Development Environment

Version: $Id: development_environment.html,v 1.1 2001/05/17 15:48:16 hans Exp $
1. Source file locations
2. Object file location
3. Archive or Library locations
4. Blender executable location

1. Source file locations

We use several CVS repositories :
Check the ones you need out in $HOME/develop/
not-NaN libraries that are under our CVS control, for instance a (optionally stripped down) python library
NaN's internally developed libraries that are completely independent from Blender, like BLUT
the Developers Intranet Website
header files and libraries from extern/ or intern/
dead wood from source/
Visual Studio project files
the blender releasing system
Blender sources, Gameengine sources, stuff that we actively work on

2. Object file location

Object directory base is $HOME/obj/<platform>/ (With platform coming from guessconfig, which itself is in source/tools/guess/) So for instance : Below this base, follow the same directory structure in $HOME/obj/<platform>/ as in develop/source/, with the following exceptions:
not used, leave it away from the object path
not used, leave it away from the object path

3. Archive or Library locations

We have three different locations :
external libraries that are still under our CVS control
you find them in the lib/<platform>/ repository, see above
libraries created from blender modules
you find them in the same directories as their object files are
system libraries
you know where to find them

4. Blender executable location

Blender linking is done in the root Makefile, so the blender executables are put in $HOME/obj/<platform>/