Add an object to the scene
Parameters: |
Add named object
Parameters: |
Add named object at cursor
Parameters: |
Align Objects
Parameters: |
File : |
Convert object animation for normal transforms to delta transforms
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Add an armature object to the scene
Parameters: |
Bake image textures of selected objects
Add a camera object to the scene
Parameters: |
Add a constraint to the active object
Add a constraint to the active object, with target (where applicable) set to the selected Objects/Bones
Clear all the constraints for the active Object only
Copy constraints to other selected objects
Convert selected objects to another type
Parameters: |
Delete selected objects
Parameters: | use_global (boolean, (optional)) – Delete Globally, Remove object from all scenes |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Material name to assign |
Set offset used for DupliGroup based on cursor position
Parameters: | group (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Group, Group index to set offset for |
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Duplicate selected objects
Parameters: |
Duplicate selected objects and move them
Parameters: |
Duplicate selected objects and move them
Parameters: |
Make dupli objects attached to this object real
Parameters: |
Toggle object’s editmode
Add an empty object with a physics effector to the scene
Parameters: |
Refresh data in the Explode modifier
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Toggle object’s force field
Copy game physics properties to other selected objects
Remove all game properties from all selected objects
Copy/merge/replace a game property from active object to all selected objects
Parameters: |
Create a new property available to the game engine
Parameters: |
Remove game property
Parameters: | index (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Index, Property index to remove |
Add an object to a new group
Add a dupligroup instance
Parameters: |
Add an object to an existing group
Parameters: | group (enum in [], (optional)) – Group |
Remove the active object from this group
Reveal the render object by setting the hide render flag
Reveal all render objects by setting the hide render flag
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Hide the render object by setting the hide render flag
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected objects |
Reveal the object by setting the hide flag
Hide the object by setting the hide flag
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected objects |
Hook selected vertices to the first selected Object
Hook selected vertices to the first selected Object
Assign the selected vertices to a hook
Parameters: | modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to assign to |
Set hook center to cursor position
Parameters: | modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to assign to |
Remove a hook from the active object
Parameters: | modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to remove |
Recalculate and clear offset transformation
Parameters: | modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to assign to |
Select affected vertices on mesh
Parameters: | modifier (enum in [], (optional)) – Modifier, Modifier number to remove |
Hide unselected render objects of same type as active by setting the hide render flag
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Join selected objects into active object
Merge selected objects to shapes of active object
Copy UV Layout to objects with matching geometry
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Add a lamp object to the scene
Parameters: |
Clear the object’s location
Copy logic bricks to other selected objects
Make linked objects into dupli-faces
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Make links from the active object to other selected objects
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘OBDATA’, ‘MATERIAL’, ‘ANIMATION’, ‘DUPLIGROUP’, ‘MODIFIERS’], (optional)) – Type |
Link selection to another scene
Parameters: | scene (enum in [], (optional)) – Scene |
Make library linked datablocks local to this file
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘SELECT_OBJECT’, ‘SELECT_OBDATA’, ‘SELECT_OBDATA_MATERIAL’, ‘ALL’], (optional)) – Type |
Make linked data local to each object
Parameters: |
Add a new material slot
Assign active material slot to selection
Copies materials to other selected objects
Deselect by active material slot
Remove the selected material slot
Select by active material slot
Bind mesh to cage in mesh deform modifier
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Add an metaball object to the scene
Parameters: |
Sets the object interaction mode
Parameters: |
Add a modifier to the active object
Apply modifier and remove from the stack
Parameters: |
Convert particles to a mesh object
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Duplicate modifier at the same position in the stack
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Move modifier down in the stack
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Move modifier up in the stack
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Remove a modifier from the active object
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Move the object to different layers
Parameters: | layers (boolean array of 20 items, (optional)) – Layer |
Modify the base mesh to conform to the displaced mesh
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Pack displacements from an external file
Save displacements to an external file
Parameters: |
Deletes the higher resolution mesh, potential loss of detail
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Copy vertex coordinates from other object
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Add a new level of subdivision
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Bake an image sequence of ocean data
Parameters: |
Clear the object’s origin
Set the object’s origin, by either moving the data, or set to center of data, or use 3d cursor
Parameters: |
Clear the object’s parenting
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘CLEAR’, ‘CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM’, ‘CLEAR_INVERSE’], (optional)) – Type |
Set the object’s parenting without setting the inverse parent correction
Set the object’s parenting
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘OBJECT’, ‘ARMATURE’, ‘ARMATURE_NAME’, ‘ARMATURE_AUTO’, ‘ARMATURE_ENVELOPE’, ‘BONE’, ‘CURVE’, ‘FOLLOW’, ‘PATH_CONST’, ‘LATTICE’, ‘VERTEX’, ‘TRIA’], (optional)) – Type |
Add a particle system
Remove the selected particle system
Calculate motion paths for the selected objects
Parameters: |
Clear path caches for selected objects
Recalculate paths for selected objects
Enable or disable posing/selecting bones
Add empty object to become local replacement data of a library-linked object
Parameters: | object (enum in [‘DEFAULT’], (optional)) – Proxy Object, Name of lib-linked/grouped object to make a proxy for |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: |
File : |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: |
File : |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: |
File : |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: |
File : |
Randomize objects loc/rot/scale
Parameters: |
File : |
Clear the object’s rotation
Clear the object’s scale
Change selection of all visible objects in scene
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) – Action, Selection action to execute
Select all visible objects on a layer
Parameters: |
Select all visible objects that are of a type
Parameters: |
Select the active camera
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Select all visible objects grouped by various properties
Parameters: |
Select object relative to the active object’s position in the hierarchy
Parameters: |
File : |
Select all visible objects that are linked
Parameters: |
Select the Mirror objects of the selected object eg. L.sword -> R.sword
Parameters: | extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first |
Select objects matching a naming pattern
Parameters: |
File : |
Set select on random visible objects
Parameters: |
Select object in the same group
Parameters: | group (string, (optional, never None)) – Group, Name of the group to select |
Display faces ‘flat’
Display faces ‘smooth’ (using vertex normals)
Add shape key to the object
Parameters: | from_mix (boolean, (optional)) – From Mix, Create the new shape key from the existing mix of keys |
Clear weights for all shape keys
Mirror the current shape key along the local X axis
Move the active shape key up/down in the list
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘UP’, ‘DOWN’], (optional)) – Type |
Remove shape key from the object
Resets the timing for absolute shape keys
Copy another selected objects active shape to this one by applying the relative offsets
Parameters: |
File : |
Create an armature that parallels the skin layout
Parameters: | modifier (string, (optional, never None)) – Modifier, Name of the modifier to edit |
Mark/clear selected vertices as loose
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘MARK’, ‘CLEAR’], (optional)) – Action
Make skin radii of selected vertices equal
Mark selected vertices as roots
Clear the object’s slow parent
Set the object’s slow parent
Add a speaker object to the scene
Parameters: |
Sets a Subdivision Surface Level (1-5)
Parameters: |
File : |
Add a text object to the scene
Parameters: |
Clear tracking constraint or flag from object
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘CLEAR’, ‘CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM’], (optional)) – Type |
Make the object track another object, either by constraint or old way or locked track
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘DAMPTRACK’, ‘TRACKTO’, ‘LOCKTRACK’], (optional)) – Type |
Apply the object’s transformation to its data
Parameters: |
Add a new vertex group to the active object
Assign the selected vertices to the current (or a new) vertex group
Parameters: | new (boolean, (optional)) – New, Assign vertex to new vertex group |
Blend selected vertex weights with unselected for the active group
Parameters: | factor (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Factor |
Remove Vertex Group assignments which aren’t required
Parameters: |
Make a copy of the active vertex group
Copy Vertex Groups to all users of the same Geometry data
Copy Vertex Groups to other selected objects with matching indices
Deselect all selected vertices assigned to the active vertex group
Modify the position of selected vertices by changing only their respective groups’ weights (this tool may be slow for many vertices)
Parameters: |
Invert active vertex group’s weights
Parameters: |
Add some offset and multiply with some gain the weights of the active vertex group
Parameters: |
Change the lock state of all vertex groups of active object
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) – Action, Selection action to execute
Mirror all vertex groups, flip weights and/or names, editing only selected vertices, flipping when both sides are selected otherwise copy from unselected
Parameters: |
Move the active vertex group up/down in the list
Parameters: | direction (enum in [‘UP’, ‘DOWN’], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to move, UP or DOWN |
Normalize weights of the active vertex group, so that the highest ones are now 1.0
Normalize all weights of all vertex groups, so that for each vertex, the sum of all weights is 1.0
Parameters: | lock_active (boolean, (optional)) – Lock Active, Keep the values of the active group while normalizing others |
Delete the active vertex group
Parameters: | all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Remove from all vertex groups |
Remove the selected vertices from the active vertex group
Parameters: | all (boolean, (optional)) – All, Remove from all vertex groups |
Select all the vertices assigned to the active vertex group
Set the active vertex group
Parameters: | group (enum in [], (optional)) – Group, Vertex group to set as active |
Sorts vertex groups alphabetically
Parent selected objects to the selected vertices
Apply the object’s visual transformation to its data