Ketsji unveilled

module owner: Janco Verduin

Version: $Id: loader.html,v 1.1 2001/05/28 15:18:09 janco Exp $

The loader

The loader is a module that works like the converter, but is meant for using external files as input for the standalone gameengine instead of the internal data used for input for the embedded gameengine.
When creating a loader, you have to realize what kind of things you want to load. You want to put only those things in the fileformat that you really need. The most basic information is static world data. Information like meshes, sound parameters etc are stored here. On top of this comes animation. In ketsji information like this is needed for the scenegraph and for the ipocontrollers. The next layer is the physicsdata, needed to fuel the physicscontrollers. On top we have the artificial intelligence with its sensors, controllers and actuators. [top]

The loader in detail


Using the loader


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