
Parameters: |
Select all vertices linked to the active mesh
(De)select all points linked to the curve under the mouse cursor
Parameters: | deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect |
Undocumented (contribute)
Reset feather weights on all selected points animation values
Undocumented (contribute)
Recalculate animation data on selected points for frames selected in the dopesheet
Parameters: |
Slide control points
Parameters: | slide_feather (boolean, (optional)) – Slide Feather, First try to slide feather instead of vertex |
Switch direction of selected splines