Rearrange some faces to try to get less degenerated geometry
Edge Bevel
Parameters: |
Blend in shape from a shape key
Parameters: |
Make faces between two edge loops
Parameters: |
Flip direction of vertex colors inside faces
Rotate vertex colors inside faces
Parameters: | direction (enum in [‘CW’, ‘CCW’], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to rotate edge around |
Enclose selected vertices in a convex polyhedron
Parameters: |
Delete selected vertices, edges or faces
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘VERT’, ‘EDGE’, ‘FACE’, ‘EDGE_FACE’, ‘ONLY_FACE’], (optional)) – Type, Method used for deleting mesh data |
Delete an edge loop by merging the faces on each side to a single face loop
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Dissolve geometry
Parameters: | use_verts (boolean, (optional)) – Dissolve Verts, When dissolving faces/edges, also dissolve remaining vertices |
Dissolve selected edges and verts, limited by the angle of surrounding geometry
Parameters: | angle_limit (float in [0, 3.14159], (optional)) – Max Angle, Angle Limit in Degrees |
Assign Image to active UV Map, or create an UV Map
Parameters: |
Duplicate and extrude selected vertices, edges or faces towards the mouse cursor
Parameters: | rotate_source (boolean, (optional)) – Rotate Source, Rotate initial selection giving better shape |
Duplicate selected vertices, edges or faces
Parameters: | mode (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Mode |
Duplicate mesh and move
Parameters: |
Collapse selected edges
Collapse selected edge loops
Add an edge or face to selected
Rotate selected edge or adjoining faces
Parameters: | direction (enum in [‘CW’, ‘CCW’], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to rotate edge around |
Split selected edges so that each neighbor face gets its own copy
Select an edge ring
Parameters: |
Select all sharp-enough edges
Parameters: | sharpness (float in [0.000174533, 3.14159], (optional)) – Sharpness |
Extrude individual edges only
Parameters: | mirror (boolean, (optional)) – Mirror Editing |
Extrude edges and move result
Parameters: |
Extrude individual faces only
Parameters: | mirror (boolean, (optional)) – Mirror Editing |
Extrude faces and move result
Parameters: |
Extrude region of faces
Parameters: | mirror (boolean, (optional)) – Mirror Editing |
Extrude region and move result
Parameters: |
Extrude selected vertices, edges or faces repeatedly
Parameters: |
Extrude vertices and move result
Parameters: |
Extrude individual vertices only
Parameters: | mirror (boolean, (optional)) – Mirror Editing |
Copy mirror UV coordinates on the X axis based on a mirrored mesh
Parameters: | direction (enum in [‘POSITIVE’, ‘NEGATIVE’], (optional)) – Axis Direction |
File : | startup/bl_operators/ |
Select linked faces by angle
Parameters: | sharpness (float in [0.000174533, 3.14159], (optional)) – Sharpness |
Display faces flat
Display faces smooth (using vertex normals)
Fill a selected edge loop with faces
Flip the direction of selected faces’ normals (and of their vertices)
Hide (un)selected vertices, edges or faces
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected |
Inset new faces into selected faces
Parameters: |
Cut new topology
Parameters: |
Select a loop of connected edges by connection type
Parameters: | ring (boolean, (optional)) – Ring |
Select a loop of connected edges
Parameters: |
Select region of faces inside of a selected loop of edges
Parameters: | select_bigger (boolean, (optional)) – Select Bigger, Select bigger regions instead of smaller ones |
Add a new loop between existing loops
Parameters: | number_cuts (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Number of Cuts |
Cut mesh loop and slide it
Parameters: |
(Un)mark selected edges as a seam
Parameters: | clear (boolean, (optional)) – Clear |
(Un)mark selected edges as sharp
Parameters: | clear (boolean, (optional)) – Clear |
Merge selected vertices
Parameters: |
Remove navmesh data from this mesh
Add a new index and assign it to selected faces
Copy the index from the active face
Create navigation mesh for selected objects
Assign a new index to every face
Use vertex coordinate as texture coordinate
Parameters: | factor (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Factor |
Make face and vertex normals point either outside or inside the mesh
Parameters: | inside (boolean, (optional)) – Inside |
Construct a circle mesh
Parameters: |
Construct a conic mesh
Parameters: |
Construct a cube mesh
Parameters: |
Construct a cylinder mesh
Parameters: |
Construct a grid mesh
Parameters: |
Construct an Icosphere mesh
Parameters: |
Construct a Suzanne mesh
Parameters: |
Construct a filled planar mesh with 4 vertices
Parameters: |
Add a torus mesh
Parameters: |
File : |
Construct a UV sphere mesh
Parameters: |
Triangulate selected faces
Parameters: | use_beauty (boolean, (optional)) – Beauty, Use best triangulation division (currently quads only) |
Select boundary edges around the selected faces
Remove duplicate vertices
Parameters: |
Reveal all hidden vertices, edges and faces
Disconnect vertex or edges from connected geometry
Parameters: |
Rip polygons and move the result
Parameters: |
Extrude selected vertices in screw-shaped rotation around the cursor in indicated viewport
Parameters: |
(De)select all vertices, edges or faces
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) – Action, Selection action to execute
Select all data in the mesh on a single axis
Parameters: |
Select vertices or faces by vertex count
Parameters: |
Select faces where all edges have more than 2 face users
Deselect vertices, edges or faces at the boundary of each selection region
Select all vertices linked to the active mesh
Parameters: | limit (boolean, (optional)) – Limit by Seams |
(De)select all vertices linked to the edge under the mouse cursor
Parameters: |
Select vertices with no edges nor faces, and edges with no faces
Select mesh items at mirrored locations
Parameters: | extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the existing selection |
Select more vertices, edges or faces connected to initial selection
Select next edge loop adjacent to a selected loop
Select all non-manifold vertices or edges
Select every Nth element starting from a selected vertex, edge or face
Parameters: |
Randomly select vertices
Parameters: |
Select shortest path between two selections
Parameters: | extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend Select |
Select similar vertices, edges or faces by property types
Parameters: |
Selected vertex path between two vertices
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘EDGE_LENGTH’, ‘TOPOLOGICAL’], (optional)) – Type, Method to compute distance |
Separate selected geometry into a new mesh
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘SELECTED’, ‘MATERIAL’, ‘LOOSE’], (optional)) – Type |
Apply selected vertex locations to all other shape keys
Create a solid skin by extruding, compensating for sharp angles
Parameters: | thickness (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – thickness |
The order of selected vertices/edges/faces is modified, based on a given method
Parameters: |
Extrude selected vertices in a circle around the cursor in indicated viewport
Parameters: |
Split off selected geometry from connected unselected geometry
Add sticky UV texture layer
Remove sticky UV texture layer
Subdivide selected edges
Parameters: |
Join triangles into quads
Parameters: |
Add UV Map
Remove UV Map
Flip direction of UV coordinates inside faces
Rotate UV coordinates inside faces
Parameters: | direction (enum in [‘CW’, ‘CCW’], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to rotate UVs around |
Connect 2 vertices of a face by an edge, splitting the face in two
Vertex slide
Parameters: | distance_t (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Distance, Distance |
Add vertex color layer
Remove vertex color layer
Flatten angles of selected vertices
Parameters: |
Inset new faces into selected faces
Parameters: |