Each argument us an axis in [‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘-X’, ‘-Y’, ‘-Z’] where the first 2 are a source and the second 2 are the target.
Function to ensure an operator has valid axis conversion settings, intended to be used from bpy.types.Operator.check.
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if the value was modified. |
Return type: | boolean |
Return a filepath relative to a destination directory, for use with exporters.
Parameters: |
Returns: | the new filepath. |
Return type: | string |
Execute copying files of path_reference
Parameters: |
Helper function for storing unique names which may have special characters stripped and restricted to a maximum length.
Parameters: |
constant value (<built-in function EnumProperty>, {‘name’: ‘Path Mode’, ‘default’: ‘AUTO’, ‘description’: ‘Method used to reference paths’, ‘attr’: ‘path_mode’, ‘items’: ((‘AUTO’, ‘Auto’, ‘Use Relative paths with subdirectories only’), (‘ABSOLUTE’, ‘Absolute’, ‘Always write absolute paths’), (‘RELATIVE’, ‘Relative’, ‘Always write relative patsh (where possible)’), (‘MATCH’, ‘Match’, ‘Match Absolute/Relative setting with input path’), (‘STRIP’, ‘Strip Path’, ‘Filename only’), (‘COPY’, ‘Copy’, ‘Copy the file to the destination path (or subdirectory)’))})