Code Status

Version: $Id: codestatus.html,v 1.10 2001/07/03 09:48:27 nzc Exp $

(Comments & flak to

The graphs show how many lines of warnings emerge from a clean build of Blender. Getting the warning counts to 0 for all files will enable us to start using static code checkers (tools that can find certain types of errors by scanning the code). The warning counts differ per module. The exact numbers are available as well, but I don't list them here anymore (the tables would become big and not very useful).

The warning count is extracted from a 'make clean; make' on FreeBSD, compiling with gcc. Warning setting are different per module: see the Makefile history to see wich warnings are/were active at the time of counting. Warnings are counted with 'grep warning compiler_output | wc -l'.

We are up to the third round of warning counts. The counting rules changed as follows:

Graphs of the warning counts

Warnings per source file

Total warnings per module