mesh_smooth_type (enum in [‘OFF’, ‘FACE’, ‘EDGE’], (optional)) –
OFF Off, Don’t write smoothing.
FACE Face, Write face smoothing.
EDGE Edge, Write edge smoothing.
use_mesh_edges (boolean, (optional)) – Include Edges
use_armature_deform_only (boolean, (optional)) – Only Deform Bones, Only write deforming bones
use_anim (boolean, (optional)) – Include Animation, Export keyframe animation
use_anim_action_all (boolean, (optional)) – All Actions, Export all actions for armatures or just the currently selected action
use_default_take (boolean, (optional)) – Include Default Take, Export currently assigned object and armature animations into a default take from the scene start/end frames
use_smooth_groups (boolean, (optional)) – Smooth Groups, Write sharp edges as smooth groups
use_smooth_groups_bitflags (boolean, (optional)) – Bitflag Smooth Groups, Same as ‘Smooth Groups’, but generate smooth groups IDs as bitflags (produces at most 32 different smooth groups, usually much less)
use_normals (boolean, (optional)) – Write Normals, Export one normal per vertex and per face, to represent flat faces and sharp edges
use_uvs (boolean, (optional)) – Include UVs, Write out the active UV coordinates
use_materials (boolean, (optional)) – Write Materials, Write out the MTL file
use_triangles (boolean, (optional)) – Triangulate Faces, Convert all faces to triangles
use_nurbs (boolean, (optional)) – Write Nurbs, Write nurbs curves as OBJ nurbs rather than converting to geometry