Active X plug-in release

system configuration

To build the Active X plug-in, your Windows system needs to have the Microsoft Platform and Core SDKs installed. You can of course use Maarten's system for that... You also need the NaN Technologies private keys to do the Verisign code signing.

step 1, Compilation

Open Blender project in Visual studio.
Set GP_axctl project as active project.
Set "WIN32 MT DLL" as active configuration.
Switch to ResourceView.
Open BlenderPlayer Resources.
Open Version.
Enter current version in VS_VERSION_INFO (both in FILE_VERSION and in PRODUCT_VERSION).
Build the Active X control (press F7).

step 2, Building the .cab file

Check out release/windows directory from the CVS repository.
Copy the following files to the release/windows/BlenderPlayer/ActiveX directory:

Edit the "Blender3DPlugin.inf" .cab installation file. Update the FileVersion field in the Blender3DPlugin.ocx section to match the version you set in step 1.

Open a command box and navigate to the release/windows/BlenderPlayer/ActiveX directory.
Run "makecab.bat". This will produce "".

step 3, Signing the .cab file

The .cab files needs to be code signed. Use the "signcode.bat" file in the release/windows/BlenderPlayer/ActiveX directory to do this for you. You will need a floppy disk with the NaN Technologies private key on it. The batch file will ask for the password of the private key; Maarten knows it.

Now check if the signing succeeded by running the "checksigncode.bat" batch file. If all is well, you will see the Verisign Security Warning dialog box asking you to trust NaN Technologies BV.

step 4, Distributing the .cab file

To enable everybody within NaN to install and test the thing, we have a special plug-in install HTML page on ( . You will need to copy the .cab file to the server and update the html page. Other people cannavigate to this page (user: plugin, pass: plugin). Assuming you have priviliges on the server: