
base classes — bpy_struct, Modifier

class bpy.types.VertexWeightMixModifier(Modifier)

Mix the weights of two vertex groups


Default weight a vertex will have if it is not in the first A vgroup

Type :float in [0, 1], default 0.0

Default weight a vertex will have if it is not in the second B vgroup

Type :float in [0, 1], default 0.0

Global influence of current modifications on vgroup

Type :float in [-inf, inf], default 0.0

Which object to take texture coordinates from

Type :Object

Which texture coordinates to use for mapping

  • LOCAL Local, Use local generated coordinates.
  • GLOBAL Global, Use global coordinates.
  • OBJECT Object, Use local generated coordinates of another object.
  • UV UV, Use coordinates from an UV layer.
Type :enum in [‘LOCAL’, ‘GLOBAL’, ‘OBJECT’, ‘UV’], default ‘LOCAL’

Which texture channel to use for masking

Type :enum in [‘INT’, ‘RED’, ‘GREEN’, ‘BLUE’, ‘HUE’, ‘SAT’, ‘VAL’, ‘ALPHA’], default ‘INT’

UV map name

Type :string, default “”, (never None)

Masking texture

Type :Texture

Masking vertex group name

Type :string, default “”, (never None)

How weights from vgroup B affect weights of vgroup A

  • SET Replace, Replace VGroup A’s weights by VGroup B’s ones.
  • ADD Add, Add VGroup B’s weights to VGroup A’s ones.
  • SUB Subtract, Subtract VGroup B’s weights from VGroup A’s ones.
  • MUL Multiply, Multiply VGroup A’s weights by VGroup B’s ones.
  • DIV Divide, Divide VGroup A’s weights by VGroup B’s ones.
  • DIF Difference, Difference between VGroup A’s and VGroup B’s weigths.
  • AVG Average, Average value of VGroup A’s and VGroup B’s weigths.
Type :enum in [‘SET’, ‘ADD’, ‘SUB’, ‘MUL’, ‘DIV’, ‘DIF’, ‘AVG’], default ‘SET’

Which vertices should be affected

  • ALL All, Affect all vertices (might add some to VGroup A).
  • A VGroup A, Affect vertices in VGroup A.
  • B VGroup B, Affect vertices in VGroup B (might add some to VGroup A).
  • OR VGroup A or B, Affect vertices in at least one of both VGroups (might add some to VGroup A).
  • AND VGroup A and B, Affect vertices in both groups.
Type :enum in [‘ALL’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘OR’, ‘AND’], default ‘ALL’

First vertex group name

Type :string, default “”, (never None)

Second vertex group name

Type :string, default “”, (never None)

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions

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