Disable an addon
Parameters: | module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the addon to disable |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1535 |
Enable an addon
Parameters: | module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the addon to enable |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1504 |
Display more information on this addon
Parameters: | module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the addon to expand |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1776 |
Install an addon
Parameters: |
File : |
Disable an addon
Parameters: | module (string, (optional, never None)) – Module, Module name of the addon to remove |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1734 |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1135 |
Undocumented (contribute)
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1114 |
Launch the blender-player with the current blend-file
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1200 |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name of the menu |
Set boolean values for a collection of items
Parameters: |
File : |
Set a context array value.
Parameters: |
File : |
Toggle a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Set a context value. Useful for cycling active material,
Parameters: |
File : |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, rna context string |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:514 |
Adjust arbitrary values with mouse input
Parameters: |
File : |
Scale an int context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Set a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Set a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Set a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Toggle a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Set a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Set a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Set a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Toggle a context value
Parameters: | data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Context Attributes, rna context string |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:329 |
Toggle a context value
Parameters: |
File : |
Copy settings from previous version
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1163 |
Open a popup to set the debug level
Parameters: | debug_value (int in [-10000, 10000], (optional)) – Debug Value |
Print dependency graph relations to the console
Load online reference docs
Parameters: |
File : |
Load online reference docs
Parameters: | doc_id (string, (optional, never None)) – Doc ID |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:816 |
Add an Application Interaction Preset
Parameters: |
File : |
Add a theme preset
Parameters: |
File : |
Undocumented (contribute)
Parameters: | filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1105 |
Export key configuration to a python script
Parameters: |
File : |
Import key configuration from a python script
Parameters: |
File : |
Add a Key-config Preset
Parameters: |
File : |
Remove key config
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1459 |
Test key-config for conflicts
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1230 |
Add key map item
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1410 |
Remove key map item
Parameters: | item_id (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Item Identifier, Identifier of the item to remove |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1441 |
Restore key map item
Parameters: | item_id (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Item Identifier, Identifier of the item to remove |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1395 |
Restore key map(s)
Parameters: | all (boolean, (optional)) – All Keymaps, Restore all keymaps to default |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1367 |
Link or Append from a Library .blend file
Parameters: |
Print memory statistics to the console
Change NDOF sensitivity
Parameters: |
Open a Blender file
Parameters: |
Undocumented (contribute)
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1470 |
Add an Application Interaction Preset
Parameters: |
File : |
Open a path in a file browser
Parameters: | filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – filepath |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:769 |
Internal use (edit a property data_path)
Parameters: | data_path (string, (optional, never None)) – Property Edit, Property data_path edit |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1046 |
Change the context tab in a Properties Window
Parameters: | context (string, (optional, never None)) – Context |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1076 |
Internal use (edit a property data_path)
Parameters: |
File : |
Internal use (edit a property data_path)
Parameters: |
File : |
Quit Blender
Set some size property (like e.g. brush size) with mouse wheel
Parameters: |
Load default file and user preferences
Open the default file (doesn’t save the current file)
Open an automatically saved file to recover it
Parameters: |
Open the last closed file (“quit.blend”)
Simple redraw timer to test the speed of updating the interface
Parameters: |
Save the current file in the desired location
Parameters: |
Make the current file the default .blend file
Save the current Blender file
Parameters: |
Pop-up a search menu over all available operators in current context
Opens a blocking popup region with release info
Generate System Info
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:1152 |
Open a website in the web-browser
Parameters: | url (string, (optional, never None)) – URL, URL to open |
File : | startup/bl_operators/wm.py:754 |
Duplicate the current Blender window
Toggle the current window fullscreen