Parameters: |
- check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Filepath used for exporting the file
- filter_glob (string, (optional, never None)) – filter_glob
- version (enum in [‘BIN7400’, ‘ASCII6100’], (optional)) –
Exporter Version, Choose which version of the exporter to use
- BIN7400 FBX 7.4 binary, Newer 7.4 binary version, still in development (no animation yet).
- ASCII6100 FBX 6.1 ASCII, Legacy 6.1 ascii version.
- use_selection (boolean, (optional)) – Selected Objects, Export selected objects on visible layers
- global_scale (float in [0.001, 1000], (optional)) – Scale, Scale all data (Some importers do not support scaled armatures!)
- axis_forward (enum in [‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘-X’, ‘-Y’, ‘-Z’], (optional)) – Forward
- axis_up (enum in [‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘-X’, ‘-Y’, ‘-Z’], (optional)) – Up
- bake_space_transform (boolean, (optional)) – Bake Space Transform, Bake space transform into object data, avoids getting unwanted rotations to objects when target space is not aligned with Blender’s space (WARNING! experimental option, might give odd/wrong results)
- object_types (enum set in {‘EMPTY’, ‘CAMERA’, ‘LAMP’, ‘ARMATURE’, ‘MESH’, ‘OTHER’}, (optional)) –
Object Types, Which kind of object to export
- EMPTY Empty.
- CAMERA Camera.
- LAMP Lamp.
- ARMATURE Armature.
- MESH Mesh.
- OTHER Other, Other geometry types, like curve, metaball, etc. (converted to meshes).
- use_mesh_modifiers (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Modifiers, Apply modifiers to mesh objects (except Armature ones!)
- mesh_smooth_type (enum in [‘OFF’, ‘FACE’, ‘EDGE’], (optional)) –
Smoothing, Export smoothing information (not mandatory if your target importer understand split normals)
- OFF Off, Don’t write smoothing.
- FACE Face, Write face smoothing.
- EDGE Edge, Write edge smoothing.
- use_mesh_edges (boolean, (optional)) – Loose Edges, Export loose edges (as two-vertices polygons)
- use_tspace (boolean, (optional)) – Tangent Space, Add binormal and tangent vectors, together with normal they form the tangent space (will only work correctly with tris/quads only meshes!)
- use_custom_properties (boolean, (optional)) – Custom Properties, Export custom properties
- use_armature_deform_only (boolean, (optional)) – Only Deform Bones, Only write deforming bones
- bake_anim (boolean, (optional)) – Baked Animation, Export baked keyframe animation
- bake_anim_use_nla_strips (boolean, (optional)) – NLA Strips, Export each non-muted NLA strip as a separated FBX’s AnimStack, if any, instead of global scene animation
- bake_anim_step (float in [0.01, 100], (optional)) – Sampling Rate, How often to evaluate animated values (in frames)
- bake_anim_simplify_factor (float in [0, 10], (optional)) – Simplify, How much to simplify baked values (0.0 to disable, the higher the more simplified
- use_anim (boolean, (optional)) – Animation, Export keyframe animation
- use_anim_action_all (boolean, (optional)) – All Actions, Export all actions for armatures or just the currently selected action
- use_default_take (boolean, (optional)) – Default Take, Export currently assigned object and armature animations into a default take from the scene start/end frames
- use_anim_optimize (boolean, (optional)) – Optimize Keyframes, Remove double keyframes
- anim_optimize_precision (float in [0, 20], (optional)) – Precision, Tolerance for comparing double keyframes (higher for greater accuracy)
- path_mode (enum in [‘AUTO’, ‘ABSOLUTE’, ‘RELATIVE’, ‘MATCH’, ‘STRIP’, ‘COPY’], (optional)) –
Path Mode, Method used to reference paths
- AUTO Auto, Use Relative paths with subdirectories only.
- ABSOLUTE Absolute, Always write absolute paths.
- RELATIVE Relative, Always write relative paths (where possible).
- MATCH Match, Match Absolute/Relative setting with input path.
- STRIP Strip Path, Filename only.
- COPY Copy, Copy the file to the destination path (or subdirectory).
- embed_textures (boolean, (optional)) – Embed Textures, Embed textures in FBX binary file (only for “Copy” path mode!)
- batch_mode (enum in [‘OFF’, ‘SCENE’, ‘GROUP’], (optional)) –
Batch Mode
- OFF Off, Active scene to file.
- SCENE Scene, Each scene as a file.
- GROUP Group, Each group as a file.
- use_batch_own_dir (boolean, (optional)) – Batch Own Dir, Create a dir for each exported file
- use_metadata (boolean, (optional)) – Use Metadata