base class — bpy_struct
UV editor data for the image editor space
Type of stretch to draw
Type : | enum in [‘ANGLE’, ‘AREA’], default ‘ANGLE’ |
Draw type for drawing UV edges
Type : | enum in [‘OUTLINE’, ‘DASH’, ‘BLACK’, ‘WHITE’], default ‘OUTLINE’ |
Constraint to stay within the image bounds while editing
Type : | boolean, default False |
Draw faces over the image
Type : | boolean, default False |
Draw edges after modifiers are applied
Type : | boolean, default False |
Display UV coordinates from 0.0 to 1.0 rather than in pixels
Type : | boolean, default False |
Draw other selected objects that share the same image
Type : | boolean, default False |
Draw UV edges anti-aliased
Type : | boolean, default False |
Draw faces colored according to the difference in shape between UVs and their 3D coordinates (blue for low distortion, red for high distortion)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Automatically select also UVs sharing the same vertex as the ones being selected
Continuously unwrap the selected UV island while transforming pinned vertices
Type : | boolean, default False |
Snap UVs to pixel locations while editing
Type : | boolean, default False |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions