base class — bpy_struct
Settings for input devices
The name of the active key configuration
Type: | string, default “”, (never None) |
Amount of pixels you have to drag before dragging UI items happens
Type: | int in [3, 40], default 0 |
Invert the axis of mouse movement for zooming
Type: | boolean, default False |
Swap the Mouse Wheel zoom direction
Type: | boolean, default False |
Time/delay (in ms) for a double click
Type: | int in [1, 1000], default 0 |
Which method to use for viewport navigation
Type: | enum in [‘WALK’, ‘FLY’], default ‘WALK’ |
Device up/down directly controls your Z position
Type: | boolean, default False |
Keep horizon level while flying with 3D Mouse
Type: | boolean, default False |
Overall sensitivity of the 3D Mouse for orbiting
Type: | float in [0.25, 4], default 0.0 |
Invert x axis
Type: | boolean, default False |
Invert y axis
Type: | boolean, default False |
Invert z axis
Type: | boolean, default False |
Invert roll axis
Type: | boolean, default False |
Invert rotation axis
Type: | boolean, default False |
Overall sensitivity of the 3D Mouse for panning
Type: | float in [0.25, 4], default 0.0 |
Display the center and axis during rotation
Type: | boolean, default False |
Invert tilt axis
Type: | boolean, default False |
Rotation style in the viewport
Type: | enum in [‘TURNTABLE’, ‘TRACKBALL’], default ‘TRACKBALL’ |
Zoom using opposite direction
Type: | boolean, default False |
Zoom using up/down on the device (otherwise forward/backward)
Type: | boolean, default False |
Mouse button used for selection
Type: | enum in [‘LEFT’, ‘RIGHT’], default ‘RIGHT’ |
Number of pixels you have to drag before tweak event is triggered
Type: | int in [3, 1024], default 0 |
Main 1 to 0 keys act as the numpad ones (useful for laptops)
Type: | boolean, default False |
Allow moving the mouse outside the view on some manipulations (transform, ui control drag)
Type: | boolean, default False |
Emulate Middle Mouse with Alt+Left Mouse (doesn’t work with Left Mouse Select option)
Type: | boolean, default False |
In text window, paste with middle mouse button instead of panning
Type: | boolean, default False |
If your system uses ‘natural’ scrolling, this option keeps consistent trackpad usage throughout the UI
Type: | boolean, default False |
Rotation style in the viewport
Type: | enum in [‘TURNTABLE’, ‘TRACKBALL’], default ‘TURNTABLE’ |
Axis of mouse movement to zoom in or out on
Type: | enum in [‘VERTICAL’, ‘HORIZONTAL’], default ‘VERTICAL’ |
Which style to use for viewport scaling
Type: | enum in [‘CONTINUE’, ‘DOLLY’, ‘SCALE’], default ‘CONTINUE’ |
Settings for walk navigation mode
Type: | WalkNavigation, (readonly, never None) |
Number of lines scrolled at a time with the mouse wheel
Type: | int in [0, 32], default 0 |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions