Armature Operators


Align selected bones to the active bone (or to their parent)

bpy.ops.armature.armature_layers(layers=(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))

Change the visible armature layers

Parameters:layers (boolean array of 32 items, (optional)) – Layer, Armature layers to make visible

Automatically renames the selected bones according to which side of the target axis they fall on

Parameters:type (enum in [‘XAXIS’, ‘YAXIS’, ‘ZAXIS’], (optional)) –

Axis, Axis tag names with

  • XAXIS X-Axis, Left/Right.
  • YAXIS Y-Axis, Front/Back.
  • ZAXIS Z-Axis, Top/Bottom.
bpy.ops.armature.bone_layers(layers=(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))

Change the layers that the selected bones belong to

Parameters:layers (boolean array of 32 items, (optional)) – Layer, Armature layers that bone belongs to

Add a new bone located at the 3D-Cursor

Parameters:name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the newly created bone
bpy.ops.armature.calculate_roll(type='X', axis_flip=False, axis_only=False)

Automatically fix alignment of select bones’ axes

  • type (enum in [‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘ACTIVE’, ‘VIEW’, ‘CURSOR’], (optional)) – Type
  • axis_flip (boolean, (optional)) – Flip Axis, Negate the alignment axis
  • axis_only (boolean, (optional)) – Shortest Rotation, Ignore the axis direction, use the shortest rotation to align

Create a new bone going from the last selected joint to the mouse position


Remove selected bones from the armature


Make copies of the selected bones within the same armature

bpy.ops.armature.duplicate_move(ARMATURE_OT_duplicate=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)

Undocumented (contribute)

  • ARMATURE_OT_duplicate (ARMATURE_OT_duplicate, (optional)) – Duplicate Selected Bone(s), Make copies of the selected bones within the same armature
  • TRANSFORM_OT_translate (TRANSFORM_OT_translate, (optional)) – Translate, Translate (move) selected items

Create new bones from the selected joints

Parameters:forked (boolean, (optional)) – Forked
bpy.ops.armature.extrude_forked(ARMATURE_OT_extrude=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)

Undocumented (contribute)

  • ARMATURE_OT_extrude (ARMATURE_OT_extrude, (optional)) – Extrude, Create new bones from the selected joints
  • TRANSFORM_OT_translate (TRANSFORM_OT_translate, (optional)) – Translate, Translate (move) selected items
bpy.ops.armature.extrude_move(ARMATURE_OT_extrude=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None)

Undocumented (contribute)

  • ARMATURE_OT_extrude (ARMATURE_OT_extrude, (optional)) – Extrude, Create new bones from the selected joints
  • TRANSFORM_OT_translate (TRANSFORM_OT_translate, (optional)) – Translate, Translate (move) selected items

Add bone between selected joint(s) and/or 3D-Cursor


Flips (and corrects) the axis suffixes of the names of selected bones


Tag selected bones to not be visible in Edit Mode

Parameters:unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected

Make all armature layers visible

Parameters:all (boolean, (optional)) – All Layers, Enable all layers or just the first 16 (top row)

Merge continuous chains of selected bones

Parameters:type (enum in [‘WITHIN_CHAIN’], (optional)) – Type

Remove the parent-child relationship between selected bones and their parents

Parameters:type (enum in [‘CLEAR’, ‘DISCONNECT’], (optional)) – ClearType, What way to clear parenting

Set the active bone as the parent of the selected bones

Parameters:type (enum in [‘CONNECTED’, ‘OFFSET’], (optional)) – ParentType, Type of parenting

Unhide all bones that have been tagged to be hidden in Edit Mode


Toggle selection status of all bones

Parameters:action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) –

Action, Selection action to execute

  • TOGGLE Toggle, Toggle selection for all elements.
  • SELECT Select, Select all elements.
  • DESELECT Deselect, Deselect all elements.
  • INVERT Invert, Invert selection of all elements.
bpy.ops.armature.select_hierarchy(direction='PARENT', extend=False)

Select immediate parent/children of selected bones

  • direction (enum in [‘PARENT’, ‘CHILD’], (optional)) – Direction
  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Add to Selection

Flip the selection status of bones (selected -> unselected, unselected -> selected)


Select bones related to selected ones by parent/child relationships

Parameters:extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first
bpy.ops.armature.select_similar(type='LENGTH', threshold=0.1)

Select similar bones by property types

  • type (enum in [‘LENGTH’, ‘DIRECTION’, ‘PREFIX’, ‘SUFFIX’, ‘LAYER’], (optional)) – Type
  • threshold (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Threshold

Isolate selected bones into a separate armature


Break selected bones into chains of smaller bones

Parameters:number_cuts (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Number of Cuts

Change the direction that a chain of bones points in (head <-> tail swap)

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