Make active spline closed/opened loop
Parameters: | direction (enum in [‘CYCLIC_U’, ‘CYCLIC_V’], (optional)) – Direction, Direction to make surface cyclic in |
(De)select first of visible part of each NURBS
(De)select last of visible part of each NURBS
Delete selected control points or segments
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘SELECTED’, ‘SEGMENT’, ‘ALL’], (optional)) – Type, Which elements to delete |
Duplicate selected control points and segments between them
Duplicate curve and move
Parameters: |
Extrude selected control point(s)
Extrude curve and move result
Parameters: |
Set type of handles for selected control points
Parameters: | type (enum in [‘AUTOMATIC’, ‘VECTOR’, ‘ALIGNED’, ‘FREE_ALIGN’, ‘TOGGLE_FREE_ALIGN’], (optional)) – Type, Spline type |
Hide (un)selected control points
Parameters: | unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected |
Join two curves by their selected ends
Construct a Bezier Circle
Parameters: |
Construct a Bezier Curve
Parameters: |
Construct a Nurbs Circle
Parameters: |
Construct a Nurbs Curve
Parameters: |
Construct a Path
Parameters: |
Set per-point radius which is used for bevel tapering
Parameters: | radius (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Radius |
Show again hidden control points
(De)select all control points
Parameters: | action (enum in [‘TOGGLE’, ‘SELECT’, ‘DESELECT’, ‘INVERT’], (optional)) – Action, Selection action to execute
Reduce current selection by deselecting boundary elements
Select all control points linked to active one
Select all control points linked to already selected ones
Parameters: | deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect, Deselect linked control points rather than selecting them |
Select control points directly linked to already selected ones
Select control points following already selected ones along the curves
Deselect every other vertex
Parameters: | nth (int in [2, inf], (optional)) – Nth Selection |
Select control points preceding already selected ones along the curves
Randomly select some control points
Parameters: |
Select a row of control points including active one
Separate (partly) selected curves or surfaces into a new object
Set shading to flat
Set shading to smooth
Flatten angles of selected points
Interpolate radii of selected points
Interpolate tilt of selected points
Interpolate weight of selected points
Extrude selected boundary row around pivot point and current view axis
Parameters: |
Set type of active spline
Parameters: |
Set softbody goal weight for selected points
Parameters: | weight (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Weight |
Subdivide selected segments
Parameters: | number_cuts (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Number of cuts |
Switch direction of selected splines
Clear the tilt of selected control points
Add a new control point (linked to only selected end-curve one, if any)
Parameters: | location (float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Location, Location to add new vertex at |