Coding Style Guide
Version: $Id: codingstyleguide.html,v 1.18 2001/12/11 13:54:01 hans Exp $
This document describes the advised coding style for internal
code. When coding external stuff, stick to the external style. The
style guide is a dynamic document: if we find that a certain style
aspect should be changed (because it's ugly, impractical, strange,
inconsistent, etc), it can and should be changed (after we agree on
it, of course!).
At this moment we have a lot of legacy code, and it seems unlikely
that this will change in the near future. Rewriting everything isn't
really an option. Make new code clean, and keep it that way. (Comments
& flak to [email protected])
We should be writing code that is cross platform. There are other
people who do the same, and sometimes they have something usefull to
say. Not all advice applies to our situation, so read with care.
- Mozilla is
a cross-platform browser. They have some tips on doing XP C++.
- (Add your hint list here)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Layout
- 2.1. Tab spacing, tabbing
- 2.2. Parenthesising
- 2.3. Multiple statments on one line
- 2.4. Linewidth
- 2.5. Writing comments
- 3. Names
- 3.1. Keywords and other reserved phrases
- 3.2. Platform identifiers
- 3.3. Write function prototypes
- 3.4. Variable and function names
- 3.5. Using Blender-libraries names
- 4. Type usage
- 4.1. Using booleans
- 4.2. Type conversions
- 4.3. Char and uchar types
- 4.4. Type widths
- 5. Statements and side-effects
- 5.1. Statements with side-effects
- 5.2. Functions with side-effects
- 6. Compiler/linker usage
- 6.1. Static code checks
- 6.2. Using dependencies for experimental code and port discrimination
1. Introduction
Coding styles serve the following purposes:
- A uniform way of choosing names, formatting and layout makes code
easier to read.
- Using a standard style for braces, operators, names etc. helps
detect errors e.g in parenthesising, name clashes.
- Some elements of C and C++ are ambiguously defined by the
standard. Different compilers may give different code. A coding style
gives hints on how to avoid these ambiguities.
Per issue, the following points are treated:
- What: what problem/issue is addressed?
- Who: for who is this applicable?
- Why: why is this a problem?
- Do: what is the advised style? Sometimes there will be a Don't.
- Example: an example illustrating this point.
2. Layout
2.1. Tab spacing, tabbing
2.2. Parenthesising
2.3. Multiple statments on one line
2.4. Linewidth
- What: Try to keep all lines below 80 characters.
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: It makes the code harder to read, especially on an
unadorned text terminal. When debugging, it is nice to have readable
code in the debugger as well.
- Do:
- Set the fill-column of your editor to 78 or 79 columns.
- The length of variable names can be a pain sometimes. Don't make
them too long.
- If you see you are indenting so much that you cannot comply here,
make more functions. A nice rule of thumb is that more than three
indentation levels means making one more function. Most people will
indent something like 4 spaces/tab.
- Example: A small, narrow example.
if (longVariableName > longTestVariableNameWithFrills) {
result = (( a + b) / 5) - (dev * rot * glups);
looks ok, but
if (longVariableName > longT
estVariableNameWithFrills) {
result = (( a + b) / 5)
- (dev * rot * glups);
doesn't. Try rewriting this to something like
if ( var > testvar) {
res = ( ( a + b) / 5 )
- (dev
* rot
* glups);
2.5. Writing comments
- What: Use /* */ for C code comments. Don't nest comments.
- Who: C users.
- Why: Not all C compilers accept // as comment symbol. If
you // your comments, you'll have extra work porting your
stuff. Nested comments may hide code from view temporarily or
permanently, while keeping you wondering what the hell happened.
- Do:
- Use the right comment style for the right language. Don't commit
C code with //-comments.
- Some compilers will actually not complain about having nested
comments. If you compiler is of this persuasion, do yourself a favour
and disable it.
- If you want to block out larger code chunks, consider using
#ifdef 0. This might generate a warning.
- Example: -
3. Names
3.1. Keywords and other reserved phrases
- What: Some letter combinations are keywords.
- Who: C++ users, but especially C users.
- Why: The C standard is very braindamaged on how naming can
and should be used. A lot of stupid things are allowed. Sometimes, it
is legal to use reserved (system)identifiers for your own variable
names. The program's behaviour is another thing entirely.
- Do:
- Please do avoid the following:
- str.... is a reserved namespace! So are is..., mem..., to...,
wcs... . Never have any external variables start with any of
these combinations. You will start linking to functions you never knew
existed. (actually, you might not, but this being a reserved namespace
should make you careful enough).
- Having a struct x, int x in parallel is legal. It is also a good
recipe for a fortnight of impossible debugging. Be careful about this:
the standards allows lots of stupid 'conflicts' here. Use a new name
for a new thing.
- Anything starting with underscores. Sometimes this is allowed,
but it is better not to rely on this.
- There is a list available with all illegal names in C. (Illegal
according to ISO, ANSI or both). It is depressingly long.
- In C++, you may find yourself using '#include <iostream>'
and '#include <iostream.h>'. The difference is that the .h
variety includes and adds everything to the current namespace. The
non-.h variety leaves everything in the std namespace (so you need to
prefix with std:: before using).
- Example: -
3.2. Platform identifiers
- What: Determine on what platform you are compiling
- Who: Porters
- Why: trivial
- Do:
- The first one is the preferred one.
- Beos: __BeOS
- MacOSX / Darwin: __APPLE__ __ppc__
- FreeBSD: __FreeBSD__ __i386__ See porting-versions.html
- Irix: __sgi __mips
- Linux: __linux__ __i386__ __sparc__ __alpha__ __powerpc__
- Solaris: __sun __sparc __i386
- Windows: _WIN32
- (on gcc:) You can test for predefined names and paths with 'gcc
-v filename.c'
- (on gcc:) Doing 'echo foo | gcc -dM -E -' lists the set of
equivalent #define-s for compiler and library versions.
3.3. Write function prototypes
- What: Determine how and where functions are visible.
- Who: Everybody (especially C users).
- Why: It should be clear which functions are visible where,
without looking at linking order or build order. A declaration serves
a a sort of contract, where the builder of a function promises to
deliver certain functionality. Users shouldn't have to peek at the
implementation details to know what is going on. Implicitly declared
functions will always return int, and are assumed to return a value,
even if they are later on declared to do this differently. Often you
will get a link warning/error, but not always.
- Do:
- Write declarations for all functions, especially externally
visible ones.
- Example: -
3.4. Variable and function names
- What: How to choose variable and function names.
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: A uniform naming strategy helps when you are studying
a new piece of code. It also frees you from the task of having to come
up with yet another stupid name.
- Do:
- Choose sensible, descriptive names. Even though the C standard
specifies only the first 6 characters have to be used for linkage,
this is not true for any modern compiler (notably: Gcc, Visual C++ and
the Irix C compiler). Do not feel restricted in name-length (but don't
overdo it, of course).
- A member variable from a class is prefixed with m_. Do not prefix
other variables this way.
- We don't do extensions to indicate types and such. So don't make
iInteger, CClass, bBoolean and so forth.
- Externally visible names must comply to the following
rules. It is a good idea to also make internal names comply:
- c/c++: Function names always start with lower caps.
- c++: Member names always start with a capital.
- c/c++: Words within a variable name are separated with
underscores, and are all lower caps. This is more readable than the
Java-style with caps for each new word.
Function-local variables: Pick whatever you find convenient. Try
to stick to lower caps, try to keep the names short. Local names may
never clash with global names. If this happens, this is a
mistake in the implementation of the local name. External names are
designed be be easily avoidable.
- Example:
- Member variable for counting flutzpahs: m_flutzpah_count
- Method for getting the flutzpah count: GetFlutzpahCount
3.5. Using Blender-libraries names
- What: Use prefixes to mark functions and variables in
external interfaces
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: Avoid name clashes, make interface usage clear, make
dependencies on other modules and libraries explicit.
- Do: At this moment, the following prefixes are in use:
- GEN: General stuff (c++)
- SM: SuMo (Solid Uses Moto), the physics engine (c++)
- KX: Ketsji, the game engine (c++)
- MT: MaTh, mathematics module (c++)
- RE: Render, static rendering (c)
- PR: Portable Runtime, a Netscape library (external code, c)
- PRB: PR-Blender, our own extensions to PR (c)
- SND: SouND, our (currently OpenAL) wrapper and extensions (c)
- RAS: RASterizer, our low level 3D polygon abstraction layer (c++)
- NET: NETworking. Currently our Terraplay CNI wrapper.
- BLI: Blender low-level LIbrary.
- BKE: Blender KErnel.
- BIF: Blender Interface Framework.
- BSE: Blender Space Editor.
- BDR: Blender DRawing.
- DNA: struct DNA, the types definitions of serializable
data, and the construction of DNA.o, which encodes this data.
- AVI: conversion of AVI format files.
- IMB: IMage Buffer, all kind of operations on images.
Not everything is a module yet... But we should work on getting there.
- Example:
in the external interface
of the GEN module should be called GEN_pickFlowers()
4. Type usage
4.1. Using booleans
4.2. Type conversions
- What: Type equality, type conversion, casting.
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: The C standard says: 'Two types are equal if they are
the same.' It also says: 'Two type do not need to be the same to be
equal'. A lot is determined by the compiler builders.
- Do:
- Be consistent with types. Cast carefully. Remember we run on both
big and little endian systems.
- We still need to build in a consistent system to handle matrices,
matrix calculations and such in the old C code. Try to stick to
existing types whereever possible.
- Example: -
4.3. Char and uchar types
- What: Use of char and uchar.
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: The choice for char/uchar can sometimes
be confusing, since some systems use 8 bit chars, whereas others
require uchar to get an 8-bit type.
- Do:
- Always use char, never uchar. Compiler flags are
used to make sure we always use the unsigned variety.
- gcc: use -funsigned-char
- Visual c++: /J (I think...)
- Irix: does it by default (-signed to disable that)
- Example: -
4.4. Type widths
- What: Width of types.
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: Be carefull about the width of types. Converting to a
narrower type will lose information.
- Do:
- As a reminder, these are the type widths:
- char by default unsigned (see also previous point), 8 bits
- short signed integer, 15 bits plus sign
- int signed integer, 31 bits plus sign
- long signed integer, depending on the platform, 31 or 63
bits plus sign. Use this when you need to store a pointer in an
integer or need to calculate with pointers.
- long long signed integer, 63 bits plus sign. ANSI-C does
not support this by default, but fortunately, all our compilers do.
- Example: -
5. Statements and side-effects
5.1. Statements with side-effects
- What: Don't let assignments or function calls have
(un)expected side-effects.
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: Any effect you do not expect will make a program
unpredictable. And any effect you do expect, someone else might
not. Or your expectation might simply be wrong.
- Don't:
- Example: -
5.2. Functions with side-effects
- What: Don't let functions have unexpected side-effects.
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: If functions have unexpected side effects, they make
the code hard to understand and debug. At the very least, you should
document the side effects. Things such as modifying global variables,
modifying devices, doing weird stuff with memory etc. count as side
- Don't:
- Don't let external functions from modules have side effects that
are not well documented.
- Do:
- Make the effects functions have as explicit as possible. If a lot
of data is modified as a result of a function, this should be
documented, or indicated in the function signature.
- Example: -
6. Compiler/linker usage
6.1. Static code checks
- What: Compilers generate warnings in additions to
errors. Warnings can signify errors and mistakes.
- Who: Everybody.
- Why: While a warning will generally not prevent you from
continuing compilation and linking, they are still mistakes or
ambiguities in the code that need inspection. A compiler can be
configured to emit certain warnings, or to withhold others. Static
code checking lint-style is something we do not do here yet.
- Don't:
- Don't ignore warnings. Inspect them, and fix them. New code must
be written warning-free.
- Do:
- Use the following settings for compiling with gcc:
- -Wall, -W
- -Wshadow
- -Wpointer-arith
- -Wbad-function-cast
- -Wcast-qual
- -Wcast-align
- -Waggregate-return
- -Wstrict-prototypes
- -Wmissing-prototypes
- -Wmissing-declarations
- -Wredundant-decls
- -Wnested-externs
Check the GCC manual for their meanings. In most cases, these warnings
will be activated in the Makefile. The warnings flag bad prototyping,
bad casting, superfluous variables and such. Warnings can always be
avoided: you don't need to leave code that generates warnings because
`there's just no other way'. There is.
VC displays different warnings. The projectfiles define these, or
alternately, the Cygwin wrapper for VC translates the above into the
VC equivalent. VC warnings can be disabled by using #pragma's, but
this is not adivised. Avoid doing that.
- Example: -
6.2. Using dependencies for experimental code and port discrimination
- What: Enabling and disabling (experimental) code.
- Who: People working on experimental code pieces, or code that does
only apply for a limited set of target platforms
- Why: Switching off and on of the code must be possible
without recompiling everything. Only undefining an environment variable
*and* modifying one dependency header file is required.
- Don't: Do not only use -DNAN_SOMETHING, this is not enough for
c/c++ code as the change of the -D is not seen by make as a reason to
- Do:
- Create one dependency header file per code piece with only '#define
NAN_SOMETHING' or '#undef NAN_SOMETHING' in it. This file remains as
long as the code piece is under development. All c/c++ files that use
'#ifdef NAN_SOMETHING ... #endif' parts need to include the dependency
header file.
For port discrimination in the dependency header file use
'#ifdef ... #endif' from the Platform identifiers
to guard the NAN_SOMETHING.
- For the GNU make files: Create one environment variable
NAN_SOMETHING so that the makefiles can traverse in the code piece
directories when the define is set.
- Example:
- For the Networking code under development in gameengine/Network
(and in gameengine/Ketsji/KXNetwork, gameengine/BlenderRoutines,
gameengine/Converter and in blender/src) a single dependency header file
gameengine/Network/NG_DependKludge.h was made.
- For the GNU make files (like gameengine/Makefile) a NAN_NET
environment variable is used to traverse into gameengine/Network when