Align selected UV vertices to an axis
Parameters: | axis (enum in [‘ALIGN_S’, ‘ALIGN_T’, ‘ALIGN_U’, ‘ALIGN_AUTO’, ‘ALIGN_X’, ‘ALIGN_Y’], (optional)) – Axis, Axis to align UV locations on
Average the size of separate UV islands, based on their area in 3D space
Select UV vertices using circle selection
Parameters: |
Project the UV vertices of the mesh over the six faces of a cube
Parameters: |
Set 2D cursor location
Parameters: | location (float array of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Cursor location in normalized (0.0-1.0) coordinates |
Project the UV vertices of the mesh over the curved wall of a cylinder
Parameters: |
Export UV layout to file
Parameters: |
File : |
Follow UVs from active quads along continuous face loops
Parameters: | mode (enum in [‘EVEN’, ‘LENGTH’], (optional)) – Edge Length Mode, Method to space UV edge loops
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Hide (un)selected UV vertices
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected |
Follow UVs from active quads along continuous face loops
Parameters: |
File : |
Mark selected UV edges as seams
Reduce UV stretching by relaxing angles
Parameters: |
Transform all islands so that they fill up the UV space as much as possible
Parameters: | margin (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Margin, Space between islands |
Set/clear selected UV vertices as anchored between multiple unwrap operations
Parameters: | clear (boolean, (optional)) – Clear, Clear pinning for the selection instead of setting it |
Project the UV vertices of the mesh as seen in current 3D view
Parameters: |
Reset UV projection
Reveal all hidden UV vertices
Set mesh seams according to island setup in the UV editor
Parameters: |
Select UV vertices
Parameters: |
Change selection of all UV vertices
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) – Action, Selection action to execute
Select UV vertices using border selection
Parameters: |
Select UVs using lasso selection
Parameters: |
Select all UV vertices linked to the active UV map
Parameters: | extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection rather than clearing the existing selection |
Select all UV vertices linked under the mouse
Parameters: |
Select a loop of connected UV vertices
Parameters: |
Select all pinned UV vertices
This script projection unwraps the selected faces of a mesh (it operates on all selected mesh objects, and can be used to unwrap selected faces, or all faces)
Parameters: |
File : |
Snap cursor to target type
Parameters: | target (enum in [‘PIXELS’, ‘SELECTED’], (optional)) – Target, Target to snap the selected UVs to |
Snap selected UV vertices to target type
Parameters: | target (enum in [‘PIXELS’, ‘CURSOR’, ‘ADJACENT_UNSELECTED’], (optional)) – Target, Target to snap the selected UVs to |
Project the UV vertices of the mesh over the curved surface of a sphere
Parameters: |
Stitch selected UV vertices by proximity
Parameters: |
Set UV image tile coordinates
Parameters: | tile (int array of 2 items in [0, inf], (optional)) – Tile, Tile coordinate |
Unlink selected UV vertices from active UV map
Unwrap the mesh of the object being edited
Parameters: |
Weld selected UV vertices together