base classes — bpy_struct, Modifier
Mirroring modifier
Distance from axis within which mirrored vertices are merged
Type: | float in [0, inf], default 0.0 |
Prevent vertices from going through the mirror during transform
Type: | boolean, default False |
Merge vertices within the merge threshold
Type: | boolean, default False |
Mirror the U texture coordinate around the 0.5 point
Type: | boolean, default False |
Mirror the V texture coordinate around the 0.5 point
Type: | boolean, default False |
Mirror vertex groups (e.g. .R->.L)
Type: | boolean, default False |
Enable X axis mirror
Type: | boolean, default False |
Enable Y axis mirror
Type: | boolean, default False |
Enable Z axis mirror
Type: | boolean, default False |
Inherited Properties
Inherited Functions