base classes — bpy_struct, Actuator
Actuator to handle Constraints
Maximum angle (in degree) allowed with target direction (no correction is done if angle with target direction is between min and max)
Type : | float in [0, 180], default 0.0 |
Minimum angle (in degree) to maintain with target direction (no correction is done if angle with target direction is between min and max)
Type : | float in [0, 180], default 0.0 |
Damping factor: time constant (in frame) of low pass filter
Type : | int in [-32768, 32767], default 0 |
Use a different damping for orientation
Type : | int in [-32768, 32767], default 0 |
Direction of the ray
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘DIRPX’, ‘DIRPY’, ‘DIRPZ’, ‘DIRNX’, ‘DIRNY’, ‘DIRNZ’], default ‘NONE’ |
Select the axis to be aligned along the reference direction
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘DIRPX’, ‘DIRPY’, ‘DIRPZ’, ‘DIRNX’, ‘DIRNY’, ‘DIRNZ’], default ‘NONE’ |
Select the axis to be aligned along the reference direction
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘DIRPX’, ‘DIRPY’, ‘DIRPZ’], default ‘NONE’ |
Keep this distance to target
Type : | float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0 |
Damping factor of the force field spring
Type : | float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0 |
Spring force within the force field area
Type : | float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0 |
Height of the force field area
Type : | float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0 |
Type : | enum in [‘NONE’, ‘LOCX’, ‘LOCY’, ‘LOCZ’], default ‘NONE’ |
Type : | float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0 |
Type : | float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0 |
Ray detects only Objects with this material
Type : | string, default “”, (never None) |
The type of the constraint
Type : | enum in [‘LOC’, ‘DIST’, ‘ORI’, ‘FH’], default ‘LOC’ |
Ray detects only Objects with this property
Type : | string, default “”, (never None) |
Maximum length of ray
Type : | float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0 |
Reference Direction
Type : | float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], default (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Maximum activation time in frame, 0 for unlimited
Type : | int in [-32768, 32767], default 0 |
Add a horizontal spring force on slopes
Type : | boolean, default False |
Keep object axis parallel to normal
Type : | boolean, default False |
Force distance of object to point of impact of ray
Type : | boolean, default False |
Set ray along object’s axis or global axis
Type : | boolean, default False |
Detect material instead of property
Type : | boolean, default False |
Set object axis along (local axis) or parallel (global axis) to the normal at hit position
Type : | boolean, default False |
Persistent actuator: stays active even if ray does not reach target
Type : | boolean, default False |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions