base classes — bpy_struct, Sensor
Sensor to detect joystick events
The direction of the axis
Type : | enum in [‘RIGHTAXIS’, ‘UPAXIS’, ‘LEFTAXIS’, ‘DOWNAXIS’], default ‘RIGHTAXIS’ |
Which axis pair to use, 1 is usually the main direction input
Type : | int in [1, 8], default 0 |
Precision of the axis
Type : | int in [0, 32768], default 0 |
Which button to use
Type : | int in [0, 18], default 0 |
The type of event this joystick sensor is triggered on
Type : | enum in [‘BUTTON’, ‘AXIS’, ‘HAT’, ‘AXIS_SINGLE’], default ‘BUTTON’ |
Hat direction
Type : | enum in [‘UP’, ‘DOWN’, ‘LEFT’, ‘RIGHT’, ‘UPRIGHT’, ‘DOWNLEFT’, ‘UPLEFT’, ‘DOWNRIGHT’], default ‘UP’ |
Which hat to use
Type : | int in [1, 2], default 0 |
Which joystick to use
Type : | int in [0, 7], default 0 |
Single axis (vertical/horizontal/other) to detect
Type : | int in [1, 16], default 0 |
Triggered by all events on this joystick’s current type (axis/button/hat)
Type : | boolean, default False |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions