Ketsji Game Engine Framework, Design Document


Erwin Coumans


May 8, 2000



Decision 1.  Ketsji can be both used as a stand-alone application as well as an embedded system.


It can be part of Blender, in which there is a data connection and user-interface sharing in such a way that there is a smooth transition.

When Ketshi is used stand-alone the user can play a game on it.


Decision 2.  The design of the game engine is done in an object-oriented fashion.


There are several reasons for this [see Barenbrug 2000 chapter 3.1.3], some of which are:

Object orientation allows for a common language in discussing and reasoning about the system in all of its views.

Object oriented design allows for a clear separation between interface and implementation, this allows for a higher level of abstraction at the interface level, which aids in clearer (and often smaller) interfaces.

Object orientation supports several constructs (such as inheritance and object composition) to specify relations between subcomponents (classes).

Many components (like physics, audio and graphics components) are easier to incorporate within an object-oriented designed framework.



Decision 3.  Ketsji consists of are large collection of building blocks, also called Game Objects.


These building blocks are the entities that form the atomic data of the game, similar to the Lego bricks. Think of Players, Non Player Characters (NPC), Sounds, Lights, Particle Systems and so on.



Decision 4.  The game logic of Ketsji (also called soft architecture) is build using building blocks of three categories Actuators, Controllers and Sensors.


Components usually fit within one of those categories, and are optional (when a certain platform doesn’t support a specific Actuator, the Actuator can be left out, without problems).


Decision 5.  A type-less connection is used for communication between Sensor/Controller/Actuator building blocks, it is the users responsibility to build a meaningful system.


Sensors, Controllers and Actuators that communicate over a uniform channel are backward and forward compatible, and that channel can be queried for addition information. This way there are very little dependencies created (neither between bricks nor between brick and communication channels). Also it makes the system more flexible for users.



Decision 6.  Data is managed by one ore more accompanying event managers that take care of the real-time performance issues.


Event managers will work in a certain area and can cooperate with other managers. For performance reasons there is a mechanism (Solid can add this functionality) that keeps track of objects that potentially can generate events.



Decision 7.  The game loop consists of several stages that are handled sequentially.


[todo: explain stages,  game logic stage (scripted), physics stage, rendering stage. Feedback of physics stage (and collision stage) is not used for the current frame but for the next.


Decision 8.  Inheritance from the Actuator, Sensor and Controller interface classes is used to make the framework extensible.


This way there can be different kind of Controllers (for example Python Controllers, AI Controllers, Graphically Scripted Controllers) in a transparent way. Same for Actuators and Sensors.



Decision 9.  The hardware specific, platform dependent and low-level tasks are abstracted.


There will be a general-purpose libraries for things like String classes, Input/Output, File-system issues etc.


Decision 10.                      Game Objects are created by a central mechanism. Components have to register themselves to this mechanism in order to be used.


Decision 11.                      Game objects own a Knapsack that can be filled with type-less Properties (Properties are “named Game objects”).